Abandoned co-op run. Karma Headbanger

Hey all

Here is the pack of headbanger from 2014 I will be preserving.

First up is

Does anybody have any tips to prevent damping off? This keeps happening to me.


A couple of members are donating a headbanger pack and f2s to run alongside. Everything will be labeled and batched separately.

Any questions or recommendations? This is my first co op run.


Clean your seeds off with some hydrogen peroxide really quickly first. Then wash them off with clean possibly distilled water.

ASLO make sure the seed soil your using is fresh and not something you’ve had sitting around for awhile.

Make sure your moisture levels and heat aren’t to high either. Heat and moisture bring mold and will form on your seeds and seedlings


This is gonna be an awesome grow !!!


Sounds like a real banger. :wink: I’ll be in the corner, :eyes: and definitely not being creepy!

Oh, and in case anyone’s looking for details on the strain…

As far as germination tech, I had a lot of trouble with the standard techniques as well, so I worked up a method that relies on actual numbers rather than “just wet it until it’s moist but not too moist” kinda advice. :stuck_out_tongue: That stuff drives me crazy. I’m about to walk out the door, but basically you just grab some rooting cubes, let them fully dry out since they often start quite wet, then weigh them dry and bottom-water the cubes with no more than 1.5x their dry weight in water. At that point they’re ready for action, you can put the seeds in and just check them regularly to maintain the ideal weight and thus moisture. Other than my own human error, I’ve had 95%+ success rate with this method, including decade-old seeds.


I found using new mixed soil with clean earth castings to do the trick. No strong fungal / bacterial amendmends like kashi, barley malt, etc. Re-used soil gave me issues germinating.

Good luck!


Can’t wait to watch!! Only tips I have for precious seeds are spring water and fresh soil.


Congrats on getting the coop approved and thanks so much for doing some great Karma genetics for everyone. I agree with above as far as the hydrogen peroxide dip and keeping the moisture from getting too high. Wishing you great success on this.


I’ve ran whole packs of headbanger f1, f2, and f3s, and every single plant in all of those packs hermed within 3 weeks of flower, if not in veg. Definitely keep an eye out on these.


Some people sterilize their seedling soil by putting it in a oven for some times to be double sure. But the advices up there should get you in a good place already. And careful watering. Spraying H2O2 on the base of the trunk if mold begins can kill it (mold, not the plant hehe) if done soon enough. Good luck with the run, I’m sure you’ll make it.


AFTER germinating, DON’T water on/directly near Seedling!! Apply the WATER inches away from the Plant, as excess Moisture accelerates “Damping Off”. Don’t worry, you can do this. A “little air movement” helps also. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:




Good strain

Good luck for your project


This is a strain I always wanted to try but it was never in stock. Closest thing I’ve had was tony greens bubblehead and it was fire.

As far as damping off, I thought I remember reading in someone’s thread here that they started sprinkling a little cinnamon on the soil and that cured all their damping off issues. Can’t remember who but I will look around.

EDIT - it was @supershitfuck . I don’t know how to link the thread to here but maybe he can chime in


Shoutout to @IgrowBodhiandCSI for telling me “well it’s not getting any younger is it”

(Gave me the kick in the ass i needed)


To link a thread you go to the post you want, then tap the upper right corner, right where it says the date of the post.
It will be a date.
If it was just posted today it will show a number and either say how many
“m” - Minutes or “h” - hours since it was posted. But tap that.

You tap it and it will display a link for you to copy. Then just paste it in a new reply here.


:laughing: so true haha
Thanks @IgrowBodhiandCSI :raised_hands:


Ok great. Thank you for the info. I kept looking at the buttons at the bottom but wasn’t seeing anything. I’m still pretty new here


Good luck with the run. A lot of good suggestions on how best to germinate. Positive vibes that you don’t get any herms. :v:


Here is the link I was talking about. I’m sure there’s probably some more useful info about damping off in there too



Run locked in! Excited to get your pack and get it all started