Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

I was just making sure that @kro-magnon question was directed to the right person.

Personally I go by other signs such as calyx swell and water intake.


I wonder how many factors are at play here? We have the onset of how long are they in darkness and does this length mean that at a certain point they can be exposed to day lengths that are not short enough to initiate flowers but since they are far enough along they stay flowered because of the state of maturity? Does examination of each plants Trichome structure, reveal different aspects of one of the three criteria that were described? With all else being equal I would pay attention to the big three again to use as your guide. When dealing with this, in the end you are getting a myriad of phenos and it’s up to you to educate your mind to what you see and then eventually make the selections that go into the pipe for the type you like the best imo.


Some plants produce trichomes with heads that are very stable until the latest stages of flower, then they start to turn amber and those are the ones I prefer personally. Others will turn amber gradually, even before the plant is ripe, so by the time you are ready for harvest, you will have a lot of amber heads which modifies the high towards more grounded/sedated direction. Thats the reason why I prefer the first type. But in some cases, especially with racy pure NLDs, those amber heads will make the high more enjoyable taming that jittery, anxious feeling often associated with them. I think the color of heads is the best indicator for the possible direction of high not necessarily ripeness. As an example, one of my favorite plants from THH was incredible grown Indoors, 10-20% amber trichs and the flowers produced extremely euphoric, potent yet relatively comfortable high (It could rip you apart in bit higher doses still).
But the same plant grown outdoors light dep, 0% amber trichs and it had very psychotic and anxious effect, not enjoyable at all. It was the Thai dominant pheno, mango, onion and thyme aromas. Here she is:


BlueHaze #1
(Original Haze Tom Hill x Blueberry DJ)


Here is something interesting I have discovered in the Haze from one of its ancestral, I have posted briefly about it, but I have not seen anything discussed or posted about it by others, that being the square steam.

A square steam with a square Girth.

Lower flower from the Deliverance, I took the top part of the plant as it was more affected by the Cal Mag issues.

One of the old Kali Mist, about to pump out trichomes on the main steam


NHzf3 (hempy) - HzC leaning batch


Samaras (Silver Haze x Amnesia) x Neville Haze
Cross made by Southern Haze Collective


1 OUT OF 5 from the NH X OH X APSS X NEM hunt. All are similar. She is the furthest along just starting to flower. The Mango Haze in NEM came from drpurpur via Neville.


The Mango Haze Nevil and Kanga grew came from Shanti and are the same seed sold threw Mr Nice.

The Mango Haze was a collaboration of work from Shanti and Nevil where Shanti did the breeding and Nevil supplied the genetics and idea of what should be crossed to the 5Hz-122 that being the SkxHzA as the male.

From memory, there are 3 versions of Mango Haze 2 were released, both re worked versions of the original F1.


Just a JH, zeroveg, day 107.
Senescence and second flowering stage engaged, it’s razor edge on nutes.


I wasn’t there. All I can confirm is that drpurpur said Nevile sent him the Mango Haze seeds. This was back around 08 when I made DBMH.


Gifted Silver Haze a week apart the race is on.


I know the history of the Mango Haze well, followed it from the first F1 seed line that I was lucky to be given those seeds to test out 22 or 24 years ago now.

What Nevil got was the re worked seed Shanti released that was listed released at Mr Nice.

The F1s grew and acted like Nevils Haze of the 10 testers only me and Jesse completed the test seed the other 8 culled them and called them impractical and that is why Shanti re worked the Mango Haze before releasing it.


A kazilian factors are at play and man in his ignorance thinks he can somehow control it. As if drug type cannabis is as simple as corn or some shit. It isn’t. Any fool can make maize or tomato look and taste like this or that now let’s see you make it make you feel like this or that when you smoke it. Highly complicated shit that we barely understand. You won’t read about it much in other threads though. 3rd month now pulling tarp on haze, I won’t stop lol.



Thats some frosty Haze :+1:t5:


Those pictures piqued interest in something I’ve been thinking of lately. Something I’ve been contemplating is surface area. I think flowers that grow trichome laden with small floral arrangements like the ones in the comment above give the benefit of having more fully in tact and less oxidized trichome structures than thick dense flowers that are massive stacks of calyx essentially smushing one another as they grow together.

Trichome stalks have photosynthetically active chloroplasts so having them proudly in the light I would hypothesize puts them in a place to be utilized for adding to secondary metabolite production. Possibly helping signal metabolic responses in some forms or fashions as well. I think this is a trait selected towards back in the day for high quality types. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is correlation between stalk length and accompanying chloroplast density with the potential of trichome production and it’s composition. Many blessings and much love


What latitude are you at when pulling tarp on Sept 1? Did I assume incorrectly that you were like 41-42 N? Corn still not picking up what you are laying down on that one but I will give it some thought for you have mentioned that a couple times. I think a gal won a Nobel prize for some ground breaking research from a school you mentioned a few times. I think it had to do with transposable elements and this person Barbara McClintock. Maybe it is that same school you talked about and maybe Transposable element - Wikipedia

Would the haze you OP be considered a hybrid even though they are all tropical types?


I’m curious to know the original, impractical side : herm ? flowering stage ? nutes uptake ?

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What was the 3rd version of mango haze was it the inbreed that he gave wally?


Whatever MH seeds Neville had around 2008 or earlier. I don’t know what year he sent those seeds to DrP. I got it in 2008. You would have to talk to Drp about it, as I SAID I wasn’t there!. We know you think you know what all Nevile’s interactions were with others as if you were there. You have no clue what Neville did or what he sent others. I can’t add any more info than that.