Yeah but the other guy finally knows relief.
Haha this is perfect! I’ve highjacked this poor fella’s thread enough. Going to see myself out✌🏻
Finish Him!!!
Lu Kang’s spine was so loose he never had to see the chiropractor again. Look closely, his knees are still kicking! Dr Subzero is king of ring dingers.
Might be the case in US, but in Canada they’re required to go to college. Not saying they’re all great just that they have actual training in my country.
Waiting on my first harvest!! Got two more weeks about!
Lmao, I have severe GERD (actually just came home from an endoscopy!) this gave me quite the laugh. I tried it, if anything it made things worse. IBS and GERD get so much bullshit info and wives tales. If the doctors don’t really understand it, I don’t think some old Romanian woman has the secret.
And the chiropractic adjustment on an infant? Good God.
OP- I get some serious restless leg. Arm pain is not uncommon, the pain comes from me constantly straining against my own posture while I try to get to sleep. I’ve twitched and punched myself in the face even.
Try working ou a bit. It will make a difference. Also try adding ginger and cinnamon to your diet. Cut on the sugar and fizzy drinks. Gluten too.
Edibles before bedtime for me made a big difference… Ior some good old greendragon .know what it’s like to not be able to sleep for weeks, months years because of pain.
Plus, do you use fume protection from the welding? That’s stuff is really really nasty. Not just for the lungs… all the best
That quack?
He isn’t even a doctor.
It’s a huge red flag if you’re lucky enough to get it.
My discovery of heart blockage took almost a month and my symptoms were definitely heart related.
It’s tough getting appointments for cardiologists esp now in the new covid dark age.
Started with me when I turned 40. Had my shoulder replaced. I wish it was gone. No lie. I can barely use it sometimes. When I turned 50 was a big moment. I haven’t seen 60 yet. It’s a big change for me because I know it want be better in the morning. I’m happy
I am to early 40’s, skinny my whole life and been told over and over to increase water , magnesium to treat my restless leg syndrome. It started at 14 after a growth spurt. Seriously drives any girl I crash with cause I cant sleep. I stopped decades ago trying to fall asleep before I am unable to keep my eyes open because other wise I just suffer uncomfortable and end up not being tired out of frustration. My diet now super simple. Oats eggs bananas apples fish and 5-6 cups of vegs a day and one of the 3 main starches.I mention this because skinny guys can’t always tell if there diet is optimal or there health. Lots of cramping in muscles on poor diets. Poor diet for me is good for someone else same goes with activity. My point is you need to take things up to the next level. I used to walk easy 2-6 hours a day and still had chicken legs. Now I walk over 7 k once every week , with all my grocery’s on my shoulders. been a year and a half, also i have been following that healthy diet 6 days a week (chilly pizza the rest of the time. ) doing that crazy farmers lift walk and that is what it took for me to be optimal. I learned it takes more (food,exercise) to make any changes to my body/system. I think you should focus on diet and work the fk out of your arms and other muscles. At first may get worse but you will tear past that. just having you bicep feel the work out burn, the night pain will feel like a relief, eventually you muscle will relax. Same as my legs. They are no oo0nger chicken and I can’t say I have had restless legs syndrome this year, first time ever. Oh and I quit sugar over a year ago. you kind of get used to sugarless coffee. same way I got used to dubes with no tobacco.
Sorry to hear that. Sugar is the worst. I drink tea . No sweet tea for me. It makes it hard to work in heat when your body is full of sugar. Drink good water. Even if you need to boil it.
The hard part too is when your a skinny dude you can eat a LOT and it seems like it doesn’t even do anything! Gaining wait is impossible with a high metabolism no matter how many carbs and starches you cram into it. I have been into something that’s worked though. When you intake toxins at a job,(welding painting etc) your white blood cells fight off the toxins and consume calcium. This can cause a calcium deficiency resulting in skimming off calcium from your bones. Since reading about this I’ve uptaked calcium and got a better brand of multivitamins and the aching has started to go away! I never even thought of it being a bone issue, but none the less I agree working out is way more important with age and is next on the to do list along with a better diet. If ya think about it, most health issues all stem from what we eat. And unfortunately a lot of the stuff at stores are crap! Processed, preservatives, hormones in meat, really have to be careful.
Yup listen to Vernal…me…I’d tell your young ass to do pushups…def no doktor over here…
Get that shit checked out homie.
I get it. I am currently 6’1 and a with a 28 inch waist lol but it is awesome. If you know what’s up. Junk food goes in one end and out the other regardless how carbed out or fat it is.Nothing with happen with out a 4-6 cups of veg a day and like 2 fruits and no sugar. AND push up’s . Back shoulders.Basically Calisthenics Exercises is what you want. being thin you get to cash in. Having a tapered look is what body builders go for and in contrast need big dumb muscles arms and stuff just to get tapered. Veg is easy , I slice or shred 4 cups, add couple cloves garlic, no salt or butter pop in toaster oven. ( shred carrots, radish anything that may cook slower than say zucchini.) and you know throw it on pasta with crushed tomatoes. It is surprisingly good.
is one of if not the best kind of workout, and the more you vary it the better, your body never gets used to it and has to adapt (dont know if that makes any sense)
Definitely. Did mine today.
Arm pain like you describe that is worse at night, might be nerve related.
Maybe try some YouTube carpal/cubital tunnel physical therapy?