Unusual descriptive phrases

When i was in high-school i was a scoial butterfly and had friends in all the social cliques…therefore making me an excellent middle man for my medicine men.

I always had this one buddy that exclusively looked for buds that smelled like “floor cleaner and cat piss” and occasionally i could find it…

Does anybody remember this smell and what strain it could/would belong to??

What terpenes make that smell??

Anybody else got unusually funky descriptive phrases for buds??


The dirty feet of unwashed ladies in far away lands.


The mixture of terpenes, especially when cured for weeks, can make for some interesting smells.

Pinene is a particularly funny terpene. A lot of people think that hoppy beer with a lot of pinene smells like cat piss, while others think it smells more like pine.

Mix in some limonene or a handful of other terpenes and you have something that smells like Lysol.

It’s pretty amazing how different terpenes subtly interact with each other over time with properly cured cannabis. And, they do more than give off a smell or taste - they contribute to the effects of the cannabinoids.

The worst trim jail I was ever in, the freshly dried bud smelled like pure roadkill. I was gagging and swore I would never smoke it. I couldn’t get the smell off of me for days and continued to gag. It was bad. After curing for my usual 4-6 weeks, it took on a nice floral aroma. Funny how things change.


I had a couple plants that presented that way some years ago, Barneys Farm Pineapple Chunk, For me it was closest to the old Aero floor wax with a hint of cat pee.

It smoked better than it sounds… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



my ex…(post length)


You could shorthand it to “funky cheese” but I like mine better.


My ‘Limburger’ girl.


You mean Pinesol smell?

I find some funky / cheesy terps can smell like warm vomit :frowning:

Some smart basto explained that to me once, Something about some acid or compound being present in stomach acid and cheese.

Dried parm always smells like vomit to me.

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Never thought about it til the other day but when people say “smelly feet”, for me hits like “sweaty armpit”. Still mildly unsettling in script.

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Jacks Cleaner? Maybe.
Honey Badger Haze, I grew out, had one pheno we kept for a few yaers, was a strong cat pisser.
AKBeansBrains, sells a Hawaiian cat pisser.

Some cat piss smells can come from how its stored. Back when I used to buy from another grower, I would take the quarter or half oz and squeeze all the air out of the bag, then leave it under the couch cushion where I sat. My roommate got the same stuff and mine would smell like cat piss after a couple days. It “seemed” stronger/better for a while, but I eventually got sick of that flavor and quit doing it.