Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

The Y chromosome is only passed down from male parent to male offspring, so the information on the Y chromosome can more speci cally illustrate ancestry of one direct lineage of male ancestors.

The OutBack Haze used my Thai.

This is about digging for very early Haze types.

None of my Nevils Haze have a hint of NL if they did they would of been shit canned long ago.


I also donā€™t like Indica affects, never have.

I found two main high types in Haze, one being the Colombian that is like a rocket sled at the start of the high, then levels off to a strong high with a touch of stone. The other being the real creeper high that is like acid that being the Thai side that comes at you in waves.


Thatā€™s why CANNABIS has something for everyone. We smoke/Grow/Breed what each of us likes. I LOVE ALL WEED.


Itā€™s all made up horseshit would be my guess, like most strain stories.


How much did that test cost? Be really cool to try sometime.

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Have to ask, but will not be cheap. Coffeeshops get special prices to let their stash tested.


Shanti had nothing to do with it, except maybe be collected some while he was there. It was around before then, it has no indica in it, I strongly doubt it has Columbian in it either. To me it always just looked like a straight SE Asian. MM was never a single variety.


I just go by what the line tells me in the smoke to be honest, mate. We grew up on a diet of Thais Colombians all types of sativa, so for me, they are easy to distinguish.

I donā€™t know why Sam went back and edited or removed posts sometimes years after posting them, makes no sense to me.

In our part of the world you had Good/Ok/ or Shit that was our rating system for quality, the first time I saw hype used to sell or promote cannabis was on the forums.


Yep, same here. First kicking around in far North Queensland, and then in northern NSW. I donā€™t see much Thai flower structure in any of the haze Iā€™ve grown, though I am admittedly more of a SE Asian fan than a haze one. Perhaps itā€™s there, but if it is, in the plants I have had itā€™s only been a trace of it.
The plants tell the real story , everything else is just entertaining anecdotes.


Shanti started working on what he calls MM in 79 with a few others that lived up there, but I know for a fact MM already existed well before 78.

From what I know, it was grown and made by hippies living in a commune. The guys I knew that moved up with them, that basically just grew MM and surfed, told me the MM was a Thai/Colombian.

I know where it was originally grown and in 84/85 they had a massive crack-down by law enforcement happen and most left.

What you also had happen was a lot of people also started calling there unrelated lines MM.

After the MM dried up was when I started to see the Mango Heads come from up that way.


I found two main flower types in Nevils Haze.

The Classic Colombian HzC side.

The Thai side, HzA side.


This is a different example of both sides of the Haze from Males brothers both F2s.

One on the left is to the Thai side, the one on the right is to the Colombian side.


I have no experience with Nevilleā€™s haze, nor any haze indoors tbh. I just donā€™t have that level of patience lol.
I just question the route of Columbian weed into Australia. Itā€™s a long boat ride. Any idea when/where/how this might have come to be?

Also there was/is numerous hippy communities around Mullumbimby/Byron/Nimbin. For decades all the weed off the streets in nimbin was hippy Sativa. I have no idea what it is like today, but both Nimbin and especially Mullum are very wet sub tropical rainforest areas, so the climate precluded much indica. I still try and grow hash plants outside in northern NSW; and every year I lose most of it to rot, occasionally you get a dry year and then you have a good harvest, but more often than not itā€™s just a giant pita. The weed from northern Queensland, to my eyes at least is almost indistinguishable from MM and I am almost 100% certain that there is no Colombian in that. PNG and lots of SE Asian, but South American isnā€™t exactly on the northern smuggling route lol.


We had a lot of imports come in up until say 84/85 the Donald Mackay killing brought it and many down. Royal commissions and government inquiries that followed (all documented) exposed the largest drug cartel that was formed during the Vietnam War, made up of US and Australians.

I saw imports from Asia / South America / Africa / Hawaii and Mexico and even the Middle East, so a lot came in from different parts, but you also had many travellers bringing seeds back also.


Wasnā€™t the McKay killing related to domestic production around Griffith? Trimbole was up to his neck in large scale growing operations. I recall Thai sticks from the Mr Asia syndicate; until that too ended up in dead people and no more Thai sticks. Then those lime green stinky mango buds, that looked and smelled straight Thai. And then a fair amount of PNG gold, first imported as compressed, harsh and sometimes funky, but then domestic local grows of it. I never saw anything till later that I could definitely say was South American. Iā€™d like to find some of those old domestic heirlooms if they did/do exist still.


Most of the domestic grown was destined for export overseas markets, the US being a big one and again that was also exposed by the Royal commissions and government Inquiries.

We are talking corrupt law enforcement CIA Feds and many more agencies involved including Military.

We grew up smoking Thais / Panama Red things like that.


Hmm really? Iā€™m just not convinced. The simple logistics of this seem implausible given our domestic market was an isolated almost captive one. Iā€™m definitely 100% interested in any domestic heirlooms that have any such genetics in them, but just have not been able to find any. Plenty of stereotypical SE Asian stuff, but nothing else. If you are aware of any, Iā€™d be interested.


How old are you Slain ? You may not of been at the right place at the right time to see what was going on.

This is a good read gives you an understanding.
Marijuana Australiana

This is also.

Short video to the point.


Iā€™m 50 brother, been around a bit. Iā€™m not saying that it didnā€™t happen, just that I have yet to find any seed evidence of it. It would seem odd that all of those heirloom genetics have just disappeared into the past but the SE Asian/PNG survived.


Many are still around being grown by people, not every one likes the indica or Dutch lines mate.

Most keep with in their circle of friends, you know, I have never seen or smoked any PNG where you have, so it really does depend on where you live and who you know.

A lot of the Nimbin stuff now is hybridised with Dutch lines or are Dutch lines.