Acid Dawg and Gas Candy last week

Thanks InTheWoods, I am looking forward to the Sour Gum run myself, I will try not to disappoint. I will be running all 12. As far as harvest goes. I made a last minute decision to let them go 1 more week, I prefer to go nighty, night!


It’s not like that here. :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:
If you do find yourself with a question or a problem. Ask it!
With all the members here, it’s a library of experiences and someone has solved it previously.

Thats my type of smoke. :grin:
Do you have a jeweler’s loupe to look at the trichs?



Of course I do, I wouldn’t have it any other way. After scoping them this morning, I decided to take them down.

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Nice, I just found a magnifying glass to check my ladies out when the time gets closer.
Happy Harvest! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:

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I have decided to pull the trigger, and harvest the girls. I decided to wait and get more amber trichomes. During the drying, I am shooting for 60-63% humidity throughout the process. I have two S6s oscillating at the bottom of the 3x3 tent. The fans are set at a speed of 2. One S6 on the front right of the tent. And one S6 on the back left of the tent. The exhaust fan has been set to 5 max & minimum 1.

Temperature is set at high 75 degrees. I do have a window AC unit installed I more than likely will have run to keep temps 70 or under Also I have Ac Infinity T5 incase I need it. I am counting on the Contoller 69 and the the exhaust fan to keep things in order. In case they don’t I will be prepared to keep the humidity 60


AS one journey ends another begins.