A gift from Bodhi turned seed factory - Vintage Hawaiian Indica X Purple Unicorn

I’m watching 3 threads asking people for the seeds to be planted soon after receiving. It’s amazing how it slows down everyone. It’s also great watching people say I’ll hit the second or third wiki


I edited the wiki to strikethrough the part about starting them soon. I realized that was very stupid of me. Grow them when ya want!

Tagging those that showed interest so they can sign up if they want.
@TopShelfTrees1 @Longtooth @Uprangewilly @HeadyBearAdventures @Emeraldgreen @Dcoolbreeze1 @Amendment3 @invisible @Rogue @OhNo555 @Elpolloloco @funkyfunk @wadar @misterbee


Awesome! Ya so many are booked up for at least a few months, many like 6+ but I’ll gladly throw a couple down asap (within the next 45 days) for you. Thank you for offering these up @Greenup very cool of you putting a rare one in peoples hands. Much respect


Hey thanks for the head up and opportunity too! I don’t think the part you striked was stupid, it’s cool to mention it when you await something from the giveaway. Sometimes the beans just stay in a fridge otherwise.


Thank you for the tag I appreciate it. It’s your giveaway, you can make it anything you want. No apologies
Are you looking for any genetics yourself?


Those plants look great. Nice work . Love the colours on these . Love to run them indoors :blush:

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Echoing this! When we DM, let me know what you’re hunting, and I’ll try to hook it up.


I have been on the hunt for Blackberry Kush sometimes labeled Blackberry OG. Every year I go to colorado and look for seeds for sale, never find it. But Silverstem dispensary in CO sells the flower and it is medically and recreationally awesome for me. So I get some and hope for a seed. This year I found 2 seeds in an oz, who knows if they will grow or if they are cross or herm. But if you have legit blackberry kush, I would give a pinky toe for it. Would love to find dutch treat as well. Anything skunky from exotic genetix or solfire cause i want to try them so bad but I am a cheap ass already sitting with a vault of seeds from friends.

That being said, this is my chance to pay it back to the community, so nothing is needed. I have a lifetimes worth of fun ahead of me thanks to seeds I got on overgrow.


If only!
I’ve been hunting that one myself.
If I find it though, I’ll let you know!


Thats awesome, Nice plant

Makes three of us! Now I’m bound and determined though


That’s why we’re gonna hunt through those HA OG crosses!


Hell yea bro! And I’m super looking forward to those too! :drooling_face: gets me stoked just thinking about it


It’s curious to me how really good strains just sorta disappear. No blackberry kush here unfortunately


This might be worth looking into if you want Blackberry Kush… figured you would’ve noticed, @HeadyBearAdventures, since you were chatting about it literally a half hour after it was originally posted. :stuck_out_tongue:


Humboldt Seed Co “Don Carlos” is supposed to be akin to BlackBerry OG/kush :man_shrugging:t2:

It was one of their many strains I just never looked at for whatever reason, finally got around to reading the description & it sounds NOICE. Supposed to be reeeeal strong, too.


Yes! @RookieBuds I have had my eye on the Don Carlos for some time. I have hella jelly,blueberry muffin and collie man kush from HSC and the hella jelly is unreal how much it smells like candy. But I am a funky guy more than candy. If someone has Don Carlos I would love some. I will eventually buy that one


I sent out PMs to all the people that signed up! Thanks everyone. It makes me happy to share these.


This is the blackberry kush I get

flower-co-cartridge-blackberry-kush.pdf (373.7 KB)

I like the low CBD content.

Same here, I think it’s just the fact that they are hoarded by the guys trying to capitalize and make a quick Buck, then what remains is forgotten about, until one day they see a post, or someone asks etc. there are people I know personally with upwards of 2500 packs of genetics (absolutely serious) and one I know of with just shy of 4000 ! And although many have them cataloged and categorized etc. so many do not, I always laugh when people say,” ok I’ll have to go look through the fridge , I don’t know half of what’s in there anymore :man_facepalming:t2: “ I’ll admit there’s probably a few packs I missed but given enough time and the right kind of smoke beforehand I could probs write down 75-80% of what I have, and my stash is definitely no slouch :wink: the other reasoning is people trying to hold stuff until it becomes rare/sought after. Unfortunately I’ve seen it 6-7 times already myself where an accident occurs (god forbid) and the amazing genetics go to someone who could care less and there they remain until they are essentially unviable trash or get tossed! My good friend from Cali had a very close friend who passed a few years back (motorcycle accident) he knew he had a crazy stash but like most of us, there’s packs we don’t even tell ANYONE we have cuz we wouldn’t trade or sell em regardless. Well his girlfriend let a few people look through and take what they wanted, a few weeks later he was over buying all his motorcycle stuff and said “I’ll buy the seeds too if you don’t have plans, or at least help you get too dollar for them “ she says “really, like those are worth money? :man_facepalming:t2:” “oh yes some packs can be worth thousands to the right person and right now we’re in a genetic paradise” so she told him what she’d done, and brought him to the basement, when he opened the fridge he knew as there was two cases remaining but no way they held even half of what he had. Then he found the list clipped to the side on a clipboard! This man had stuff most of us would kill for, absolutely kill for and some I’m absolutely certain will most likely be lost as no one has them or at very best a couple people in the world. He was devastated as I’m sure she was too…… just goes to show, always have some type of plan in place, with someone you trust unconditionally to prevent this. EVERYTIME I tell or think if this story it puts a knot in my stomach, especially after hearing some of the gems he held :pensive: