Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Or an heirloom polyhybrid made of heirloom landraces?


so is that just a regular a polyhybrid in the end? at what point would a hybrid (or any strain) become heirloom ?

or is it a poly-hybridized landrace heirloom?

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Well, I guess it would be the case that MOST landraces at least began life as polyhybrids, and they are not static, as you would imagine that farmers are interested in results rather than simply preservation, so many of them probably would still qualify as poly. It’s probably safest to see haze as an heirloom as that seems vague enough not to offend anyone lol.
Maybe the entire cannabis genome is just one giant poly hybrid.


love it, perfect response for such a broad, specific topic

their results are the preservation, preserving the best results for next years crop


Most subsistence farmers are just trying to grow something that they can sell to feed their families. They aren’t thinking about if it should be called a landlrace or heirloom. It’s only westerners who have the luxury to sit around and speculate about some obscure definition of what weed should be called. We are so removed from the reality of life for third world farmers it’s not even funny


The only baby here is you slain! You’re ignorant on topics related to genetics … If you bothered to read the papers you listed you might understand a bit better.

What about incomplete dominance and co-dominance? More arbitrary terms for when we don’t understand what’s going on at the molecular level.

The days of mendel and punnent squares have long passed for any reputable geneticist!


I speak for myself and myself alone!

Don’t drag others into your own personal squabbles!

Lets gets it back on topic and back to Haze folks!

What hazes are you growing @slain @Chara

Nobody is talking about punnet squares are they?
If what you are trying to say is that the Mendelian model of inheritance is incomplete, then no shit Sherlock, again, nobody suggested otherwise. Mendel’s work suggested that just two alleles existed for each gene, we have known it’s not that simple for a hundred years. What you actually said, is that dominance doesn’t exist because of ‘molecules’. Which is frankly just silly especially for someone claiming to be a geneticist.

There is nothing ‘arbitrary’ and little not understood about them, and again with the ‘molecules’; well what about the molecules exactly?
If I chose the phrase ‘singe nucleotide polymorphism’ and just throw it around does that prove anything? Same logic.

At the moment on the Sativa side I’m growing some PNG Gold, some Oaxaca, some Peshawar, some Vietnamese and some heirlooms from North Queensland, I’ve just finished a Hawaiian/Haze which got some png pollen, which should hopefully give it a bit less larf and more meat
and resin. It’s winter here so seed making season. I don’t grow the tropical types indoors.


This topic has become increasingly heated as a result of a few members making it personal. Hopefully, enabling slow mode will shift the focus from a debate between three or four individuals to a higher quality debate involving more members without any insults or personal animosities.

You now need to wait 12 hours between posts in this topic to allow yourself time to gather your thoughts and write a well-thought-out response.


It is, was, and always has been a poly-hybrid.


Lmfao :rofl: some of the comments that come from these debates are HILARIOUS!


Yet this is exactly what Hempy was and is doing

AFTER 12 HOURS ( and a whole bottle of whiskey) TO REFLECT ON THIS ISSUE I HAVE COME TO THE ONLY LOGICAL CONCLUSION THAT WE CAN ALL AGREE ON. " It’s a long way to the top ( if you wanna Rock n Roll ) " - AC DC -


1 post a day FOR ALL is a bit extreme. It’s too bad admin can’t limit those making it personal. Haze topics always end up with issues.

Both of these are on 60 days


MMx NH x MG , I’m good for 12 hrs. Following was exhausting. :laughing:


That is impressive!! I’m glad I have these. You’re going to need a bigger pole.



My mouth is watering already :drooling_face: Definitely tag me when you do! I wanna be there :sunglasses::+1:


4 Ohaze, a destroyer thai pheno and a chihuahua 1990, all from cutting