A Small Grow on the Big Island

As I had no preconceived ideas with this grow it has been interesting to see the difference in the 4 kids, as with all of creation each living thing is uniquely unique. I have been feeding each of them Pride Lands Bloom Florecer as instructed 1 tbls per gallon of soil.
What I find most interesting about the runty one is the pistils and basic flower structure, the hair seems shorter and the buds flatter.
Will get some better closeups to show.


Hand held, I have the hands of a surgeon Lol for that close up. Calyx trichs? What are these mysterious things.

I am concerned about the timing of my kids coming into town and being gone for 5 days. We leave for Kona on the 9th I don’t want to harvest early, but I don’t want to leave them alone. By our figures they are just about 2 weeks out.


This here is an auxiliary calyx.


Looking good @TARpits :call_me_hand:

I know you got a lot going on with your first grow, but its never to early to start thinking about your next :rofl:

I just wanted to throw an idea your way and have you look into using ocean water as fertilizer. Ocean water has all the nutrients plants need and you have some lovely clean waters at your finger tips. Just an idea for future grows.

Till then keep up the good work bro :metal:


I doubt it very highly cannabis likes the saltiness of ocean water, it is Ec 3.5 or so. Have you tried?

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Nobody does it like @JoeCrowe!
This chubby calyx with the two shriveled pistils is the structure you want to focus your attention on to accurately gauge harvest time.

Here’s some more info for context:
Follow a pistil hair down to its calyx also called a brach and use those trichomes as your indicator. The trichchomes on the leaves are not reliable indicators of ripening.


This is what you’re gonna be enjoying soon!

In celebration I’m offering everyone an OLIVE branch today (and a pair of scissors🤣)

This is the last Frankensteins Daughter Olive Phenotype.

When y’all are done trimming let me know and I’ll hang her up to dry :+1:t3:

Happy Holi on Tuesday! :wheel_of_dharma:


Good Gawd Ya All :eyes: That’s my goal. Have no idea about trimming, I just wanted to get to harvest.


Now I know where and what to look for.

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Will do. I am having a photo day tomorrow. A couple from today.
Working on getting the right lense, camera,tripod and lighting.





I wish I had direct access to ocean water. As for ec/ppm you would likely dilute it with fresh water just like any liquid nutrient. From the commercial farmer reports i was reading, i believe the application rate was 100ml to 300ml per cubic foot every few years. As reference I know Mass Medical uses it. Adds small amounts of ocean water to all his nutrient mixes. There are nutrient companies that sell condensed ocean water with both the sodium left in and removed as well. There are plenty of articles out there if you want to dive deeper into the subject.


@Monst3rbean I appreciate you stopping in and giving me things to think about. You are correct that I have a bunch of irons in the fire with this first grow.
Spoiler alert, I have already started another grow. I won’t have another 12 week window on island after June, some travel and some fun to come, so I decided to get another grow in before then. I will post a link as soon as I get the G-log going.
I will read up on Ocean water, Interestingly there is a vodka that gets it’s water from the ocean depths, of course then it is distilled but food for thought.


Dropping photos from today. Spent most of the day finishing up with preparing the house for a guest. Tried some tripod stuff and took photos of each plant in between "honey will you please help me do what ever needed to be done, so here they are.
This is not topped way back when this is plant 1.

Plant 2 topped at the 5th node.

Plant 3, this one had a curly pig tail tap root and a wild leaf and plant structure.

Plant 4 topped at the 4th node.

Random close ups. Not easy even with the fan turned off the trade winds are moving as I tried to shoot.

Runty one bud and structure.

Good evening OG!


Preliminary harvest call: based on this zoomed pic you are probably closer than you think. These trichomes look 90% cloudy, I normally use the very first appearance of Amber colored trics as my Harvest Day signal.

Have you been using Dr Zymes to preempt fungus/mold attacks? This is when the danger is highest. All the bad actors love juicy buds!


I have been using Dr. Zymes every third day at lights out. I have noticed a few really very few what are probably white fly when opening up the house in the am. So far none of the horror stories of powdery white mildew or slews of pests have come to be.
During the veg state elemental sulfur diluted and sprayed was use as a preventative measure and after the start of flower I switched to the Dr. no sign of PWM at all.

I saw this on one fan leaf today. Concerns? Didn’t see anything under the leaf or on the plants. No stray flies this morning, sprayed Dr. Zymes at lights out last night.

I took the leaf off and discarded it.


Those brown spots could be a concern. At this point in a grow you want to snuff any problem out right away.

Is it only on that one leaf? Good call clipping the leaf. Dispose of it completely.

Could be early pH problem.

Could be early Calcium deficiency.
How to fix Cannabis Calcium Deficiency (Ca) Pics & Symptoms.

I’m no expert, but I know a few. If you see more of it we’ll contact @George. He’s my goto wizard of all pests and deficiencies. Bookmark @George for future reference.

Your enriched soil is likely about exhausted now so the plants are depending on you for food and friendly water. I’d up the nute schedule, check the pH and ask Hilo Grow for some Cal/Mag as a supplement.

Also possible pH at root level could be too low.

I don’t think it is a bug, but Thrips can look like that too. Use your loupe to check the underside of that leaf, Thrips are damned small buggers.


Thanks for tagging, I am no expert but always willing to help. Could be a Calcium def as you say, but that would also happen in most of the leaves, so I suspect bugs. Thrips damage is more like irregular scratches:


Those spots remind me of a spider mites infestation I once had :see_no_evil:

You cannot see them naked eye, inspecting the reverse with a loupe might help. Anyway it could just be that mentioned Calcium deficiency, if you find those symptoms in more leaves and post a focused pic it would help …


I have only had 3 or so leaves with this problem. Could it be a residue being affected by the lights coming back on and burning these spots into them? I can’t remember the term the grow shop used for it.

I have been using Dr. Zymes as needed at lights out, that is a 6 hour stretch of dark with a fan to circulate air.

Thank you for jumping in!


I’m always lurking in the Sick plants section, so miss grow diaries problems, just tag me when needed. I don’t think it may be burning from residue, it would be more expanded, still think is bug damage but if you have it under control and if it doesn’t expand I wouldn’t be worried about it, your plants look great … beer3|nullxnull


The tric watch is at full throttle.

A bit of bud for y’all