Afghani Project- Balkhi Landrace X M.L.I

When i started this project i was just looking for a good authentic outdoor skunky afghan that i could run outdoor and acclimatize to my area over time. but it has really surprised me of the different types of plants in relation to growth and smells

I started out with the Blakhi Afghani released by Afghan Selection in end of 2018 i didnt pop them until around 2020. I only got a few plants to germinate and no males. but at the time i was working with an Old sensi seed pack of Maple Leaf Indica and was doing an population increase. so i hit it with a MLI male that i used on everything for that season.

Heres what the original Balkh mom looked like and yield capabilities

Heres what the MLI line looked like showing what looks like Mazari traits with the pink pistils the smells were super gassy with skunk tones but finished off really ugly

I Ran the Balkhi again in 2021 for commercial production but i got covid and lost everything in this garden it was sad honestly but
heres some more pics of the balkh while it was thriving

In 2022 i ran an open pollenation with 5 males and 7 females in a 4x8 tent wanted to make sure there was no cross contamination being a new med market in oklahoma luckily im in the country and not alot of neighbors. but still wanted to be cautious with flinging that much pollen :joy:

The smells from these were Grapefruit to super gas to skunky to candy like tart spree candy some were super greasy and sticky some just sticky but just wanted the offspring and individually labled all the corresponding phenos to seeds #1-7

now its 2024 and just finally getting to run some Seeds from the #2 pheno which was my favorite in the open pollination. heres what the plants look like from that pheno

pheno #1 In the forground pheno #2 In the background

my favorite is the #2 has the most unique smell so far like a mint gassy pumpkin rind lol but its just a stem rub and dont think it will carry on to the flower but the environmental resistant traits and growth is looking so far like the original mother. fingers crossed for that comical bud structure that throws solo cup sized buds lol

and a Male that i will probably use if his structure looks right

Well this is a few year project i have been working on in between others and i hope yall appreciate it and hope to get these out some day i really think its a good Afghani line that anyone could use outdoor in harsh environments and has good hash potential.

stay tuned as i am patiently awaiting october to see the outcome of this couple of year project on a small scale. as i said i do have alot of these to sift but will have to gradually get there to be able to trade in time with my trust level.


Will be staying tuned and BOL with your project :slightly_smiling_face:
A great lineage to be working with :star_struck:
@ossi_grower …I’m sure you will be interested.


Best of luck from me too @KCACultivator , that’s a super interesting project! :blush: :herb:

Thanks for the hint @globalhead , even if we know each other only for a short time, you already guessed totally right on my interests! :grin: :green_heart:

Your garden looks very impressive, it would be my dream to have that much space (and the legal situation) to try out phenotypes and do open pollinations with plants that big! They all look so well and healthy, I guess they adapted to their new surroundings very well and fast.
It was a very cool idea to use the MLI for pollination, as the parent of that line is an afghani hash plant plant that was brought to Canada by Jimmy Ortega from Mazar i sharif (which is the capital of Balkh province), so probably your line from Afghan selection is somehow related to the MLI. :slight_smile:

I hope that you show us more of your plants soon, I’m following for sure!


Thank you i have been building that soil for a few years now. and it is a blessing to have this grow area its been years building it. i spent the last few seasons growing big plants and seeding them to build up enough seed to pheno hunt through and beyond the apocalypse lol :joy:

Yea using the MLI in the cross was the only thing that i had that was a pure indica and close enough with what i was looking for. the effect of the MLI is a little racy like a roller coaster :roller_coaster: up and down so hopefully it will blend well with the balkh in this generation.


Thanks , Definitely interested in trading but all i ask is more seeds to be made in your climate and some send back after a season :pray:


Really awesom plants.
Great job.


Starting to stack up but not flowering right now just starting to stretch the smell of this afgani is intoxicating very volatile. glad i put a support cage around them.