Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

African Haze (ACE Malawi x JJ’s Nigerian [Nigerian silk x (Nigerian silk x NL5 Haze)] )
from topdawg, Bronson’s cut grown by semperfrosty:

Posi/Tom Hill Haze phenos
presumably from TH, grown by semperfrosty




Both are levels above the commercially available offerings but there’s something different about the NL free phenos that is difficult to replicate regarding duration, complexity and quality of the scents/aromas, effects. I can only imagine what a decent pheno cobbed up would evolve into. The THH pheno I tried is easily one of the most memorable(top 5) i’ve ever tried because of the unique terpene profile that seemed to imitate, tiger balm ™. Suspect Indian influence?




Couldn’t help myself.

Now on a haze related topic, Has anyone ran Todd’s O-haze (purple pheno)? I’m assuming anyone who’s running his O-Haze is the standard IBL. I’d be curious how different the two are and if either is worth the pickup.


Whenever the scientists want to get out of the kiddy pool, I’m popping beans.

Only 23 Tom’s Posi. One bean went and did a kamikaze off the tweezers into the carpet. Punnet that.


That is an absolutely beautiful plant🎉

I’ve grown out more varieties and larger hunts off the JJ’s Nigerian than anyone I know of. The cut itself isn’t the whole package, but what it does is extraordinary. 3/4 of the ranking piffcon lines for 3 years have that shared parentage.

After running all the types I could get a hold of and the original TSB 5 haze I can confidently say it is that original make that is the cornerstone of everything winning today…still never found the equal to the cut we had then, but it’s getting closer.

My buddy from that time goes to Piffcon every year and reported back that everything is getting better, but no one has found its equal yet.

What is so extraordinary is that almost every cup that has won sativa category still all have that original in the parentage. For over 30 years running. It is really wild that everything award-winning all goes back to 2 seed and a cut.

Even lines like the Diesel’s and Chem that Nevil and others can tell are in there.


IMO when the piffcon entries start including (selected/hunted) 16-26 weekers that are indica free, i suspect the quality will graduate to varsity level. There is still hope- got some promising up and comers like Neutrino who are working with THH cuts found by semper. I just feel like it’s a slap in the face to have northern lights lineage haze win a sativa category when it’s not even a pure sativa. Anybody that wasn’t in the pure haze era has no idea what they’re missing out on and are getting a false representation of haze in the NLhaze derivatives —just like everybody getting those fake sour(s) that’s making its rounds on the commercial circuit. It’s a dam shame commercial pressures keep the top shelf (pure) sativas out of reach of consumers.


Original Haze x Oaxaca Gold


I hear what your saying. I come from a place of perspective on this. Around 500 to 1 of my 5haze hunts don’t qualify by the standard I have from the original. The thing is the same is true of
'pure’haze. A person could grow 500 of them just to find one that really raised the bar.

It all comes down to selection. With the same 3 5haze seeds I could have a line that is 80% ×7 stretch 16w or 80% ×.5 8w by f3 of the same few seed.

It’s a shitty picture, but The Alpine 1.0 here were flowered at the same time and size as that little Bandaid 7.

It all comes down to the genetic stock, dedication and good fortune of each artist. The same 3 seeds in the hands of 2 experienced haze breeders will also be very different by f3.

It’s all an art. Your project and experience sounds really exciting and will likely produce next level haze, but I both agree with you and disagree with you about 5haze. Haze is a potential, not a result.


I agree. In North Korea I learned that 1+1 is not 2, it’s actually just a bigger one.
You have to look at it at the atomic level.


The event is Piffcon and if you look and dig into what early Piff was you will find that it Piff in fact was 5Hz.

This is what the very early guys growing it in Florida have said

Toms or Posi Haze is very different to that of the Flying Dutchman Haze.

Most Haze now don’t go past 16 weeks, and yet 50% haze that I have don’t flower under 16 weeks and can flower to 20 or over.

This is a 50% Haze Male 25%NL and 25% Sk, and it was put into flower at around 1ft.

Haze was never a pure line.


Damn, so now I need a particle accelerator for my pheno hunts?


Well said @hempy. You can’t take the NL out of Piff or it would just be a Haze cup. Not that that’s a bad thing just not Piff!


I’m ready to start zapping some molecules


Some 20 week haze would be outta this world and here I was complaining about 12 weeks hazes


20 weeks? Damn!! That would definitely require some serious commitment lol. Outside I’ve never seen anything go that long, not even some of the more esoteric African varieties, that’s basically the entire flowering season;
roughly March to October in the tropics down here! No way my attention span is ever going to extend that long lol.
I wonder where the 20 weeks flower time comes from? You would think if would have to be from something that developed right at the equator.
I know the FBSC Colombian Gold flowers for an eternity so maybe something along those lines, I’ve personally never had an Oaxaca, Kerala or SE Asian go much more than about 16 weeks.


I’d probably just sit it in a corner of the flower room in a single site hydro farm.


Well tropics for the longer flowering stuff I would image vs. equator … the earth’s on a tilt after all :wink:

Also flowering times are hard to compare indoors with out … I go by 1st pistil outdoors where most indoor growers calculate from flip.


(A5 Haze x Original Haze) x Original Haze

My favorite Phenotype so far with dense flower clusters :seedling:
Very potent stuff.


Macdonalds fast food uses the Russet Burbank potato he bred to resist blight,he sold the rights in the 1800s for $125 ,it was introduced in Ireland during the potato famine.


The reward in life is always in proportion to the risk

Kudos to you on your journey!!!


Is that one from Cryptic Labs? How is the aroma like?

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Yes, it’s from cryptic. Pineno and incense.