Pup’s journey of 2023

Hey, OG community. Well I thought I’d create my own grow diary so here it is I guess.

First of all for those who haven’t read my Introduction text.
Im a relatively new grower, im 19yo and from Germany I love growing weed (probably more than smoking it) and I love learning about it

Im still overwhelmed by the people here and the amount of information available. It feels like I was playing the demo al the time and now bought the full game plus all the ad-ons :slight_smile:
I got so many people helping me out with seeds that I don’t even know wich strain to start with.
I might let u guys choose once I got them delivered (Can’t wait ) you folks seem to have more of a clue than I do.
I send so much time on OG the last 2 days that i learned much already.
Thank you very much for that.

Well since I haven’t got any seeds yet I’ll drop some pictures of my last outdoor grow in here for the time being.

Oh shoot I almost forgot this will be my first indoor experience and im super hyped for it. I had two run’s outdoor yet wich created flower but its far away from my goal’s

I’ll make another diary for those of you interested.

The plants were cutlings of my original plants but they died unfortunately.


Thats how I am, but not probably. Lol


The Probably is silent :wink:
Love that im not the only one. My goal is having fun and producing good quality.


LOL, Pace yourself… and have FUN!! :laughing: :+1:

This is a great time to be 19 and getting into growing.
High grade information is all around out here, fantastic genetics are easily available. The next 50 years should be a blast! Enjoy!



Hey buddy, I don’t think I’ll stop reading the next few days or weeks, once im on to something that fulfills me I cant stop reading and learning about it until I know as much as possible (I suck it up like a sponge). Might have something to do with my adhd.
The thing is that there is so much information snd I want to know it all. I don’t know anything about strains at all just heard some names and know the different like main landraces if thats how you call it idk really :slight_smile:
Ohhh shoot I wrote a whole book again.

Have a good one :v:


It is nice to see people joining the community to take advantage of all the knowledge here.

Have fun a great growing.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I absolutely love it. Cant get enough

Noting more fun to do
Have a good one✌️

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Im going to follow along, happy growing

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Greatly appreciated thank you very much✌️

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I am here to learn with you.


Hey folks,

so today this arrived

I ordered those before I joined OG from Ace seeds. Now that I joined OG some humble guys send me some seeds that probably won’t arrive until 2 weeks.
So my question is. Should I germinate the once from ace seeds or wait for the others to arrive, I really cant decide.


I say go now. @_@
Going to tag along with you


I say germ one fem Panama x Malawi, and two or three mix seed aiming for a single lady. That way you’ll have two landrace hybrids going early so you can start some shorter flowering hybrids when they get there and things will be more on the same schedule? Also hello and welcome to OG! Like @Gpaw said, it’s a great time to be young and learning to grow, the world is wide open when it comes to learning and gathering genetics.
To a new grower, I would recommend getting yourself a pack of cryovials/Eppendorf tubes and some silica packs or beads, and starting to organize your seed collection early. If you keep them well stored dry and cold, you can keep those seeds you get this year for the rest of your life and have time to get to them!


Oh! Also if you are in Germany and growing outdoors, you might be interested in looking at the selections available from this Scandinavian seedbank, they have a ton of interesting and hardy outdoor strains for Northern European climate, with some interesting modern outdoor heirlooms from Europe and Canada:


Thank you for all the tips, unfortunately I only own a 2x2 that I bought of a friend for cheap so I think I’d be good only growing 2 plants and hoping for one female so I could make some seed’s. My initial thought was to take some clones and use them for my outdoor grow as I did the last year. I used one of those cheap purple lights to pre-grow them until it was warm enough outside.
I’ll take a look on the strains they’ve got i need a more robust outdoor strain.

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I think thats what im going to do.
Thank you buddy✌️


Seed heaven is a good source for seeds for our friends in EU
I’d check them out

That ace mix is run a few of those you never know what you’ll get



Good seed site!

50DKK (9.65 CDN) to ship to Ontario, Canada… :+1: ]
125DKK (24.14 CDN) on 10 photo/reg… :partying_face:

They are small but have some interesting items there…


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Thanks I’ll check both of this sites out, I got the Mix to have some seeds for my outdoor run I kinda like the suprise.

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Two Violetas are in the water and moved into the soil tomorrow.