Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy

Been using Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy as flower hardner and been noticing that my buds have a grape flavor to them regardless of strain. I am sampling some 8 day dried Amnesia x OG, and pick up that same grape flavor right off the bat. Reminds me of the grape lollipops you would get from bank tellers as a kid. Not a bad flavor but, grape just the same. Has anyone using AN Bud Candy noticed the same?

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I’ve never tried any kind of product like that so I can’t confirm it myself, but I have seen many people online report experiences like yours with AN specifically, for whatever that’s worth.


I haven’t tried that specific nutrient but have experienced what you are describing from other products. From my experience some nutes can make different strains taste the same.:v:

One I’ve had great success with is CYCO. But they are Super expensive!!


I’ve got general hydroponics pineapple flavour sweetener and not a fan of it !


Hmmmm I’m using the stuff for the 1st time, all through the grow to feed microbes. Thanks for the heads up


Using they’re coco, 70/30 perilite blend. Good stuff but, yeah super expensive.

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It’s a blend of aminos, sugars, vitamins, a bit of sulfur and magnesium, none of which will have an appreciable effect on the scent of the herb.

Quite a few plants, seems like mostly short-flowering broadleafs, carry the sweet grape smell.


Now I’m curious how each sugar can change the flavor of the buds. If budcandy seems to always give a grape lollipop flavor (I’ve had a few buds smoke like that) could it be something the roots absorb or something feeding microbiology that steer flavonoids and terpenes to express grape lollipop?:man_shrugging:t3: If the latter we should try to see what crazy sugar combo can create some tasty flavor expression. I’d be interested in finding out if my tired brain is onto something or not for sure.


So, what would be a good bud hardner that doesn’t change the natural terps of the plant? I see Bud Candy is mostly magnesium. Would epsom do the job for flowering plants? I just bought a bottle of liquid kool bloom from GH for a pk boost in flower. Hope that doesn’t screw with natural terp production. :frowning:


Most finishing or flushing products are just mag and water. If you “flush” the final 2 weeks with PhD water and Epsom you’ll likely get the same kind of results.


What about a bit of gypsum in the mix for a calcium boost?


Not sure if that would work for me as I’m in coco coir.


Straight tap water should have more than enough calcium in it. The added benefit of extra mag late in flower is it increases the terp production making your weed frostier and smellier.


I’ll have to make sure I add some to the next watering then. How much would you recommend?

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Half teaspoon per gallon. Just keep an eye on how the plant responds to it as too much can cause problems. It was a tip I got from @ReikoX. The buds ended up rock hard and stinky.


I was using my tap because it was 150-160 ppm. I was still having calcium issues. A friend told me that the calcium in our tap water is in a form that makes it unavailable to plants. I went back to 0 ppm RO water and adding my own cal till I hit 150ppm and things have been better.


I’ve been worrying about my tap causing salt buildup and burning seedlings TBH as like I’ve said before the Ipswich river water reads like a compost tea