Questions for ac infinity Inline cloud line users

So my wonderful wife of mine has approved the purchase of my second tent. I’m going take my time putting it together and making sure I get exactly what I want. I am absolutely on board with AC infinity. The air plates I have in my cab do a great job and I think there stuff looks super slick! I’m now looking at getting a 48x24x60 tent I’m not sure on my lighting or if that will change the answer depending on power of lights.(I’m going have the neighbor put together a diy bridgelux light for me at some point for this space) I’ve seen on here where others have used the cloudline t4 for spaces similar in size I believe. The tent I’m looking at thru them recommends the cloudline t6 thou. So my question is would the t4 be good enough or should I spend the extra 30 bucks for the t6?
Also if your using a cloudline, have you attached a carbon filter from someone else to it? I’d assume if say with the t6, if I got a 6in carbon filter from someone else it would fit. just want to be sure. I like how there carbon filters look, but with them not being in stock for another month and running 65 bucks. Might just have to look else where and save a few bucks while at it.
Thanks in advance fellow ac infinity users, much appreciated!


Good choice on the fan!

I would spend the extra $30 just incase you upsize to a larger tent down the road. But the t4 will work fine, I’ve got the same size tent and works great

Filters you are good to use any brand. I pick up any thats on sale from Amazon. Works great


I think of an inline fan like a pair of pants…better too big, than too small.


I would also just spend the extra 30 and get the t6, it’ll work better at lower speeds than the t4, it won’t be any louder really, and will be good to go if you decide to get a bigger tent later.

I went with their own carbon filter as the price was really competitive and it works fantastically. You can get a different one though, they’re all standardized for ducting so someone else’s will still work fine.


30 bucks more gets you twice the airflow (152 CFM vs 351 CFM).



Go with the 6" for sure.
You’ll be able to run it at a pretty low setting and it will be much quieter than the 4" running at full or higher speed.

As for as the Carbon filter I’m running a basic Vivosun 6" from amazon with an AC Infiinity T6 and have had no issues fitment wise.


Same sizes here
Peace and stay safe

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Thank you all very much if I can get that extra 30 out of the purse strings I’ll say t6 is where I’ll end up! I like the idea of there carbon filter but out of stock till next month. I’ll have to check Amazon still but if not there ethier nice to know can use another brand thanks again

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That’s good to know,I’m going to pick up a new fan went through 4 vivosun fans


@anon98660487 when I first put my cab together I looked at all different types of fans. Ended up settling on the airplates for looks and how quiet they where. Got hooked dued to the tempature controller. Doesn’t matter how the tempature outside or inside is it stays within 2 degrees of set temp. I’d prolly still be figuring out my temps in the cab if wasn’t for that. Now just to get my humidity right. Lol


I have one of their early S4 fans that I used in a 2x4 tent. It’s only a few years old, but they’ve changed their power design enough that it can’t be used with any of the new T-model controllers. Anyway, I upgraded the tent to a 5x5 and went with a T8, even though a T6 should do the job as long as I don’t mind it running at a higher speed. As it is, the T8 is strong enough to noticeably suck in the tent sides if it goes above level 3.

I also managed to snag one of the new controller 67 modules when they were in stock. I definitely wouldn’t mind adding a few bucks to the purchase price if this controller came with the T6 and above. Not only can you connect to it via bluetooth to an app on your phone, you can also fine tune the programming and settings using stuff like time-based on/off cycles.


For my 6sqft and the temps i like to run my T6 is overkill, it never goes past fan setting 2 which is summer and 1 for winters and cycles on and off consistently, hindsight a t4 would of been more ideal and filters are cheaper, though running a bigger fan at lower settings allows it to be quite.


That right there! I have the t4 in a 3x3x6, it doesn’t need to go past 6 to vent it, but the humidity in the room is the main reason it’s always on. just end up recirculating some of that humidity. Going to be fixing that very soon.

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I have a T4 and a T6. The T4 will be good enough but you will find the extra few bucks will make a difference. The T6 will have to run much lower to do the same thing as the T4 and as such will be much quieter. Just my opinion. Either way they are both great units.


Well I think I’ll hold off till another pay day and just get the t6. Then for now get my other supplies needed till then. Thanks again guys!

I had 2 t4s on my 2x4 to deal with the t5s I was running. They had to both run on 9 to keep the tent in the low 80s. I got a t8 and it runs on 2 to keep the tent the same, and does turn off a bit. It is so much quieter and worry free.

I would always agree to go big. You will love the ac infinity. Just follow the cleaning instructions and it should have a long life.


Currently running 3 t6’s I absolutely love them. lots of air movement, very little power consumption.t4 will handle that tent, but id definitely spend the extra for the t6


Looking forward to getting my T6!

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I need to get a new fan have a vivosun fan it’s garbage first 3 they sent me all broke within a week

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I would call the Infinity clouldline series the gold standard IMO. If you get one with the controller they will raise and lower fan speed automatically and are super quiet.