A Small Grow on the Big Island

Good question and still TBD. I was going for 2 plants not topped and just letting them grow. 1 topped at 4th node PPP via @BU2B training program and the other at 5th for LST. At this point in the grow the PPP plant is shorter, fuller and a bit behind in maturity. LST is long and willowy and less compact and as tall as the normal non topped plant. The runty one of the group has been cared for lovingly, but is short and stunted. WidowMaker left on it’s own seems to be open and airy and so far has done well in my humid environment.


Here is the latest photo as of 1400 today of number 2. I feel as if the topping slowed the stretch. The one that was not topped showed hair first the 5th node next along with the runt and now the 4th node. I of course have no real idea about this other than my observation.

#2 this morning, hair view and top view. I am so excited to watch the buds thicken up!


The runt is growing but there are a couple of leaves that look unwell. I am going to super thrive spray her this evening and keep an eye out.


I have to say the girls are blowing up, especially #2 that was topped first, she has really taken off the last couple of days.

There are a lot of leaves down below that are shaded by the canopy are they still a viable engine for photosynthesis?


Here is a couple of the runty one. It certainly looks like a female for now. I have looked close at the node areas and don’t see any balls yet, I will defer to you though. It is also stretching out rather quickly over the last couple of days.



I spoke with the HIlo Grow shop about bloom nutes and I think I am going with this per their recommendation, pH Perfect Sensi Bloom

Hilo Grow Shop

They told me that catchment water is usually a bit on the acidic side here. This product is supposed to be a self balancing PH product.

I did as instructed with the sulfur spray, the initial application and one 2 weeks later. So far absolutely nothing bad showing. I am of the opinion that this is a decent time to grow as the humidity is relatively low, in the 50’s and low 60’s.

According to the WPM thread he says not to spray during flower. So my assumption is that it is too late for one more sulfur application.

I talked to Dave at Hilo grow and he also recommended this product.

He uses it in his grow house with good results and it is pretty easy to use, 1 tbls per gallon of soil.
I spoke with him about harvest and curing/drying. He has some items that he uses for powdery mildew and bugs as well. He is a photo grower an area south and east of me. I will be headed in there next week to talk story. He did say that getting to harvest is a big deal but a lot of problems can happen in the curing stage.

I have a room that I am going to dedicate to the drying process. It is dark and I can bring a dehumidifier into work on keeping the moisture consistent.

I thought these plants were slowing down on getting taller: noob thinking! Plant 1 un-topped grew an inch in a day. I am keeping the ppfd’s around 900, I have had to raise the lights most every day.


Looking great!
This is a grace period, before the tension as harvest beckons.

Here are a few things to think about:

  • More ventilation in the green house. Do you have any floor stand oscillating fans to spare? Variable gentle wind, that’s what we really want 24/7, best starting point to avoiding WPM. Believe me they’ll come in handy.

Does your prevailing wind waft towards your neighbor? These are likely to get stinky pretty soon. Forewarned…


Re: what works better folding or topping.

In my opinion both will work with varying degrees. You can get more flowering branches by folding or by topping but the difference is that topping at least once breaks the apical dominance and allows for more ‘large’ bud packets and sturdier branches. Even for outdoor grows I top at least once. :v: The goal is big buds not necessarily big plants.


I was looking at the buds this morning and wanted to share a photo. They are still growing an inch a day closer to the lights, gotta say they seem to be really thirsty.

The circled areas the tips look orange-ish.

Photo of the fan set up from this morning.


Last one for today. This is the #2 plant, cropped at the 4th node, she is definitely a full figured gal.


This one #2 is my favorite! I love the horizontal canopy, every one of those apical buds can see the light. Still a little crowded down below.

After going back over @bu2b’s tutorial I realize I missed topping the 4 mainlines DOH, next time it won’t happen. I can see now how that would have changed a lot in this grow. I am going to miss out on a good deal of large buds from the interior, but I haven’t lost out on a fantastic education.

As I see it now I feel like I would like to take the next 4 plants and top them at node 4.
There is a lot to unravel here for me. I can see how the 4 mainlines have turned upwards, if they would have been topped the interior bud sites would have been more robust.

I do understand that for my first grow there were many variables and that discretion was more important than valor with this grow. I have been taking some lower leaves over the last few days but was running a bit scared so as to not shock the girls. More discussion on this as the new grow comes to be.

I have received some seeds for my next grow, “Creamy Blacklights” created by OGer @Nagel420 and gifted to me by @GrouchyOldMan. My plan for the new seedlings is to keep them up in the living room under the 32 watt small grow light from the home despot. I feel this way I can shield them from WPM and any other pestilence in the greenhouse and at this point both big lights are being used for the main grow.

Damnation I am excited about this grow. The local boyz and one wahine at the Hilo grow shop have been stellar and gracious with this noooby.


Watching the difference betwixt the 4th and 5th node topping has been interesting. I neglected to top the 4 mainlines on the 4th node plant that was meant to be the PPP one. That being said the buds and structure of that plant is compact, short and dense and the buds have much less space between them.

At what point do you usually top? I would have to agree that thick buds are better that long ones.


A little rain over the last 24 hrs.

Our RH is 82 here right now, there is no wind at the moment. Fan is blowing. I picked up Dr Zymes Eliminator heartily recommended by the 2 gro bros and grow sista. They say it is great for PM and pests. It is what the bros use for their grows. I tested it on the runt with no ill effects. I sprayed the other 3 at lights out last night. I am done with sulfur at this point.

Photo of #1 #2 is in background
I will get a clean shot of it when I head down to defoliate in a few.


#1 this morning.

#2 this morning

Looks like the runty one is maturing faster than the rest.
From this mornings session.



The lady looks very healthy, definitely shortly to lose some excessive leaves to defoliation
One question though, how often do you actually face the pests issue and what kind of pests?


Good Mornin Overgrow!

Got the Dry/Curing room started today. Put up some cardboard to close off the louvers, swept and cleaned the floor, going to get a door seal set from the Home Despot and when the times come the dehumidifier will be placed in the room set at whatever the proper setting is called for.

Seems like a long journey since I took this picture:


As of today I have had no real pest issues. Have only seen a few flies of some type fluttering a few times (maybe white flies) usually in the morning when I open up the tarps that are being used to reduce light pollution. The lights are on 12am to 6pm and at lights out I have been using Dr. Zymes recommended by the local grow shop and @cannabissequoia also installed a fan and running it 24/7.
The greatest fear was powdery white mildew as the food crops that I grew before were covered in it, as of today it has not been any problem. I did use sulfur spray early on before flower that I read about on a post from @JoeCrowe


Nine weeks in, been so busy tryin to keep it all going on nearly forgot to update on the girls.

From this morning

From Saturday


That plant with the strange leaves reminds me of the mutie I grew. Strangest thing ever!


The answer is yes they are. The runty one #3 seems to be maturing the fastest followed by #1 un-topped then #4 5th node and bring up the rear #2 4th node.

I think those numbers are correct without looking back on the notes. This 6 hour time difference seems so much larger than then it was on Saturday.

It could be an interesting point of discussion about autoflowers and how topping seems to affect their cycle. Why would the one that was topped first be behind the one topped after? This reminds me of a line from The Fellowship of the Ring “I have questions, questions that need answering?”



#3 The runty one seems to be maturing the fastest



This being my first grow, I certainly have nothing to compare it to this plant started our with a curly pig tail looking tap root. She sure is a mutant Xmen looking plant. The flowers are dense with short hair. She flowered first and showed trichs first. All creations deserve to reach their full potential. Wondering if the potency and effects will be different than the other 3…It has been fun to watch.


Mornin friends,

Here are the latest pics as of yesterday of the girls in order 1-4.

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