AK bean brains catalog

Sagarmatha had a Northern Lights #9 that was NL x White Widow x DP Durban Oasis, it was intended as an improvement on NL#2:


Oh hold up here’s a lot more info from MisterIto on OG 1.0

"Added by: MisterIto Last edited by: Team GrowFAQ Viewed: 460 times Rated by 8 users: 7.33/10
I got familiar with the Northern lights family (originally said to be from the Pacific Northwest) back in the 1980’s when Nevil’s Seed Bank offered the whole lineup. The original Northern Lights family is genetically diverse.

Northern Lights 1 was a single stalked, compact plant with a moderate Afghani smell. No one offers this classic version at this time. A strong plant and buzz.

Northern Lights 2 was a sturdy, pine tree shaped with a musty and piney odor. Dutch Passion (Oasis) and THSeeds (Closet Queen) currently offer versions.

Northern Lights 2 X 5 from The Seed Bank was very bushy and resinous with a strong juniper berry smell. A truly remarkable hybrid not offered by anyone.

Northern Lights 5 is available from BCSC for $75, a variety Nevil of The Seed Bank said was only available pure as a cutting. It is likely hybridized at one point.

Northern Lights 9 X 5 “disappeared” when Nevil sold his genetics to Sensi Seeds. This is the only original Northern Lights 9 genetics source to my knowledge.

These are the original Northern Lights breeding lines from which today’s versions arose. Sensi Seed Bank sells Northern Lights with no number attached. Having access to Nevil’s original genetics, my guess is that they crossed an Northern Lights 1 male to their Northern Lights 5 mother and stabilized the results. Northern Lights Special is a hybrid from KC Brains in Holland of Sensi’s Northern Lights crossed to a Haze female. Northern Lights 9 was only sold in seed form as a hybrid to the Northern Lights 5 mother plant by Nevil at The Seed Bank during the late 1980’s. Sagarmatha receives a lot of their strains delivered to them as a finished product from outside breeders. It is possible that someone produced these seeds. The known fact of a Northern Lights 9 male existing meant purebred seed should have been possible to produce, unless it was a male only strain. Trichome Technologies has a strain named Northern Lights 6, another related family member."

Post in thread ‘History of the Northern Lights’ History of the Northern Lights | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums


Perfect thank you, exactly what I was looking for!


Akbeanbrains is a solid dude , gives awesome freebies also ,
The history of northern lights is convoluted and the story is often told differently by those who were involved or knew those involved.
The Pnw and California origins yes , the Indian and the island and the people around those folks is what I always heard. There is at least three versions of nl#5
Nevil has one history , Greg has a slightly different one but all in all when there is real northern lights involved winners are normally found.


Which of the NL doesn’t smell and taste much? Or is that case generally. Have read it was a low odour variety. You read different things like it does and it doesn’t. Bit confusing. And a little off putting tbh.

All the modern offerings I think… the old stuff reeks, including at least some of AKBB’s lines, like the 89nl could use a carbon filter in veg.

Sensi’s Northern Lights should be the 2x5 inbred thought. Same with Joti’s. That was the one everyone liked to smoke. :thinking:


Authentic Genetics NL2 has a strong myrcene NL-type funk bordering on gassy. The buds are huge and dense and potent. It smells and tastes strong. I haven’t tried the NL5 yet.

I also haven’t tried any of AKBB’s NL’s by themselves yet, but his TK/NL5/Haze (and Big Fuck) are nice and smelly too.


Question for the AKBB crowd…

I have a gorgeously odd 907 Blue Genes girl at day 64 of flower. She has the thickest gnarliest pistils that are turning a very nice orange, and is somewhat low on frost. She’s not sticky; she’s greasy. And she absolutely reeks of sweet canned blueberry, like the little tin inside a box of muffin mix.

Now I was figuring on a 9 week run here per JBC, but she looks like she could go another few weeks! Lower nugs are more mature and more frosted. Scope/macro shots show nearly all clear trichs. Anyone here know of any AKBB blueberry gear to run long? And/or to be a bumper crop harvested in waves like Flo?

For ref, I have a Saint’s Crossing lady from Bodhi right next to her, same environment and feed, and she is just wow GORGEOUS, coated in frost, sticky like super glue, and ready to pull in a few days. I only mention because that’s also a 9 weeker I believe.


I just finished some AKBB testers/freebies - Mother of Berries x 907 Blue Genes. I’ve got a few pics here if you search my posts.

Details in my thread, but 3 plants went from about 75 days to 90+ days (from flip), and if I ran them again I’d probably let them all go longer. About 45 days veg from seed .


Chockalope moved these 4 girls to the flower room a week and a bit ago.
3 boys eagerly waiting in the other room.

2 Vintage blueberry girls
Recovering from overwatering.
Same flower time.

907 bluegeans and MTF in seedling stage. TKNL5HAZE swimming in a couple weeks.


Have you smoked the Kali Mist yet?


Beautiful! Also wanting to run Chocolope next season, it’ll be AKBB-heavy in my backyard :rofl:


Ya hoping to find a keeper to run in the greenhouse next summer. Think I have 12 feet of head room :crazy_face:


Yup. Metal haze taste. Super uplifting, soaring high. Great smoke.


Make some s1’s lol

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Here’s another MOB x 907 Blue Genes. Its a clone of one I started from seed about 7
(?) months ago. Its a different space and lights but showing the same leaf and foxtailing characteristics as the mom for whgat that’s worth. This one is 63 days after flip. I liked the results of the mom enough to grow this out.


That’s looking mighty nice.


Just ordered some AKBB TKNL5 haze 3, one pack of NL dom and one pack of TK dom.

Any idea what i should expect in terms of flower time?

Anybody grow these plants in hydro, and if so, how did it go?

First AKBB seeds I have ever purchased and I am very stoked!


Congrats on the acquisition! I haven’t grown any TKNL5Haze yet but am looking forward to it and any info is appreciated.

I just picked up AKBB’s NL5/1 x 89NL and scored a freebie of Consumption x Chocolate Thai. Consumption has a TKNL5Haze dad crossed to ‘The Cough’, NL5 Haze clone-only pheno by Professor P.


My TKNL5 haze dom went 75 days / 11 full weeks of 12/12 after 30 days from seed wetting. I saw someone somewhere go 13 weeks and yeah I can see that too.

Edit, this was in 50% peat 50% vermiculite. Jack’s 321 plus lots of bolt-ons. Lowish PPFD from a dimmed HLG 350R + UVA all flower. Ramped N from 140 to 120, 80, 50 starting when stretch transitioned to bud weight. Ramped K up at the same time. Held P over 80 ppm, I flush at the end to remove N from the medium. Too easy, she had a great life. Topped at the 5th node, pruned the two lowest, flowered 8 rockets/missiles. Heavy yield too, relatively speaking.