Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

Are you familiar with Nag Champa incense?

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Mango Nigerian


Looking good, any fuzzy stems?
Hapi haze growing


Iā€™m familiar with that smell. lol I grew up traveling around the country going to dead shows and hippie gatherings. I was around ganja culture my whole life. The Miami haze was a phenomenon of that era. It wasnā€™t just the clones that made it but also the growing ā€œrecipeā€. The groups were highly organized and had a system to it all. There was one or two guys called ā€œthe electricianā€ their job was to go set up every grow house with free electricity. They would tap into both hot lines before the meter. And then someone moved in permanently to live there and run the operation. They had many houses doing exactly the same thing. Same cuttings, lights, fertilizer and grow routine. So even an untrained person could pul it off perfectly. It was all from South Florida at first. Probably half got shipped to NY and the rest stayed in Florida. No cuttings were given out. That was the rule. People in NY picked out seeds and started growing it there. Thatā€™s why they have a slightly different version.
There is a darker almost orange more fluffy type that had the Nag Champa smell that everyone talks about. But the one that was the best was more green with harder buds almost minty or pine hash flavor. Because they were real criminals they did not pay for power and that was their problem. The houses would catch on fire or the power company would notice abnormal usage. There were several news stories that had really good footage of the plants and setup during the busts. So you could get a good idea of how it all looked. The plants were all about 5ft tall and the HPS lights were on the ceiling. The news crews called them heat lamps. I thought that was funny but if you didnā€™t know better thatā€™s what it looked like. lol


All 3 have some but the last one on the right definitely feels special. Extra fuzzy. :call_me_hand:t2:



Dream Drifter. Chopped on 98F
Could have seen 16 weeks probably but I needed room.

Smoked some today during work. I havent had that haze flavor in over a decade. So damn tasty.
Immediate onset, Very clear high, Felt like a headband was on my head. Iā€™ll look for her again to bring them to F2s since I didnā€™t take cuts since itā€™s the initial look in the cross.


Sorry you had a bad experience. I love dj blueberry, itā€™s finicky as hell and hard to dial in. When you get it right, itā€™s awesome! I learned it hates too much water, and nutes. Prefers a very aerated soil mix too, you gotta baby it bad haha. Definitely not something you want for ease of growth or yield. I had a few sterile :banana: too.


I lived in Wash Heights and smoked puday, from morn to night, almost exclusively from 98-08. We called it puday, not piff. NL5 haze with the right potency and directionality of the high is gorgeous. Iā€™ve had a handful of hazes, recently grown well, without the NL influence. And others along the way. Not better. Not clearer. Just different. The notion that ā€œpureā€ haze is better than all hybridized haze doesnā€™t square with my experience. Plenty of bad and mediocre examples of both. Few examples of stellar highs in both. Itā€™s about selection, quality of the grow, biochemistry and personal preference. Hating on any of the vast bouquet of hazes just because it doesnā€™t suit oneā€™s preferences is always sad for me to see. And more about the person than the plant, imo. Haze is a beautiful line of plentiful variety suited to a wide spectrum of tokers. A community of origins, intermarriages, offspring and far-ranging family. If I had to boil down my decades-long love affair with haze, Iā€™d say: Haze is a maze. Find the ones you love. Appreciate the joy others have for the ones they love. Tend the plant well and let the plant tend you. Get lifted and lift up. Enjoy the ride. Share the magic. Be well.


No, Iā€™m not from NYC or the US, but White Boy Kev was there and without the commercial part most people in NYC would not have smoked Piff .

White Boy Kev story or the history of Piff told by him has nothing to do with seed retail side, how can you claim it has ?.

With all due respect US3RNAM3 some of you guys act like Haze is something pure and yet Nevil who bought very early Haze seed from Sam found a fast broad leafed plant with in those pure Haze seed.

This fixation that Haze is pure is absurd.


New York smelled like haze and blunts for the longest time like three decades almost, before it became runtz and fritter gelato cookies in the air. Vape in your face ewww luckily I still smell some haze. Just walking around the city youā€™ll smell all types of weed but lots of hazes and kushes and candy ass stuff. Haze is special from the taste to the high. Dominicans embraced that and New York we smoked a lot of clear nyc get crazy or get creative or get with your girl - haze in dutches. Itā€™s a flavor thing and a type of high that we grew up with that fits the speed of the city. In the beginning I had no idea what haze was but that taste I knew and when people told me that was haze I knew it was in the rotation from the first weed I smoked in New York early 90s.


After the first couple batches of South Florida Haze I sent word down the line that I wanted to buy some clones. I offered $500 for one and a few weeks later I got word that it was impossible. Not even for $5000. They held on to them because it was their golden goose. It brought in more money than coke. By the way that was shipped to New York in the same packages as the haze. I thought about it some more and realized the flavor was almost like a mental cigarette the way it made your lungs cool and icy. But to me it was more of a novelty because it was so harsh and obviously grown with tons of chemical fertilizer. I was hoping to grow it in soil for myself but that wasnā€™t possible. There was also a G13 x Haze from Miami that actually sold for more. It was $100 for an 1/8 and blew your mind. Most of my homies are dead now so it feels weird even talking about it. Just wanted to set the story straight for my own peace of mind. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s some people out there who still know whatā€™s up and can remember what Iā€™m talking about!


Hempy you obviously know a lot about Nevilā€™s work but how on earth can you, sitting in Australia, know anything about what people in New York were, or are smoking?


I have personally never encountered anything described as piff down here, in fact this thread is the first time Iā€™ve ever really heard of it.

How could or anyone ever know the background of such a find; it could have been contamination from something else. Neville denied he even got haze from Sam, whose stories are probably just that. Not gospel, not a careful documentation, just the vague recollections of a self interested stoner whoā€™s ego would like to place him at the center of the universe.

A person is just as likely to get at the truth by arguing Thor was the original source, and ultimately apart from esoteric interest, itā€™s largely unknowable and irrelevant.
Itā€™s not even like the rumored ingredients for the original haze are hard to find, so a person could throw together a ā€˜I made a hazeā€™ and who is to say any different?


@slain You could use the same lines but not the same plants as the original.
So no you wonā€™t create your own haze. You might create something better but not haze.

And as for @hempy. You have no idea what was going in NY.

Iā€™ma take one for the team and risk a band or suspension.

In the words of the great rapper Beanie Sigle
" if I donā€™t see it I donā€™t say it
Thats how I play it.
Iā€™m just saying what they say but they scared to say it".

I ainā€™t ever had a problem with you @hempy , but this playing the victim every time someone disagrees with you is getting old.
Iā€™ve never heard a grown man whine so much. Damn.

And this attitude you have that just because you knew Nevil makes you some kind of authority on all things haze is old and irritating.

Its like Iā€™m starting to think your some kid just trolling.
Shit I know Nexus is.


Dismissing the people intrinsically linked to the history of haze is dismissing the entire idea of haze.

If you want to speculate, you have every right to. Thats part of the reason this thread exists. I just dont understand why it has to be framed as an argument?


I challenge you to post up any credible post where Nevil claims he never got Haze from Sam, that claims absurd.

Youā€™re clearly making this up as you go Slain this is not about Haze or is this about cannabis is it, this is about discrediting hempy. People ainā€™t stupid Slain they can see what is happening here.

Nevil describing the broad leaf fast flowing pure Haze.

You guys love working in a pack, itā€™s a pity you have to trash a thread that many members enjoy in the proses of attacking me to try and discredit me for no valid reason other than hate.


i think slain can be forgiven for thinking nevil said that at some point given u were running around for years telling everyone nevil met the haze brothers and got seeds from them ,
remember that one right ???
also its not out of the ordinary for the odd seed to end up in the wrong pile ,
it happens now and then ā€¦

earlier we were not discrediting u when we were insisting you were wrong about landrace definition ,
you were wrong , its just that mate ,
you can usually swing out some google quotes to back yourself up , but funnily enough you didnt do it with that little error , i wonder why ??
its ok to correct folks who make a mistake, and its ok to be wrong too
, its stubborn folks who get their knickers in a knot about it when others point it out , but u still insist that you are right ,
i have been part of many haze threads , there is a common denominator in the ones that have been trashed , i will only give u 1 guess what that is ā€¦

btw , i dont know most of the other guys who are giving u grief ,
its just folks sometimes have enough of some persons behaviour , so they all say something ā€¦


Iā€™ve got 4 large green recyclables full, two big piles and a shit load of grove to cover. Removing ice plant to make room for medicinal herbs and weed.

Hereā€™s the new seeds. Most going into 1 gallons. Still got a few more sprouts to come up.


Wal youā€™re such a hypocrite!

Youā€™re the one who said if you take a landrace away from itā€™s native environment it suddenly become an heirloom :joy:

What kind if corrupted logic is that?

You have no right to tell hempy that heā€™s doesnā€™t understand what a landrace is or isnā€™t when you have no clue yourself!