AK bean brains catalog

First post ever… not sure if I got it figured out… took some time away from gardening… popped these November 1st. Flipped Dec 23rd almost done with week 7 … under a 400w hps in a 2x4 tent.

Big skunk/NL1 x Super skunk (rotten tangerines)

Americanna (pulled it out to take a pic and the smells in the room just reminded me of an old Forrest floor all musty and dense :blush:)


Forgot the big skunk/nl1 x super skunk.

I got a Lotta respect for this man!!!


I messed up the name of these… what a NEWB! Sorry… I’m just looking for old funk!!

I popped 3 seeds from this pack(still 9 left for 60 bucks)… got 3 fems… thank God for winter temps :pray: 3 totally diff looking trees.

The one missing is in a small ass tent :tired_face: with skinny leaves… and she showed sex 23 days from seed. Blew my mind!!!

The other two females are pictured… one of them I call the “WART”!!:blush:! NEVER SEEN anything like it. Lil bumps all over every fan… they look almost happy… i have purple stems… but is that from being in a half gallon since november 26th?.. I have a lot to learn.

These are about 3ft away from a GC cmh dimmed to 190w.

Don’t hate my bathtub tech either please…

Some how VPD gets close with natures help!

My buddies tease me. I don’t mind as long as the ladies come out giving me the 1 - 2 punch! (Better not be purple either!!dad jokes… :man_white_haired:)

I’m 40 but get just as excited about riding moto as I do making something special!!! Glad to join the community…


Welcome @Metz333 really glad to have you on O.G. fantastic looking ladies. Nice bathtub tech! :+1:


TKNL5 Haze F3 (Haze Dom)

Only grew one girl out. Might have gotten lucky depending on what you’re looking for.

Heavy astringent cleaner chemical lemon, over a vague hint of a sugar/sweet thing under it. The comeup is nuts. It’s too strong. Really good ride, includes a nice physical “launching” feeling, closed eye visuals.


The last TK cross I flowered of his(cant remember what it was crossed with) gave me hot sweats after a bong rip. I LOVED IT!! :drooling_face::drooling_face: …not a bad thing I thought!


End of week 7(day 49 i suppose!) Americanna bx 20230210_142621|375x500

Finally squeezed a flower or two :blush:… felt way more solid than I thought it would. I was ready for 70+ days … do you guys think she should run that long?

Sorry for the not so pretty ladies… was not checking pH the first month of bloom… and the 3feeds they got of DownToEarth liquid bloom&calcium ended up around 2.9 … lesson learned.



Looks like I got a while…


Damn that sounds delicious and like a hitter, I love Big Skunk Korean and the Mass Super Skunk


Man… he makes some yummy stuff… I grew some freebies of his… 80s skunk x romulan… the ladies 2 got were grape and skittles flavor. Who would have guessed??? I’m hooked on the flavor hunts with him.


Any of his gear skunky? I’m interested in buying. Who has his gear?

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or just email him direct, that’s what I did dankortowne@gmail.com


Much better going direct to Dave . Ask him for current lists usually 2 the 60 & the 100 a pk . Much better selection , more freebies , individual selections / suggestions etc . Nice guy , honest , upfront , kind & generous . If you like uncommon old school dankness , he’s yer guy .


For sure! The two lists linked in post 108 seem to be the same ones he sent me via email, I think he updates those FWIW


Hey everyone. New to the site. Here is a grow I did last year of the TK NL5 haze (haze dom) F3s.

There are 3 plants there F77

NL leaner F77

Haze leaners F77

These were grown in 5 gallon DWC. The NL leaner and the smaller haze in the front shared 1 5-gallon reservoir and the back Haze had its’ own 5 gallon res.

I harvested all the plants at about F82. They probably could have gone another week or so.

The NL leaner needed plant yo-yos to support the buds because they were breaking the stems. I like the NL leaner, it is super frosty, has a great smell, and the effects are great, but the other 2 plants…
The haze leaners are stinky stinky. Strong smelling, funky terps.

Smell: The haze leaners stink like sweet garbage. When it is ground up, the garbage smell isn’t as strong and it becomes citrusy. Very dank and stinky.
The NL leaner has more of a spice smell to it. Musky, but mainly earth, spices. Oregano comes to mind.

Effect: The garbage smelling plants (haze) puts me in a bubble and I can’t get anything done. I spent 2 hours trying to do a few dishes earlier and they are still there. Stoney stone. Probably some of the strongest stuff I’ve ever smoked. I had a friend say the same. Extremely potent.

The NL leaner is a more active high where I can get more stuff done, but it still packs a huge punch.

Thanks for reading.


On the left side are two Purple Hindu Kush (PHK) x Durban I am running right now.
3 gallon coco. I lost power for 2 days during the stretch and they put on 14" in 1 week. I don’t think they would have gotten so tall had the power stayed on.


Beautiful plants. Those nugs look so tasty. Sitting on a few of these seeds too. This is on the must run list now. Thanks for sharing.


I have some Catpiss pregnant from BIG SKUNK/NL1 X SUPER SKUNK. I’m so excited for such a petty job I did lol. I didn’t get a female from the skunk so it’s just going to be seeds from the cross I’d have kept any female to keep the skunk genetics. It was like 4 males and 2 females. Also got a Catpiss giant plant but was male so I took him out, sad cause was 3x the rest, branchy, thick…
The skunk was really fast so I had to collect the pollen, and they were more like single cola plants and branched only after prunning, the smell from rub is like citrusy…I’d say orange hash. The Catpiss plants are smaller but they have more branches, smell is like advertised. The room smells quite a bit for 2 small pregnant plants, and you can tell the males aren’t there now, they were smelly.


…so I messed up the pollen collection (more like the pollen drying and storage) :sweat_smile: I knew it couldnt be that easy. Good thing is the preflowers got some fresh pollen and I finally got 20 seeds and some sinsemilla weed to smoke so… I’ll count that as a win. All seeds look like the ones you buy: brown with the lines, I collected almost all when the sack was brown. Hope they are good to go. I’ll probably test a couple outdoors and post some pics


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