Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

That’s also haze. Cyphering how can I eradicate your dumb asses lol. Sometimes I get really high and build pungie pits out front :joy:


Me walking up to Tom’s pad in NoCal asking for a grip of seeds…


Directional claymores have proven effective!



That’s some deep haze shit brother.


I been in the woods since I was 16 I’m 55 now. I can say whatever I like, fuck you guys lol. If you go out different shame on you.


That’s nice line up! Got me thinking about my oaxacan x(Honduras x panama). Super silver Haze fem Mr. Nice guy at 10 days. Damn it lights out I’ll share in am.
I have swazipulco gold going outside. Swaziland gold x Acapulco gold


No you don’t lol

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I got some NYC haze some Cuban black from money Mike still going.

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Ooooh son lol.

Teak and liver that’s Northern Lights x Haze not Haze and confirms what I say all the time that THH is NL5Haze from Neville when THH looks like NL and is more compact than NLHaze!


Mikey knows. There were no words about it… It is not profound though. It’s, just, not. That is the reality of NYC piff. What.

Ladyboys over on up in there to the right. Men will be on the left discussing things of import.

I shit you not, that’s haze

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Very different to all that Haze 19 derived stuff …

I wonder which year Haze bros bred affie into the mix :thinking:

Sam always be leaving out the best parts :joy:

That pic shows the worst of the commercial imports in the 70s. That pic caused many to think the weed from the 70s was of poor quality. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Back then most didn’t have access to the best quality. Those that did rarely sold any of it.


@hammerheadgenetics is right look at these old photos from some of our book collecting grower friends:

Haze Brothers OHaze and other classics from Lawrence Cherniak’s books:

@buckaroobonsai admins a huge reference thread here that’s well worth a read, he is a notable collector along with @Ukbookcollector @Sbeanonnamellow and others, that is probably the worst image I see regularly circulated from that era


Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. When we think of the past it’s the beautiful things we pick out. We want to believe it was all like that.


Coming from people who smoked in the 70’s, they just told me quote" it was 1.Thai Columbian & 3. acapulco gold, that they mainly smoked, hash was real popular esp. The hash oil. Shit was good and sticky, leafier & some even came to you on a stick & you’d get like a zip of seeds per QP. Edit: also green Columbian in that 2. spot along with gold & the hash oil usually was black.


I was growing/smoking in the 70s. Hash was always nice but was not as popular as flowers in the USA Cali. Most of what we smoked was Homegorwn from seeds found. We could not rely on quality imported weed showing up every time so we grew our own…All everyone grew were longer flowering Sativas.