Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 2)

No, I was fully aware that both Sam and Shanti were both fully legal when those grows happened. My point was you can achieve great results with Sativa or Haze lines commercially.

It still comes down to demand and what the market wants, not every one wants to smoke a Haze or a sativa.

Most big Canna ops are about fast flower 55 to 65 days, and that’s why most complain online about the flowers they buy at a dispensary.

Why most people still grow their own and by doing so you have the choice of growing what you like to smoke regardless of flower time.


(Original haze Tom Hill x Blueberry DJ)

This damn girl looks like a Muay Thai fighter :rofl:
One question, is anyone having trouble posting from their cell phone? After the update I’m having trouble posting images


Original Haze crossed can give good yield results indeed. Original Haze is actually an outcross variety, but like you said, it depends what the market wants. Skunk & White Widow was in the 90s more favorable than Nl5Haze. I saw only in the early 90s Purple Haze and that was it, although i came in several shops. The Poel in Rotterdam was my favourite due the high quality they sold, especially their imports. Have been to a few in A’dam at the time in the early 90s, but didnt see Haze either.


Yes tried it in the Valley, yeah it was good but I think my buddy made it a little too sweet but a good malty pint!


And what do you know about O haze step back and take a pic of your what posi tfd or what todds? Here is your pic. I’m running through a few.


Tods :laughing: :rofl: , I don’t think so

I grew flying dutchman for around 2 years in 2003 and made F2’s and many hybrids with it.

You always dis Nevil but fact is his Haze made the biggest impact on the word , and even his last Grail Project people are praising as some of the best ever ( Outback Haze) .

Harvested yours already , pretty early no ? , im not saying it aint good as ive seen some great Tom Hill Haze grows onlinen, ive just never smoked any or seen it at any cup , where was it at Piffcon ( largest Haze cup EVER), that we was all talking about at the basement.

Also i cant be a hater as don’t forget i sent you your Tom Hill Haze beans back i got for you from chimera for you , and your $ ? , and im pissed at you as you couldn’t even help me out and chat to notsodog for me , who seemed extremely confused and accused me of scamming him for cuts.
I just wanted you to get him to contact me( you were the only person i knew who spoke with him )so i could prove no way EVER that was me and no way even 1% of proof was possible , as that was not me or anyone i know , he must of got duped by someone as ive NEVER RIPPED ANYONE OFF ONLINE EVER ( PLEASE HATERS FIND SOME PROOF I’VE EVER RIPPED ANYONE OFF, EVER)


Hi sorry to bother u but does this look like a haze of some sort ??? I have know idea what I got except it’s sativa got seeds from a friend of a friend an here my 2 ladies


Whoah there guys, first off, enough with the todd bashing… okay, his Haze may not be like the posi thai stuff, but it did absolutely come from Skunkman… I know this for a fact, so it is Haze… done with that… Next man, CG, you sounding like a hater with all the hate you talkin bout against Tom right now… just sayin. That’s some hater stuff right there toward the end. Like you’re pissed he didn’t get you a connection you wanted, so now you’re hating… Just saying…


oh90, week 7


What’s with the beef? No need for that. You seem to think that life is transactional, because you did some minor favor for someone they owe you something in return. Not great for your own mental health.


Didn’t you see those were light depped so they would flower early?


When i do you a big favour ( get all your last remaining seed stock back to you , sending overseas , that you been trying to do for many years , and money) I think thats a nice favour, and that all i asked was you contact notsodog for me to either get the actual story ( of me being accused of a thief which has zero proof or reality AT ALL) or ask him to contact me to let me know the story and prove to notsodog that he was scammed by someone else, zero to do with me or anyone i know.

First up @sardinebags , @TomHill doesnt need you jumping to his defense, he’s a grown man , more than most in this industry for sure.

Minor favour @sardinebags ? Why didnt anyone else get seeds/Money back for Tom over last 10 years ?, getting last ever stock of Toms last batch back to Tom he been tryng to get for over a decade ? so he can make a new batch , and got and sent the $ tom was owed to i also sent overseas to him ? , and all I wanted was him to message and find out the full story ( as 100% false the story and im 100% sure after it was mentioned and i replied notsodog realised he was scammed by someone else and he didn’t want to talk about it AT ALL ANYMORE, so I don’t even know the full story.

If I scammed you where the messages ? , addy , any info at all so i can CLEAR MY NAME AFTE BEING CALLED A THIEF AND SCAMMER BY A WELL KNOWN CANNA FIGURE, IS NOT COOL AT ALL , not cool at all.

Why cant people man up and admit when they wrong, il do it on anything im wrong on as nobody perfect.

Being called a thief by a well known canna figure is not cool AT ALL , if it was you @sardinebags i wouldn’t care at all :laughing: , but notsodog is a well respected player in the Canna scene and to be accused of scamming someone like that is a severe slam of my character and I deserve the right to clear my name, and I did @TomHill a big favour and i was just asking for a little favour from Tom , so yes i was/am pissed off with @TomHill .

Let leave it at that , as i wont be pulled into more bullshit by my haters here .

Haters i got ZERO TO HIDE , so keep trying to dig up anything you got on me , id love to see hear it ( but not here at my official Connoisseur Genetics post)


SSH day 6 flip. As it transitions the leaves become much more narrow. This particular pheno stays manageable in a tent. Other ones had to be trained and tied down. This one should turn into a christmas tree.


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: What a fk shit show. That pic might as well have been taken from a football field away. Man thought this was going to be something but no doubt this. Can’t wrap this and that’s ok time for new approach :bulb:.

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I dissed Nevil because he was a dope fiend scam artist too lazy to take the time to learn about what he was doing, had nothing to do with his stock. I am sure some of it is excellent. All too familiar in this scene.

My hoop is not ripe it still has several weeks to go. But the seed is ripe. There was a large convoy of sheriff busting a neighbor last week and it was too close for comfort, so I took some insurance harvest rather than risk putting up a zero up on the board.

I appreciate what you did for me, I don’t appreciate the comments about last remaining stock etc, that’s just pure bullshit. And that fucker still owes me a grip of seed and thousands of dollars lol.

I did what you asked of me and man you sure didn’t waste any time calling in the favors did you. Notso simply wasn’t having it and I told you that was the situation. You seem pissed that I didn’t go all gangster and couldn’t magically make all your problems, uh, go away in one click? That’s not my bag man.


This thread has been on a 12 hour wait limit for posting for months because of this kind of shit. Stop derailing the thread.

If you get this thread locked or wait timer increased, its going to rub alot of people the wrong way.


The twelve hours between posts here is really limiting our entertainment. I happenstance checked Icmag yesterday and the Tom Hill Haze thread was absolutely rocking! I was wondering why Overgrow had felt slow, that could possibly be a contributing factor.

@TomHill seems to do what he wants. The riddles are part of it, they add to the entertainment. There’s a method to the madness and dude probably is a genius. When people are talking bad about his plants or morphology and he doesn’t feel the need to “prove” himself at the bequest of others, that’s some inspirational stuff. Many blessings and much love


TRUTH! Well said!


My 3 Cubano Black Haze plants. This was taken on day 1 of flower.

2nd one, kind of a sucky pic.

All 3 in a row.

Ok get on back to fighting, er discussing haze plants.


Ive been reading a lot about haze still not ready for any debate from the Haze Guardians. The Neville bashing stuff trips me out. Seems he did a lot for the cannabis industry from helping with legislation for legalization and creating one of the first seedbanks in a time when you can do real time for it. Even becoming part of an American Most Wanted list. Shanti as well. I mean he has a masters degree in botany and psychology if I remember right.