AC Infinity Controller 69 - issues - update

-Just wanted to get the word out on personal experiences with this controller.

It’s flaky. I would not recommend it.

After working perfectly fine for about 60-days, it suddenly went ham and dropped the WiFi connection. Not overly concerned I resigned to check on it the next day.

When I went to check it out I was greeted by the quiet of no fans running and a frozen controller screen that wouldn’t respond.


After an endless factory-reset, delete app, clear cache, reinstall, reconnect, reconfigure cycle, I had to call it quits on controller 1.

So I moved on to the backup controller I bought for a secondary space and after some short term success with a Bluetooth connection, it ended up doing the exact same thing as the previous device.

After some research I found many others had been experiencing these same issues.

I’ve got a support case open, but after finding all my fans off and not one, but two broken controllers, I gotta warn, caveat emptor


Hope they get back to you… I have one in the box…


Seems like the cloudforge addition may have been the catalyst.


Hey Bud, Sorry its not working out for you. AC should take care of you. I do hear a lot of complaints but, im running three all working fine.

I can say without a doubt you were not connected on your 5.0 band on your controller as it only works on the 2.4 and it will not connect to a 5.0ghz.

The update he gave said he left it unplugged and it fixed itself after a few days… Not that that makes an acceptable solution, but I think AC will send another controller to replace it as long as it’s not super old.


I’m gonna take your word for it. It really doesn’t make sense and a 5ghz radio would’ve been required.

-I’ll remove that bit of speculation from the original post.

It absolutely did present me with the 5ghz SSID in setup. I’m guessing it pulled that from the device I was using to configure it. (?).

It seems like sending out replacements is SOP… 5-controllers by this guy’s account of his experience there.

I always liked the older AC Infinity controller, as well as the quality of the exhaust and filter, and I really dug the idea of the unified system.

I hope we can get something going here, but honestly, after 3-hours of troubleshooting, and seeing just how flaky it was, I wouldn’t expect the replacement quality to be much better.


Same here. I haven’t had any issues with the manual controller, but I was going to use the bluetooth model for our next run. I think I’ll wait until “Service pack 1” is released.


I’ve been running 2 Bluetooth model for about a year without issues. Hopefully they take care of you.

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I feel lucky that I got their stable release of the Controller67 at a sales price when I needed to get 2x more T6’s and so far all’s well in the mini jungles.

:crossed_fingers: that this fuckery ends fast for you @Longtooth .


Similar to the experience that I had. We had received ours via pre-order about a year ago and figured that they were beta testing it on their users. Controller was wonky with random and strange issues, loosing programming, random light cycling, random connection problems, etc. Then, two attached light fixtures dead in less than a year of use. At the time, I figured they deserved some benefit of doubt that they would be fixing such issues. New product line for them, not quite ready for prime time, etc. Sounds like they still are having functionality problems which should have been fixed by now.

Their fans have been great for us. Their light fixtures and the controller not so much.


Sorry to hear of your probs @Longtooth, life-threatening for a grow in progress!

I got the Controller 69 WiFi a few weeks ago along with the 4" fan and it has been working flawlessly. The instructions were clear that a 2.4Ghz WiFi network was the only supported connection.

I’m only controlling the fan itself and it sounds like using it for lights and other equipment is where the problems are arising. I use separate timers for the lights, and Inkbird for the other gear.

Their accessory 120 volt socket is a neat idea, has anyone tried that option?


I run my heater with one of those plugs, works fine for me. However, when I tried to run 2 plugs off 1 controller I did get some crosstalk issues so have resigned myself to only using one.

My controllers (I have 1 of each 3 generations) have been trouble free other than above, guess I’m one of the lucky ones.


I’ve never had any problem with my older Controller 67 bluetooth either… except that the damned signal strength wasn’t strong enough to reach outside the growroom. Hence virtually useless.


I feel lucky that my growspace is under my kitchen so as long as I stand above the tent I get get the BT signal to know what’s going on without actually going down the stairs! :smiley:


Im in a metal shed so had to run a repeater out there to get signal to all my connected devices inside. Before that it was hella flaky, but not due to any companies products, just the self imposed cheap ass faraday cage im raising my ladies in.


Yeah metal and water are both signal killers for sure.

I’ve got pretty comprehensive coverage.

For my situation, it’s not a signal-strength, SNR, or channel utilization/duty-cycle issue. In fact although the issue started with the WiFi connection dropping, it can connect but it’s unresponsive and the ability to configure individual ports disappears.

It seems sketchy, working for a few ports for a little while, but not reliably. At all…. Not something one looks for in their automation….

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Yeah, tried a repeater right at the door inside and wasnt doing it so had to run a wired access point out there. Tried doing ethernet over power too, didnt work so well either for whatever reason. Already have power running out to it, whats another cable. Sigh. The things we do for those we love.

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Word…. And we tend to love that which drives us insane…

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I had to do this for my camera in the barn. Now I don’t bred animals I have a very expensive system sitting here.

:green_heart: :seedling:


not really related, but the oscillating fan i bought about 8 months ago is already worn out and off center…it makes a lot of noise/ grinding when on. the lights have been ok, but are super hot and not detachable from the driver. not sure what they were thinking…they probably weren’t since they couldn’t even get the wattage right.

…To be perfectly fair, the price of the new 4" AC Infinity fan pretty much included Controller 69 WiFi for free. And that solved all.

I was able to use the new 69WiFi model to replace the older bluetooth69, controlling a T8 beasty fan. And the old Blue tooth 69 now works great on the new 4" for the tent.

Still, color me skeptical that all the Controller 69 Pro Ports & Functions are gonna be solid until…"Controller 70!" :fireworks:

[I know, who cares, but but, I wanted to set the record straight. Patience set things right.]