Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Nevils Haze x C5 Mango


Last night I had my first sample of the OH x ONH by Todd at AG.
It’s really, really damn good.
This plant was an early finisher ( only 12 weeks, The other plant still has a few more weeks to go)

Not yet cured, but already has a great smell. It’s also much more resinous than I expected.

The high is… well a bit magical. Clear headed and energetic, and some moments you feel not very high, and then a minute later you’re like, damn I’m super high!
It’s one of the best sativa type plants I’ve smoked lately. It reminds me a lot of the Azad Kashmir high. They both have a magical type feel. Like… can’t quite put my finger on what feels diffferent, but it definitely is different in a very very good way.


Cannalope haze is one of my favorite strains.


A lot of pure “Colombian” probably already has many of the same genetics as Haze. As we’ve discussed before, a lot of genetics from SE Asia and quite likely India were introduced to Colombia and probably Mexico.


That looks killer, sincerely mate. :face_with_monocle:


around here the darling is East Coast Sour Diesel x Neville Haze

Haze gave this Diesel a taste of patchouli. I love this sour :boom::rocket:



What breeder sell this seeds please ? I’m interested in this cross


Looks delicious! :yum:


Though Mr. Nice sells a version of it too, I believe that @Fitzera got that specific cross of the clone to the Shanti Mango from Wally Duck (AKA Donald Mallard) from Down Under, Mr. Duckfoot himself.

This is the Mr Nice seeds: Neville's Haze Mango (Neville's Haze x Mango) - Mr. Nice seedbank and research - Strains


Thats right @Dirt_Wizard

This is the write up about it found at IC in @flower-power (star-crash) thread. His are the reason I sought these seeds out.

"i crossed it to shantis ibl mango haze ,
which i think was a little similar ,
enough for me to get something like c5 in seed form ,
they were great , i grew a bunch a few years back ,
nice fat colas , great production , nice head highs , good potency etc …

so i selected a male and used it over a bunch of girls we selected ,
the nevils haze is from old stock also , pre 2012 ,
the mango haze ibl had a skinny and fat pheno , so i labeled them accordingly ,
it was good pot , slightly earlier than the standard mh …"



I think you have fire in your hands

The old neville haze could go much longer than the new (and you have the good one)

And this guy seems to know what he do

Nice to see good old genetics around

He sell seeds are it’s because you know each other ?

Maybe you know where I can find good old kalimist or AK47 ? because you seem to know good old genetic

But yes, I think you have fire :fire:

Happy new year !!


Crazy sativa pheno from C99 reversed by female seeds.
Chopped at week 14 for the next cycle but could go weeks more for sure.
For sure an interesting grow. Tropical fruity grapey gum smell with racey sativa high.
But don’t buy their C99 if you are looking for C99 :rofl: :rofl:


I agree, this is a very good strain for sure. Wally is good people and hes made very good seed. He told me this one goes around 12 weeks. In a perfect world I believe that but I didn’t provide that perfect world this time haha. Next time I will start with smaller pot size during the flip/stretch, a little less water during this time and use a lighter amended soil (N). That should keep them a bit shorter and more manageable.

I think he used to and possibly still does sell seeds (in Australia) but these were gifted to me by him. I offered money or seed in return but he declined.

I’m sorry, I don’t know where to source those strains, I’ve only really started procuring and growing nld types in the past year or so. Fairly new to this side of cannabis. You might look around here, there was a AK48 repro done…im not sure how close that is to the old AK you’re thinking of.

Thank you, happy new year to you as well!


AK48 is a good selection of AK47 made by Nirvana. For the price it’s a good choice

Tuthankamon from Pyramid seeds too

But it’s not the old AK47 :slight_smile:

Thank you for all the informations

All the best


Hayz4dayz final days


AK Bean Brains has Kali Mist F4

I’ve not grown it myself but have cultivated several other strains of his. He breeds with a lot of old school varieties.


Something that I’ve kind of accidentally stumbled on to the last two grows is keeping the plants on an extended 14/10 light schedule, like a month of 14/10 before flipping. I dunno how long you veg, but I always veg for 60 days (at least) before I flip, with the last two weeks of veg on a 14/10 schedule to kind of ease them into flower, mimicking “natural” light schedules, whatever.

However, the last two grows, I was kind of forced to leave some plants on 14/10 for an extra two weeks (just the way shit worked out) and almost none of the plants that were left on the extended 14/10 stretched very much at all once flower was induced. A lot of them started autoflowering, actually, after about three weeks of 14/10, but I didn’t have any issues with herms or weirdness of any sort (other than they didn’t stretch once I “officially” flipped haha).

I’ve actually got a Santa Cruz Pure Haze x A5Thai flowering right now that was left on that lengthy 14/10 schedule and she stretched maybe six inches once I switched over to 11.5/12.5. I was for sure anticipating her getting huge after the flip, but she didn’t.

Having said that, I’ve also got a Malibu Pure Kush x Lemon Thai that stretched big-time and got MASSIVE, despite the extended 14/10 schedule, so I can’t say it works for everything. But that’s the only plant that’s been grown on that schedule that got big; everything else has stayed almost the same size they were before I actually flipped.

I’m not saying this is something I’m gonna do moving forward (if I can help it), but it is something I’ve noticed and thought was pretty interesting. I’d much rather have all my plants growing on my usual lighting schedule, even if it means they get really big haha, but the extended 14/10 light schedule definitely seems like something worth looking in to if height/stretch is a concern.


Funny you say that. And I’m not sure why I did differently this time round, especially with a majority of nld plants.
What I’ve done the last few runs is slowly bring the time down to flowering. I veg on an 18/6 schedule and over a week or two weeks I’ll slowly pick off a half hour every other day or so until I’m at 12/12. That’s really shortened the adjustment time and stretch drastically for me in the past.

I noticed you mentioned that in your thread (I try to keep up with others grows even if I don’t make any remarks) bit I hadn’t stopped and really thought about 14/10 for a longer duration.

I prefer large plants, I feel that allows for full expression of the phenotype and genotype. These ones just got too big for my little 5x5. In my ideal grow space height wouldn’t be of much concern, but I’m still working towards thay goal haha.

Thanks for the input!


She’s that sour that makes you twist your nose so sour…


Thank you very much

It’s very cool and good information

Western winds seems to be a good option too. The breeders from serious seeds and sagarmatha seeds worked together before

But thank you a lot

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