AC Infinity Controller 69 WIFI

I have most of my lights on sonoff controllers which are old tech but they still allow me multiple times to turn on and off lights not just 2 like the pro69 controllers. Bought 2 of them and dissatisfied that I can’t run a 12/1 schedule with them. Guess acinfinity software guys couldn’t think of everything or even of what others can already do. Peace


I have a controller 69 regular one still in the box. I don’t think I’m ever going to use it. NFS though. Never know.

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I heard there was a problem with running other led lights not geting their full wattage and went with inkbirds.
No where near as all in one as the 69, and tweeking is needed from time to time.
But the WiFi has never disconnected and I can adjust from work :+1:
It also forces you to learn VPD, watch plants and change accordingly.
Good luck :seedling:


i wonder if this is something they will add in the future on a firmware upgrade? seems plausible

I’ve emailed them with this exact suggestion. Said they would get back to me in one business day. That was yesterday lol. Nada

@Ris who seems to be the resident ACI Controller 69 Guru

I’m trying to run 5 things from my Controller 69:

  1. Exhaust Fan (4" Cloudline Pro)
  2. Veg Light (via switched outlet)
  3. Flower Light (via switched outlet)
  4. Flood table Pump (via switched outlet)
  5. Flower Circulation Fan (Cloudray S6)

Two big questions:

1. Can I independently control more than 4 devices using splitters?
I had the impression that using a splitter (AC-ADS3) I would be able to gang some of my outlets together to have independent control of devices as long as they are the same type [outlets]. I figured, oh, well I’ll run the two lights from a multiplexed port. I was using Port 2 for this. I expected to have another device available to independently control, instead, maybe the implication is obvious to everyone, but the two devices are controlled identically, like they are in parallel. Reading the manual it says to plug any Splitter into Port 1 for it to appear properly. Will this fix my problem or do the two devices always function identically from any of the ports? I don’t want to go back and reprogram all my fan stuff to swap the ports unless I have a good idea it will function the way I expect. If not, it ain’t the end of the world, I’d probably be ditching the Cloudray fan depending on the answer to the following question.

2. Can I program two on/off schedule timesets?
I want to run a pump for my flood table to turn on twice a day - once two hours after lights on, another two hours before lights off. I can’t figure out how to do this or if this is even available. When I read this post before I dove into this endeavor I interpretted it as only allowing two sets of on/off times, which was perfect for me, now I get a feeling that he actually meant just two times - an on time and an off time.

Now, I see that I can run a “Cycle” but that just allows me to say, run for 15 minutes followed by whatever amount of off time. I’d really like something like this:

ON 1: 10:00pm
OFF 1: 10:15pm
ON 2: 6:00am
OFF 2: 6:15am

Other than these issues which I guess are more obscure sort of problems, I’ve been really happy with the user interface and functionality. It’d be a little disappointing to have to do this from a manual cycle timer, although that’s certainly an option.



Nope. They are coming out with a pro version(8 ports). The splitter only allows 2 fans to run at same speed/triggers or what not, worthless almost.

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On the app click on the A on the bottom for automation you will be able to do that from there.


Thanks! That’s great. For others reading trying to figure this out here’s my Automation

At least that’s solved. The splitter is a tad misleading, at least to me. Bummer I can’t address more devices. I ain’t the brightest bulb in the pack but I wish they spelled that out explicitly. To me, daisy-chained certainly doesn’t mean “parallel”


Devices connected by splitters (or daisy chain adapters as ACI refers to them) connect multiple devices of the same type to a single controller port. The control of all connected devices is based on the port of the controller, so all devices connected through a single port will have the same programming/schedule.

So to answer your question directly, no. You cannot connect devices using daisy chain adapters and control those devices differently than the other devices connected to that port. You’d need to upgrade to the Controller 69 Pro+ in order to separately control a 5th distinct device.


Thats a No.

Tricky but yes, you just have to use automations instead of the regular schedule. I have not done this. I will be trying it now.

Edit: shit i was late


So I’m looking at adding another tent, and with it another inline. To be totally honest… I’m still using the controller 67 with a 69 upgrade still in the box. I adjust the fan speed manually… don’t judge me. :wink:

I want the T6 and controller because eventually I will learn how to program and use its functions.

That being said… do I pay the extra $40 for the smart controller? Is it operating as expected? My grow is not in the house but in a detached garage.

I’m leaning towards the AC Infinity tent (2×4) because it has side intakes where the Gorilla does not. PITA to get behind and clean. Yall happy with your AC tent?


I love my AC tent, I was actually looking at getting a 2x4 myself. I would say the smart controller is the way to go. Once you get used to the way it functions its a super easy system to work with.

Hit me up and we can see what kind of discount i can get


I really like my Gorilla 2x4 because the extra two feet of height make it easier to manage heat and allow me to grow plants that stretch a lot. My five year old tent has two intakes on each side (top and bottom), but maybe they changed the design?

I have both gorilla and ac 2x4 tents. Of those, I’d buy the ac again in a heartbeat, mostly based on ease of setup. The ac is easy AF to set up by yourself. The gorilla tent setup all but requires a second person. It’s doable, but it’s a PITA—and damn near impossible if you have very little ceiling clearance to pull the top section over the frame.

The gorilla’s height extension kit is a gimmick that doesn’t really work as well as you’d expect, especially if you think you’ll add it later if your plants get too tall.


I have an extension for both of my Gorilla’s, one being used currently. The way my ceiling is in the growroom I have 83" max against the wall this new tent will be placed. So no room for an extension.

Also being a veg tent I don’t need the 82" height of a Gorilla. The ACI 72" will suffice.

Passive intakes, the screened ones you can cover over at bottom, think you confused with exhaust port (circular) that’s common on top?

@SmackyMcSmackers I hear ya on the extension. I use trellis for support so pulling a few plants for access is no go. I wish the extensions had the zipper start and end with pull tab in front. Then I could unzip and reach hangers easier.

As it is now I gotta get on step ladder, lean over plants, but under door… and reach hangers without my chubby ass falling on the plants. Not an easy endeavor.

Been in touch with @Ris … he’s got me taken care of. Tent and T6 will be heading my way.

Sorry to turn the thread away from controllers, my bad.


Yeah, I have nine foot ceilings and am using it as a flower tent, so different use case.

It has two circular openings on the top and bottom of both sides. I don’t think of them as exhaust although they certainly could be. I use one for bringing in fresh air, exhaust thru the one in the roof (cause hot air rises, of course), and keep the others cinched shut.

The screened openings are only on the back of the tent, as you said. I actually would prefer not to have any of those, since I keep the closed all the time. In my room, I would have to manually close them when the lights are off or I would have a huge light leak and I don’t have the time for that.

Not disagreeing, but I do want to offer my own experience… I was able to setup my Gorilla 4x2 by myself including the height extensions. I’m a short middle age guy with a bad back. It was not easy at all, but it only took an hour. A second person would have helped a lot.

I don’t think the extensions are a gimmick, as I mentioned above, but I do agree that they would be very difficult to add after you have the tent all setup. Without the extensions, to avoid light burn I’d have to keep my plants a foot shorter or always grow in SCROG.

That said, I’ll be needing a new tent in a few years and I will definitely consider an AC tent as I really like the company and their products.

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I’m curious about the time synchronization for this.

I’m about to travel to a different time zone for a few days and of course, will want to check in on my grow. Will the clock change to reflect my phone time (and screw up my light cycle) or will it stay synchronized to the WiFi time?


I have the bluetooth units and they adjust themselves for day light savings time… so I’m guessing they get the day/time from whatever they are connected to, not sure though. Maybe plug the light into a separate timer for a couple days to be safe :face_with_monocle:


warning there is an update to the app. Complete interface change. I was unable to access the old settings at all. No way in the new ‘automations’ to change from day to night for flowering.

As soon as I tried to add an automation as ‘flowering’ it turned the light on without allowing me to choose when. Bad bad bad. unplugged the lights input from the controller since it would not turn off. I was able to revert to the old settings. Have not yet verified they are as before.