A Breeder Steve Thread

That’s the worst thing I ever heard! Complete control over the plant like that’s is not good. See ya later hybrids, see ya later landraces. That’s death to cannabis as we know it, possibly pushing it to extinction.
That’s sad to hear breeder Steve has a hand in it. He of all people should know better


Being honest I would say thatit would be great to be able to aquire a stable seedless variety for personal stash growing. I say that because then those ladies could be flowered in a room with a breeding project going on with totally different plants and the pollen flying around would have no effect on the plants being grown for stash rather than seed.
So I do see a “plus side” … as long as the powers that be don’t use it as a tool to eradicate fertile cannabis from the legal framework.


I do agree with you looking at it from that angle but it’s scares me because I know it’s not the reason the powers at be have in mind. I could be wrong tho and I definitely hope I am.


yes the reality is that the big producers are constantly lobbying politicians to make regulations that “protect” thier interests.
Home growing and the “grey market” of what here in Canada is called illicit genetics is constantly the target of these lobbying actions. All the seeds we growers source are considered illicit/illegal because they did not come from one of Canada’s licensed producers.
Breeder Steve seems to be actively seeking Licenced Producers for his discovery… and that in itself does not bode well for the home grower.

That said I wonder… I am a licensed producer of my own Cannabis for medical purposes. I wonder if this make me eligible for what breeder steve is offering hehehe


This is exactly my concern. The constant attempts to treat cannabis genetics like a patentable asset in the way that drives the pharmaceutical industry is quite dystopian. While sterile cannabis from an innocent growers perspective would be useful and quite cool. The potential control that it would give our new form of pay to play legislation (which to my eye is all recent cannabis legislation and only serves the wealthy to exploit the population) is too great. The reality is that cannabis is a plant, its not OK that we allow ownership of it by small number of greedy, lazy scumbags.

Rant over and it felt good haha


I have heard of others attempting “Terminator” genetics and welcome all of it , it’s a little to late to worry about science infringing into cannabis , no one freaked out 50 plus years ago and since about polyploidy creation so why Terminator genes?


You can’t keep home growers down and none of any government intervention has slowed us down , 35 years ago I was using old landraces mixed to new Dutch stuff and a whole bunch of much more experienced people were doing it long before I , we are all still doing the same while sourcing any landrace we want or anything our freaky little hearts desire , don’t let big government or what someone else is doin concern you and continue the journey.


I think of more concern is “Big Agriculture” doing to weed what they have done to corn, soybeans, etc. to get a monopoly on an otherwise “free-flowing” commodity that is plant seeds.


It’s already been done so do we sit and say “oh god big agriculture is here” when cannabis activists pushed hemp to open the door as a road to legalization ?


We vote for sensible leaders, who will hopefully do the right thing. By changing draconian anti-drug laws.


Yes we do but they sensibly get a lot more in their pocket from giant agriculture than from the millions of home growers around the planet , the days of the Jimmy Stewart roll up his sleeves for the people politician is long gone and billionaires rule


you raise good points @lunchpale
In the end, as long as a person has a good seed stash and a few solid connections for sharing and preserving lines… there’s not much big agriculture or the government can do.


In the meantime, i bought some Sweet Tooth 4 by @Baudelaire at Fleur Du Mal Seeds.
I can’t wait to grow these plants!
I got an 1/8th of Sweet Tooth maybe 15? years ago and i still remember how pleasant the high was.


Here’s the best deal on Blockhead hybrids I’ve seen, $1/seed from 707 Shabud:


I suggest getting your blockhead crosses via

Chimeras genetics are imho some of the finest on the planet. Hands down. Flavor through the wazoo and killer effects. They just don’t breed cannabis like this anymore
BeanHoarder aka “BeanHo” at Hemp Depot. Though ordering can be an arduous process, the genetics are FIRE and they are absurdly affordable.


I’ve got a few packs of old Spice of Life gear. The Donk is one I’ve got a couple packs of. Breeder Steve himself said the strain is ok but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to dig into them someday


Is blubonic one of them? :face_with_monocle:


That’s 10 dollars a seed lol but I got the sfv x kush cleaner at 1 dollar a seed and can’t wait to see how they turn out :+1::+1:


Basically a sfv back cross