Acro's Farm Adventures

Still a lot of reading to do but I’ll be back for more. You definitely have been busy :muscle: that mother off acro haze is huge, especially for being autoflower.

Good luck with your breeding endeavors!


Well, after a hunt of many plants I landed on one of the boys that popped up in late Feb from the ground. Great structure and response to training, unfazed by bad weather, takes after blueberry by jumping into flower quick, skunky berry smells.

If everything makes it to harvest we’ll have…

Super Silver Deez x (Blueberry Muffin x Vintage Blueberry), which I’ve been calling Blues Haze, crossed to…

Blueberry (old pnw saty cut)
Blueberry Muffin (latest HSC cut)
Blues Haze x 3 (two I hunted indoors and one outdoors)
Blue Popgun
SLH Franco

And I’m sure a few others will make their way into the greenhouse

I expect some casualties, bugs have gotten bad suddenly and conditions are great for bud rot at the moment. But mild weather is upon us… :crossed_fingers:


The most recent batch of seedlings are now angry teenagers. Lots of upset plants, stress testing didn’t kill a lot, so seems we’re working with several good strains/plants. Still in the mix…

Permanent marker S1 x 10
Permanent marker X (Runtz x Tahoe OG) x 4
Dragonsblood HP x 19
Congo Blueberry x 9
Congolese Purpleback x 5
Varin’s G x Blackcherry Cheesecake x 8
Vice Versa (THC-V strain) x 5

The PM hybrid, blueberry Congo, and the THC-V x BCCC have been the standouts.


A couple of stank muffin (BBM x Staten Island d/sic d) a few weeks into 12/12

And this…


I’m out of likes :+1:

Both the stank muffins and the little piggy are looking fine :slightly_smiling_face:

Really nice and interesting to see your breeding projects and methods. The selection process and extensive stress testing before potentially moving to flower for more testing, you’re definitely serious about quality!

Those breeder threads here are inspiring to see and I’m convinced many OG breeders have better quality seedlines than some big seed companies, with some breeders here playing on another level.


Four days later in the Stank Muffin… I screwed up the days too, this is day 21 of 12/12.

She’s not living up to her name very well, she’s quite lovely, but I feel like I’m getting a bit of sweet and berry, a bit of rubber, and a bit of cleaner perfumey notes. Nothing loud or pronounced yet, but she’s also one of the last plants I’ll smell, so my nose is a little dead by the time I get to her.


Some blueberry BX autos regs, kept four girls from testing. 3 out of 4 are purple

These are the plants that were popping on the vine and I put like 20 of them in a tiny pot. Despite transplants, abuse, bad weather, and only osmocote and old coco, they look pretty good! I believe there pollinated with the reversed blueberry saty clone only, but we shall see…


Gorgeous :green_heart:


Many thanks, they’re a nice mix of aromas and that green one has lots of savory and funky notes.


Looking really nice! :+1: Love the colour! :grin:

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Thanks bud! @Crawfish

For those folks waiting on tester autos, my goal is tomorrow.


I thought this Drunken Bastard was a girl from the start because of all the smells, but, so not a girl! He has already pollinated some Blueberry Saty, Blue Popgun, and blueberry muffin. I might hit 5-10 others, it’s a toss up with him and a Blues Haze boy for anything in flower and not already pollinated.


Stinky males used to be a ‘go to’ a few years back, keep those beans… you definitely want to try some of the progeny to see what you have.



@Gpaw Oh, they were purposeful pollinations. This plant was so much better than every other plant from that pack it’s comical. This thing was hanging with vigorous autos that were putting photos to shame.

It’s was sticky and smelled of overripe tropical fruits in veg, and I can usually pick the boys and girls pretty well before there are clear visual signs.

Even if it was a girl I was going to reverse it on some of my mutant creations, so it actually worked out. I didn’t have any intentions of making mutant crosses yet, but I believe the plants decide what’s best.

I go into each round of popping seeds with some sort of them and an idea of what I’m looking to do, but I don’t force anything. The plants decide, and this plant was so undeniably good that it had to make some beans.

I’m really excited about all of what I’m making right now. Blues Haze by a bunch of things, this boy, and a blueberry auto boy. I’ve abandoned all my feminized plans for now. The SLH S1 plan may turn into SLH F8 instead where I take my selected f7 SLH and hit Franco. My fascination with BX’s and parked lines has been peaking lately. There a part of me that wants to hit Franco with the most Sativa leaning, best smoking girl and boy I can find.

Will update this thread with everything that’s pollinated and being made soon. If I can pull it all off, I’m making about 30 new crosses. :crazy_face:

Also… this happened…

Goji OG x 4
Casper OG x 7
Grapefruit x Blueberry x a dozenish
Grape Krush x 1 :pensive:

And I feel like I’m forgetting one…


Does this come from experience or do male’s grow and stretch quicker …??


@globalhead I’d say it’s an educated guess in most cases.

I typically do a really long veg on any new plant. The tactile feeling of the leaves, the power of the aroma, the tackiness of the stem rub, appearance to a lesser degree. I’ve been fooled enough times by vigor and stretch being an indicator of sex that I don’t place a lot of extra weight in it, but it will certainly make me lean slightly male.


Blueberry Sativa BX auto regs. We’ll see how they smoke, but I may have to grow these every year, the colors… 3 of 4 girls I kept around are the loveliest colors. Hopefully they’re making beans, they’re on a hot rooftop with a reversed PNW Blueberry Sativa Clone only. They’re resilient as hell. The blueberry looks like it’s been through a war, they just look a little pissed because I gave them too many nutrients once in testing. Bugs are staying away from them for the most part for some reason, obliterating all other plants around them