A Little Bag Seed Journal

hey OG, how yall doin? I’ve been posting around for a bit now and I really dig it here. I grow outdoors in the beautiful foothills of california where as a medical user I’m allowed 12 mature plants a season. Not too shabby if I say so myself. I like to grow in a semi-but-mostly organic fashion inspired by JADAM and knf. I have a few grow seasons under my belt and I’ve started to make the transition from clones to seeds and I’m hoping to start dabbling in breeding and seed reproductions once I build my indoor breeding box / landrace grow space.

I’ve been messing around with a bag seed strain I got from a friend and I thought I’d use it as an opportunity to make my first grow journal and document the process :sunglasses::+1: The story goes basically how you expect it would - my buddy (an old stoner) runs out of weed mid summer a few years back, buys some seeded weed from his buddy (a slightly less old stoner) only really memorable for how schwaggy it was, but it likely could have been grown better by the look. I soaked the several dozen seeds we had, the vast majority of which floated but maybe ten sank. Planted them all in a 1 gal, and then separated the 4 seedlings that popped up. Two however were either planted right next to eachother or a set of twins, and so I left them together. One dampened off and out of the “three” that remained, the solo plant grew into a healthy male, and the duo resulted in a 2-3in male and a healthy female roughly the same size and structure as the healthy male. They grew under a crappy desk lamp with a screw in “grow bulb” led. Here are the only pics I took of them at the time. I wish I did more documenting but I was just goofing around and seeing if I could grow them at all.

You can see the tiny male flopped over in the bottom right of the left plant pot. They didn’t get magnificent seed or pollen production under that light as you may imagine, but I have a few dozen healthy looking seeds that sprouted with vigor when I started a few early april of this year. Of the 5 I started, 1 dampened off, 3 are healthy and one was stunted by overfeeding and then over watering (oopsie). It was treated very similarly to the other seedlings so I suspect it’s just a lighter feeding pheno. For preservation sake I want to keep them all until I have tents and can take clones to begin selection.

Of the three healthy plants, they appear to have a sativa structure, actually somewhat similar to the one healthy trainwreck (twenty20 mendocino) I have growing near them. Two of the bag seed plants are in bags (apt eh?) with very similar structure, and one is in the ground guerilla style on the site of an old tree stump, which even as a seedling was much leggier than any of my other plants. It needed support very early on.

The soil is nothing special, bulk stuff from nearby nurseries and seed supplies, mixed with different bagged soils from the same places that looked nice. In the two bagged plants I also added some rich, loose earth I found under an old fallen tree because I didn’t (and still don’t) have enough soil to fill the bags, which are somewhere around 25 or 30gal. I can’t remember which :joy:. The dirt was dark, rich smelling and loose like sand :eyes:One bagged bag seed is male with obvious pollen sac preflowers, one is female with obvious white pistils, and I can’t tell yet but ol stumpy is looking male as well. It may be maturing slower but it also gets slightly different light than the two in bags - less direct sun in the morning, more in the evening.

Having the known male has now given me motivation to build my breeding tents and collect some pollen…more to come later :sunglasses: Here are some pics

the known female:

the known male:

ol stumpy:

and the little runt. It was perking its head up for the first time in awhile today, after a feeding and then a healthy spraydown with soap and JLF this morning, a few days after:

all three healthy bag seeds are about 4-5ft in height as of today. Ol stumpy was the leggy bag seed, which needed propping up as a seedling and ended up being buried up to its cotyledons when it was transplanted from its solo cup to a 1gal so in theory it could have been taller right now. Their stem rub smells range from licorice, cloves, cinnamon, and I suppose menthol? kinda minty and herbaly. I really like it. I’m looking forward to seeing how these turn out!

feel free to hang out and post, this is just going to be a causal follow-me-in-my-adventure kind of thread. I would also love to hear if anyone has ideas what strains these plants might be related to


Great posting! I have no idea what the parent seedstock may have been but this is definitely looking like a sativa heavy pheno to me. I am going to follow along to see what grows!




for the record, updates will be a little slow, I can’t grow at home due to my lease so I can only access my grow space at my bud’s every other week or so.

I bought up some pvc before I left and when I get back I hope to start building my tents. I’ll be doing a 3x3x7.5 for flowering out males and in the future some landrace females that my climate doesn’t support, and a 3x2x6 for cloning, seed starting and veg. I’m not positive I need to go that tall on the veg tent but if I can then why not eh? With a DIY build like this it wont be hard to adjust details later. I still need to order lights, ventilation and a few odds and ends but I know what I want. We’ll get there one step at a time :wink:


That’s a beautiful healthy plant. :v:


Thanks bud, I think the JLF is making the biggest difference.

I’ll get some pictures next time I’m up. In theory you can let these brews sit for years as they get better but I like to make new ones for the fun of it. For my original batch I used old root balls, stems, trim (after sifting it of course :grin:) , some local weeds and grasses, trimmings from a vine and the blackberry bush, put em in a 5gal out in the garden, topped it with a handful of healthy local leaf mold and a little man-made nitrogen right fron the tap if you savvy, watered to fill it most of the way up. I did that in the middle of a summer and by god if that thing wasn’t overflowing like a waterfall the next day from I can only imagine was the sudden and rapid microbial action it got. Everything I touched with that stuff reached for the moon. I essentially do variations on the same theme with different plants in the garden each year


Tragedy! Well that didn’t last very long. I must have jinxed it by making this thread, because the day after I made it I go back home and my buddy decides to adjust the water to go on twice a day because it was going to get hot. Only he set it to go on 0 times a day. And then proceeded to not look out his window at the garden for three whole days. Needless to say, his old lady is pissed off about her garden. But then again she didn’t look out the window either! I love the guy, but I just don’t know what goes on in his head.

I don’t know why but the site wont let me upload his pictures, they’re both jpg’s under 1mb. Take it for my word they’re looking like goners. He’s going to take cuttings from the healthiest parts of each plant (not just my bag seeds) and we’re going to hope we’ll have something to move inside of the tents later this year. What a shame, this was going to be our best season ever. Only seems fitting something would go wrong. Unless a miracle occurs and any of my plants survive, this grow journal is over quicker than it started, and I’ll see you all in the indoor section in a few months :v:


Sorry for your loss man.


May Stumpy and family rest in peace……,


Swales would help you tremendously, dig a few shallow swales along the side of the slope so that more rain can sink into the soil instead of rolling down the hill, taking nutrients with it.

This is essential if you wanna grow anything there without having to water, water harvesting is your number one priority.

Then make sure that every square inch is covered with a perennial groundcover crop, carpobrotus for example. (Carpobrotus - Wikipedia)
Create narrow footpaths and don’t walk where you don’t absolutely need to be.

Also plant more trees, you have full control over how much shade they bring by pruning them. Free firewood, or you can use it as mulch with a woodchipper, holding more moisture and creating habitat for mycelium and beneficial insects.

Or put your cannabis closer to the trees and bushes you already have.

It’s a bit of effort in the beginning, but once it all takes off you won’t have to think much about water anymore, for the rest of your life and your children’s lives, and their children’s lives.

ah I appreciate the tips man, but I wasn’t aiming to not water :joy: Just a happy little accident :sob:

I do think more mulch and cover crops could have helped keep them alive longer, maybe until they were discovered but with 3 days of 90F+ heat, in a place where 7 days of rain per year is a lot and 20-30%rh is the norm, I’m not sure there was anything short of checking them earlier that could have saved them


well I feel very embarrassed but I have to give credit where credit is due; I came up to the garden this weekend and it seems I may have been the one to kill the plants! Also potential gross out alert - I am a natural farmer :rofl:

My plants still didn’t get water, and still weren’t looked at for three days, but there were other plants in the Mrs’ garden that had been watered and died too - younger tomatoes and zucchinis. The thing they had in common? They all got a foliar spray of my magic joojoo after I added some…“yellow nitrogen” to the mix. They’ve had plenty of foliars of this batch before this recent addition, so I think that’s what did it.

I had my morning coffee(s), did my business in the 5gal of joojoo, mixed it up and poured a little into my half empty around-the-garden container, and used it at what ended up being 2tbs a gal (I meant it to be 1 but shrugged when I stonedly added the second dose). I didn’t think anything of it because I’ve done the same in previous mixes without causing any trouble, and I’ve used this particular batch before the addition just fine as well. I think the difference is those earlier batches with urine were left to ferment for several weeks while I used this batch with fresh urine, which after reading on the net is a positively terrible idea for foliar applications! Take a lesson from me folks, apply your free N directly to your soil, not your plants, and any time you try something new do so carefully. It’s just like the carpet cleaner says, apply to a small patch off in the corner so none of your guests notice before going to town on the whole thing!

aye yae yae. Very embarassing. And a damn shame. I’ve never come close to burning a plant before and here I go right as I start showing off massacring my whole garden with the internet as my witness! Hard lesson learned, but I don’t feel so bad. It’s something to know going forward and there’s some good news too…

I did not spray the clones we’re growing semi-organically right up the hill. They do get the JLF joojoo in their soil drench along with fox farms grow big, although they haven’t gotten anything since the addition. The way my buddy put it I was thinking they were goners too, which had me very depressed :rofl: but they’re still going strong and they are much further along than my seedlings were so we still have a chance for a fantastic grow season. Tragedy averted! Needless to say I will be testing my joo joo slowly from now on, and on weeds first :joy: I owe my buddy’s old lady big time :zipper_mouth_face:

In other good news, craigslist has been the homie lately and it looks like my indoor setup is going to come together much sooner and cheaper than expected…without any speedbumps we could be rolling our first indoor grow by september :crossed_fingers: When the time is right I’ll start a new diary and post the link here. For now I’ll drop some pics of what remains of my outdoor grow and maybe make a diary for that, or wait till after the fact so I don’t jinx it again :woozy_face:


the devastation:

the survivors:



Have you tried Cal Mag? :joy::raised_hands: Heres one for the loss.

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lmao I’ll sure a little miracle grow is all they need :joy: I’ll be pouring one for myself in the meanwhile

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I love growing the seeds I find in brick weed, and the shwaggier, the better. Yours looks like what I used to grow from bag seed: sativa or at least sativa dominant. I’ve had bag seed (from brick weed) that ran the gamut from narrow-leaf, to broad-leaf (and everything in between), to autoflowers that didn’t get any taller than 2 feet (60cm).
Right about now I’m wishing I had saved more bag seed. I know some people who saved them, and I’ll be reaching out to them once cannabis is legalized/decriminalized/de-prioritized here.

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I grew some bag seed years ago from what we called Mexican “shwag” weed, which was low quality, but cheap and easy to find consistently.
The bagseeds that I grew were WAY better than Mexi shwag and I learned what a big difference drying and curing properly makes from that. Mexi shwag was most definitely not dried properly or cured at all.