A warm welcome to our newest breeder 💥

:blue_heart: Exotic Alchemy
Six great strains offered inside a chillum :test_tube:
greatlakesgenetics #BadDawgGenetics #BadDawgFreebies

Exotic Alchemy Drop - posted


Daaaang those are some VERY recognizable strain names. Nice :metal:


Nice strain selection, and thanks for supporting the site.

I’d be interested in buying some seeds, but minimal provenance, test results and phenotypic observations are provided, no pics of plant structure, bud structure and unique characteristics, make it a hard sell for me.

Stuff like: when, where (coordinates), from whom and how the seeds were collected, some pics from the site you collected them from. How were the seeds reproduced (open pollination, selection, selfing of sib crossings), which generation is for sale? This provides some sort of proof (not just to me, but all potential customers), that you and your genetics are legit.

TLDR: the product pages leave too many questions unanswered for me to justify a purchase

eS :tropical_drink:


Where did that lambsbread come from?If so if its legit Blue Mountain Lambsbread was never meant for sale it was supposed to be given as medicine to the man for free.Will be watching this one interested where this will turn out.


Unfortunately, that is no longer a normal thing to do.

Why go through all the testing, provenance and providing pics if some hype boy or girl is gonna buy your seeds based on the name ?

I remember when GLG had good breeders

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What I Don’t have good breeders?
Please explain. DBJ


Totally agree as the last order from glg had such poor germ rates. The seeds looked weak out of the gate…def not testing, pics of real grows or any documented grows…just hype names x to hype names. Sad especially as you can see the hype cycles before they come out and what do you know they are here…Hawaii sat…lambsbread…not. I stick with johnnypotseeds and other og’s and what do you know healthy seeds that grow good plants with copious amount of flower that medicate without the hype name


Its funny you say that, had way better germ rates, quality and better end results with the seeds from og than anywhere else.


Please explain. Names?


That’s on you if you’re just buying hype name x hype name.


Welcome to OG @Great_lakes_Genetics!


There are a lot of great breeders on glg. Bodhi, doc d, copa just to name a few.


Those are the ONLY few :rofl:

JAWS is also on GLG

Guys I understand your criticism and complaints about the standards nowadays.

But I believe GLG has always been good to their customers and their vendors. They give unestablished breeders a chance.

Please be respectful and remember that you are talking to a longtime supporter and member of the community.

I disagree with some business or vendor decisions but there’s no need to put the bank down as a whole or do it in a snarky manner, IMO, especially when they’re right here interacting with us all the time.


I do believe criticism is OK but try and remember, you’re talking to someone who you could be hurting


They also have doc d, dragonflame, cannavore, SAN, strayfox, and top dawg. Plenty of new guys me or my friends like too. Seems like a good spread of quality breeders.


Let’s be honest. You have a lot of crap pollen chuckers. And a handful of good people who do it right and not necessarily for the popularity or money.

I try to reserve too much judgement because I understand that since legalization most small canna business has been struggling. But at what point do you stick to your guns and have some integrity?
Seed makers have lowered prices, flower prices are falling, and seedbanks are taking on anyone with a small following( no matter their genetics).

I was going to say it doesn’t matter who you take on because you’re good people, but you’re the same seedbank who’s selling GGG gear that goes for thousands of dollars. Are you really doing the community any favors or looking out for us with those?

Still, You provide good customer service though

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I think that’s exactly what he’s doing because the community isn’t some homogeneous organism where everyone wants the same things, has the same resources, and grows the same weed. We all have different wants, and catering to that is helpful to the community.


Well damn, at that price point, I’ll gladly give them a shot!! $7.00 a bean?
EVERYTHING, I ever got from GLG (as in freebies) and has been excellent quality, and very very generous with them, as well.
Love you, GreatLakesGenetics!! And welcome Exotic Alchemy, I’m anxious to try your gear!


Exotic alchemy is legit. Lol wow