A Pot for a Pot Grow

First, I would like to thank @Heliosphear for the giveaway he did for OG.
This will be my first grow diary. I have drowned seeds and killed seedling. So, if I kill this it won’t be the pot’s fault.

I got the 5-gallon size. The instructions are easy. The first set of numbers are for the smaller pot and the second sets are for the 5-gallon.
Step 1A Place the coco bricks (2) into 2 gal of water. The said to let it soak 15 minutes but, I left over night.

Step 1BAdd the Perlite, Diatomaceous Earth, and powdered Mycorrhizae Rooting Booster and mix and mix and mix

Step 1C
Add 2 cups of super soil and mix some more

More mixing and mixing.

Step 2
Setting up my pot.
I unfolded the pot (was doing this in my bathroom) and set in on the toilet: smile:

Only thing left to do is Fill the pot. Dump in the part and second bags of super soil. Level out in the bottom. Then fill the bag up to the top with the bucket of soil mix.

Enough for the day!


Good planning! I’ll tune in to watch your progress.
I grew large pots with super soil for many years and just recently switched to Octo-style hydro.

Best of luck,


Watching. @Heliosphear Thanks for the opportunity to help someone grow, and us to watch a new product! What strain did you pick for this project? And was it from the coupon?


Today we have;

Step # 3
I took the Jiffy pellet an put it in a cup of bottled water. A little longer then 10 min. May be a couple hours.

Next out of the water, drained excess water and into the in closed seedling cup still in the wrapping intact.

On too,

Step #4
I dropped a seed of

in plain bottle water for 12 hours then in to a paper towel for 12 more.


Good luck with this grow. Nice start!

:green_heart: :seedling:


Thank you for making a grow thread!

In case you want a more lazy way of doing things. :smile:

And have you considered companion crops?

May your harvests be rich and abundant!


@GrowingInThePines Fantastic start, going be a great grow.

@SerialSquishy Mrs. Helios and I are grateful for all we have, sharing makes life worth living.


Step #5 Planting the seed

Seed planted a 1/4" down in the Jiffly Puck.

Covered with a plastic bag and placed on a heating pad set at 80 degrees


No life yet so I dropped another seed :seedling:


I still didn’t see anything aboveground. The second seed didn’t germ.

I move the coco to see what happened to the first cracked seed. I saw what looked like dead funky stuff. My mentor came over and she found the seed growing sideways with the root growing around the cotyles. She performed some surgery and I put a single natural light bulb lamp at it. Not sure it will make but :crossed_fingers:


The root tip was growing up. I tried to gentle straighten it down. It broke so I should have given it some LITFA instead. So, wait and see.


My seedling died today so will try again. I have 8 more left

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Sow two; one with the plastic bag and the heating mat, and the other without those.

Then you’ll quickly find out what works better.

I suspect it’ll work better without.

The heating mat stimulates thousands of pathogens which are dormant at normal room temperature or lower, and mold is stimulated by the very high humidity in the plastic bag.


I did just drop two more! Going to try this, thanks


Don’t worry about losing sprouts, I’ll send you some seeds if you lose them all.
It’s not worth stressing over, there’s always more seeds.


Thank you for you offer! I am stressing the losing them in public :rofl: not losing them. I have been gifted several. I just want to make sure people know it is me and not the Pot for a Pot people.


The one seed in paper had 1/2 inch tail. I put it in the seedling cup. When I checked it the root had kept growing and the seed was way above the ground. I don’t think the root can grow into this substrate. The other grew sideways around itself and this one just pushed the seed up.

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The second seed didn’t crack. I put in in another coco puck. We will wait and see.

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The second seed hasn’t shown yet.
This seed has gotten father then the other 3.
So, we got to the step for caring for the seedling. The seedling is stretching, and the light is now right on top of the seedling.


One to the Pot for Pot STEP #7

I transplanted the seedling as it was stretching so much, I was afraid to would flop over. the light was right on top of the seedling. I did plant it lower than the instructions said to. I have seen people here say it was OK to plant a long steam deeper. :crossed_fingers:t3:

It looks so sad and lonely in that five-gallon pot.