Should I replace regular cannabis for cbd flowers?

Hello folks!

I have less than one week of stash, getting low and my autos need more time.

So I have seen some nice prices for cbd buds, could I replace the usual Thc flowers by cbd flowers for one or two weeks and feel confortable?

Anyone tried?

It is good to know that unless I use the bong, I don’t get much effects from my joints, its more like at 420 my body tells me I need to smoke one.

Thank you in advance!


I would buy delta 8 or thc-o. Ocho Extracts makes a good blend pen you can buy online. It will give you an actual high and one or two max would definitely get you there. I smoke sunup to sundown and when I’ve used them in the past one last about a week at that rate. It’s a three gram cart.

Dodi extracts is another brand. I’m friends with the owner of that place for years and it’s good stuff too better price but smaller carts, his cannabis terp flavors are better though.


no. cbd wont get you high like thc. not sure if im understanding the question or the situation.

the prob with delta 8 abovementioned is health concerns in the way it is synthesized and the by-products (that you end up smoking) that result of said process. but if legality is the issue and delta 8 is available… 2 weeks doesnt sound that bad maybe.


Yeah, I know it won’t get me high, neither my joints so… not looking for buzz, just the taste would be nice, how about the effect do you feel anything? Is like smoking a cigar?
I might go for some of that, still have a few days to decide.


I suggest and their delta 9 thco. I haven’t seen lower prices on their isolates. I’ve bought their delta 8, d9 thco, and cbg isolate and I couldn’t be happier!

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I’ve wondered this too. It’d be nice to smoke something tasty without getting blitzed some times


You can get high from cbd hemp if you use enough. It’s not the same feeling but the cbd also has a positive effect on serotonin and dopamine, just not cb1 receptors. The hemp is still strong enough around 1:20 thc:cbd, give or take some cbg, from my own experience to still be mildly uplifting to your cb1 as well…. The legal stuff is still very good and I’ll never go back to pure thc flower again!


Yes cbd can make you feel relaxed and helps with pain. I’m not sure if it does this to anyone else but I think it constipated me. It would be great for IBS-d.


I think Sebrings Point Break is excellent for this.
It has a super gassy sour taste. Hardy plant and very nice smoke. But, its low THC. So, you need to smoke at least twice what you normally would to get high. So, just take a few hits of the joint for flavor, and still be pretty normal.
But if you do decide to smoke double, it is a really really nice high.


All right, already ordered some cbd buds to take me thru the rest of floration and drying of mine and who knows if this time cuting down thc will make me smoke less thc flowers afterwords.

I ordered some Northen Lights and Blueberry Cheesecake for start and to try, but paying 2,66€/g is something to consider every now and then.

I will let you know how it goes for me.


Possible it is a good try to keep smoking without getting high so much, I don’t know about you but my choice now is tasty things not for effects. Reactions can be severe with headaches and so, if you go off it abruptly, but cbd bud will help to soften it


that’s really interesting you say that, I find regular flower, wax, hash, etc. does just the opposite :joy:

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This is what I got:

Nice packaging, usual zip lock bags.

Weight sharp on the 10g, well dried buds but not the best trimming job, some smaller branches can be found easily.

Yesterday I tried the Super lemon, very little smell, very little taste, kind of a premature harvested weed with bad quality overall.

The cheesecake has a little bit more flavour, something like smoking sugar leaves.

Today for the 1st time I rolled a joint with just weed, a bit better tasting but still bad, really bad.

I tried to mix some cbd with regular buds I still have left, looks like cbd cuts off thc and I think don’t make much sense to mix both.

For me is a big NO, cbd can’t replace thc and I feel better smoking cbd over cigarettes so I will keep the plan and hold until harvest with this cbd buds, maybe my thc resistance could be reset and I will spend less weed after this.

But I miss that worm touch thc have on me and I really tried but can’t understand why take a plant that is perfect and change it like this.

As the days pass by I will tell you how I feel.

Today I have been cranky because I still have this anxiety to finish my stash 1 or 2 joints os what I have left and afterwords I might calm down.

Wish me luck!


Thca buds are a legal hemp now too lol. They’re pricey since they’re new to the online community but if you’re that desperate for thc and not thco it is out there. Thco is just a more bio available form that breaks down into thc once your liver metabolizes it.

Cbd is great for couch locking. I agree it’s not nearly the same as thc but both together is better than either individually to me!


It would be like a tobacco smoker smoking clove cigarettes. It works in a pinch.
If you cook with your stash the thc will be absorbed into your body much more efficiently and might just last you til Harvest. 10×’s more effective eating it. Broooownies…:yum::drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
Oooh just two joints left. Uh oh.

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I tought about that and even have been looking for recipes but it is such a complex task to make edibles, then I have no ideia about doseage, a bit affraid of getting one of those highs tha last like 8h in a row.

From my 3 day experience, cbd might be good as a medical solution, I don’t get any couch lock from cbd is a clear smoke, I might see some improvement on my overall health, like some skin cists are reducing size, others are draining, not sure if I should blame cbd.

Despite the lack of thc and the warm feeling it gives me, I am stable so far, maybe it is harder to stop smoking than stop having thc.

THCA isn’t quite available in europe, in fact nowadays this is a labirinth with so many conotations, back in the days pot was pot.

in 2 days I will pass what is said to be the hardest part of stop smoking cannabis and I am confident I will hold nicely until harvest and dry one or two buds is a faster way so I can get back to my confort area.

I know it isn’t the best but I can have one bud dried in 4 days if the last 2 days it stay on top of my lamp, I know I compromise quality but I have been doing this since my 3rd harvest.


Do not make edibles if you want efficiency. It’s only about a quarter as effective to smoking and even less to vaping. I think thc is only absorbed maybe 6% orally and around 30% vaping. This is well documented if you want to google it…

I’ve made butter before and used it as a tincture since the saturated fats are thick they seem to not get swallowed as easily. Using my tongue I could keep pressing it into my cheeks and I think I was able to beat vaping efficiency that way but the process of decarbing weed in an oven just perfect is too tricky since I bought a crafty+ and it’s not super effective over vaping either…. I’ve had enough meds to not need to worry that hard.

Definitely use butter if you still would make edibles over any other fat for edibles tho if you want efficiency. It allows for more efficient carriage through your intestinal membrane than any other common food oil. Also quickly googleable but I’m too lazy right now lol.

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So… I’m good, I might have realized that cannabis addiction is fair easy to drop, much easier than smoking.

6 days without thc and I’m just waiting to harvest…

having that cbd smoke is actually not that bad once I realized that I would be without for a few weeks, I already resisted the impulse to buy some hash, I already smoked all my weed and homemade hash so no turning back.

My wife asked me if this wasn’t a ideal momment to stop smoking and I explained that I continue smoking, not thc weed but still smoking and I don’t want cannabis out of my life.

Now I know I really don’t need it as much as I thought I would but I really enjoy smoking cannabis.

I will try to smoke less because I was smoking about 10 joints a day, and that is the reason my flasks are empty, so I will try to smoke 1 waking up, 1 @ lunch and 2 or 3 at night thats 5 a day and half I was getting.


Well… 1 week later…

Nah CBD won’t work with me, 1 week and I smoked 30g of cbd buds.

Not feeling happy, just cuted a flower for tomorrow night as it will be, just need to put some thc in me.

Can’t say I didn’t tried…

In fact CBD should be a crime, it is a crime to waste time and energy changing a thing that is perfect.

I know I am being a bit hush on this one but it is how I feel.

I can agree that cbd is good if it works on your needs and you won’t be buzzed so as a medical aid it is all right, not for a middle age stoner.

I won’t get any more CBD flowers, I prefer not to smoke unless it is real weed.

So by my math, if I take a flower every day I might be able to harvest 2 autos soon and the other will be smoked meanwhile.

Otherwise I will need to pull the stings on my mobile and wallet and ask the guy to come in with some hash for me.

Just sharing how week I am and how deep my relationship with canabis evolved.

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