Is CBD bad for stoners?

Yesterday I was reading that CBD binds to the receptor that receives THC causing “interference” with the THC being absorbed. Anyone have any thoughts? I will try to find the study and put a link to it. Personally I think I have to agree, when high CBD is present I feel a bit less high. :disappointed_relieved: maybe it is tolerance and not CBD.

What do you think?


I think it mostly has to do with your usage and build up of CBD in your system. Tolerance breaks and using less always helps. There is a point of diminishing returns if you are just trying to get baked with Indica strains.

You need a Sativa for that.

I would also like to take the opportunity to start discussing 0% CBD lines that we know of outside pure Sativa…


Horses for courses? As I’ve got older, I get some hectic anxiety from potent sativas, sometimes resulting in some really bad mind melting, so I’m currently working on a pure cbd x thc cross for myself. I am of the opinion that a good balance of both is more suitable for our cannabinoid systems, but that’s mostly anecdotal. if you’re one of the lucky people who don’t experience any negative effects, then I’m sure CBD, as a THC antagonist, would only hamper what you’re after.


I think CBD is just as good for stoners as non-stoners, and all aspects of Cannabis are good for people!


I do get anxiety from smoking too.

For now I’m able to breathe through it and enjoy the high once I’m calmed down.

I have GAD though, so I never know if it’s just my head fucking with me again.
I prefer high CBD strains for hard days. If I have low CBD on days I have to medicate I wind up dabbing 1g in a day of good shatter just to get something close to what I could get with 0.2g if the profile was balanced.

For example mother’s milk is a amazing strain, but it’s Indica phenotype isn’t for me when I’m stressed like it is supposed to help. It tasted almost exactly like tangie too. It clearly didn’t have the CBD, CBC, and CBG that tangie has.

It didn’t help pain either.

Try looking at an og strain. The terpene profile of those lean towards citrus and pine and seems to calm my anxiety when I smoke something OG. I don’t always know if it’s an og until I ask.

Check out Zkittlez. It might be to your liking.
I tried it in CBD isolate form once and it got me stoned AF from the terps and CBD alone with no THC. That was during a high stress time when I usually suck up smoke/vapor like a vacuum and I barely used any.


Yes! Without CBD we wouldn’t really get stoned without excessively large amounts of THC/CBN and some terpenes/terpinoids doing all the work after you got really high.

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This is what I love about CBD.

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IMO all the cannabinoids and terpenes have different effects on individual bodies. In theory CBD should decrease psychoactivity but it doesn’t always work that way. ALL cannabis has some degree of CBD. High CBD is common in pure Afghani landrace-type weed like the typical Afghan Kush. I’ve given high-CBD seeds away to many people and some of them really like the high of strains like Hurkle - people that were not specifically looking for a CBD strain.

I find that 1:1 THC: CBD strains give me a groggy, brain-fog feeling. But a 2:1 THC to CBD ratio works really well for me. High CBD - Low THC strains are the best for spastic or seizure disorders apparently. Like all herbal medicine users need to experiment and self-titrate.


I can’t agree more. Every rare so often I get high off CBD and the Right terps with no THC above 0.3% if any at all. The company I grab from lab tests the isolate, but not the terpenes. I’d like to see a trend of the terps tested too


I havent smoked a high CBD strain…

But during the winter when I get to feeling down, I like to have a container of CBD isolate to dip my high THC dab into.

I find a blend really helps w my depression.


Yes! It’s the best way to dab TBH. Get the expensive oil effects for way less money :sweat_smile:

Best part is a coating of CBD uses less than you’d think if you have it powdered. If it’s not fully powdered it’s very easy to accidentally grab too much. If my oil isn’t stable shatter it’s usually absorbed into the dab. I’ll either live with my mistake or add more oil to even it out and grab a chunk off it and dab that. Then I have premade dabs for bad times. No more fussing while my hands don’t work right spilling everything once a muscle twitch takes control of my arms and I watch 40-100 go airborne

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