Jinxproof 9lbs hammer grow log

I popped three 9lbs hammer seeds about a dozen days ago, been eyeballing this strain for a couple years now and finally I have them in my indoor garden. I plan to use promix and green planet medi-one for nutrients but was contemplating using my autopot system with living soil but still up in the air at this point. I will do regular updates here which will include a 6 to 8 week veg, cloning and of course flower and harvest.
I included a cool picture of one of the seedling that is about 5 Inches tall and currently still has the seed shell holding on to one of the cotyledons.



Nice…9 LB Hammer has quite the following up here in AK! Great strain indeed!!


I have heard great things and seen some beautiful plants so I’m pretty pumped.


I was introduced to 9 lb hammer not to long ago.
It lived up to it’s name…

Let’s do this…


Hell yeah!


I ran it for a couple years, great grape, bubble gum flavours and fat buds on smallish plants.


Sweet! Like you, I’ve had my eyes on this one for awhile as well. Will be cool to see it grown out.

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Oh thank you, I have been called alot of things and now I can include sweet to the list lol😂

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Hah! Great avatar!
Following along. :+1:
I know noffing of this hammer plant, but I’m intrigued. :nerd_face:
Thank you for choosing living soil, we’re everywhere!
Gaining in numbers, steadily and surely…

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Yeah i have a buddy that had some beautiful 9lbs hammer in his garden and it was just fantastic in all aspects.

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Looking forward to this, grew out a JOTI cross a while back with the infamous :hammer: was pretty impressive.

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Nice! I have a couple of joti strain waiting in line also, black candyland and black dolato.

Well here we go with a little update.
The 9lb hammer has been attached by the thrips :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:so I had to remove them from the tent and put them in my laundry room under a florescent light which are substandard conditions in my opinion, they have stretched quite a bit but I have the thrips beat, I used a few applications of end all during lights out and then I used diatomaceous earth over the soil and a light dusting over all the plants in the veg tent.


Well I have been reluctant to update here just because of these fuckin thrips, I have never had suck a hard time getting rid of them(had them once in the past) , I normally just spray at lights out with safers end all, well after a few days they seemed to be gone, a few days later they were back in full force so I gave a heavy spray this time and severely burnt all the plants :-1:. After doing some research I tried diatomaceous earth with zero success which then led me to pure neem oil, everyday at lights out I sprayed the plants and as of now I cannot find one thrip :fist:. So once my small veg tent is available I will move these plants in there and take clones as soon as they are ready.

Grow some field vetch alongside your cannabis, the thrips prefer it, turn enemies into friends by giving them habitat and food in the form of a few sacrificial vetch plants to keep them away from the cannabis.

Also, if your plants keep thriving, why bother trying to get rid of the thrips.
Only take action when the plants are noticably suffering.

Can save you from many a headache.


Yeah the thrips were doing damage, plants were definitely suffering.
I will definitely try out the vetch thanks for the input.


Also vetch grows easily in very poor soil, actually prefers it over rich soil I notice.
It seems to self terminate once nitrogen levels in the soil are optimal, amazing stuff.
So some random dirt from outside will do fine.

Actually it might be wise to mix some of your local soil in with all your indoor soil.
May have insects in it that will eat the thrips.

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The last time I had thrips I just so happened to have a marigold in my tent and I did notice that most of the thrips were on the marigold so I put it outside (I think it was a marigold) in atemp to rid them of my grow space.

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Just keep some marigolds in there too along with the vetch (which also fixes nitrogen, so it’s a double win if you plant it all in the same pots as your cannabis).