AK bean brains catalog

Interesting - yeah on another thread… I forget who, had great results from the nl1/acc nl1. Outdoor though I think… that seems to help with herm issues a lot.


The orders I got were direct from Dave too for what it’s worth.


On a good note. He said he would replace the pack. And I got my other order from him last night. He said buy 2 get one. I picked 2 told him to surprise me with the other. He sent 4 packs total and another 8 seed freebie. :crossed_fingers:none of these herm traits show up in these.


PHK x Durban

I grew out 2 female plants in 3-gallon coco pots from a freebie pack of PHK x Durban. I feel like I got one Durban dominant plant and the other is more Purple Hindu Kush dominant.

Purple Hindu Kush (PHK) plant:
Very vigorous, lots of bud sites, great yield. I started to get a handful of nanners sometime after F65. I supercropped a few tops and did aggressive defoliations and I lost power for 2 days during week 2 of flower. I also had a couple more light interruptions during the day mid flower (we had a lot of storms this spring).

Buds look frosty and have a nice hue to them. Purples when the buds are cracked open.

Smell: It has the sweet “purple” smell, not grapey, more floral with some funky hash sprinkled in. While it was growing it smelled like onions, so I was surprised at how sweet the buds got.

Effects: Really relaxing. I smoke this about 1-2 hours before bed and I sleep like a champ. I can smoke it during the day, but I need some coffee and I won’t get much done for a couple hours.

Durban plant:
This one I smoked too fast and only have a couple smaller buds left, so no bud pics. Smaller buds, vigorous, but the colas didn’t fill in like the PHK plant.
The yield was about 1/3rd of the PHK plant (40-45 grams vs 130 grams) and they were grown right next to eachother… So the yield stunk, but the effects were awesome.

Smell: Anise, licorice, pepper.

Effects: Mind stimulating. Not really an energy booster, but hard to smoke before bed because my mind races. I love it for the day.

I would have kept the Durban plant around had it filled in better as the effects were great.
I feel like I could find a better plant if I popped a pack, so a hunt of the SSSC Durbans will be the plate for next year.

Harvested F72
6 week Veg + germination
3-gallon coco using Remo nutrients
4x4 tent
2x 240 watt HLG quantum boards

PHK x Durbans on the left:
Week 3

Week 5

Week 7

Week 10

Thanks for reading. Have a good day.


even worse check out his last email!
“I did go looking for flowers on the nl1 in flower at 21 days now and one did have four single flowers at two mid internodes ,glad I spotted it ! ,I took a cut and culled the plant I’ll rerun the cut to check if it’s genetic or environmental”

you mean glad i told you about it!!!


Damn that sucks . One would think that’d be one of the last to have issues . ACC has been a point of discussion even before HC’s passsing . Remember the $ 400 a pk RKS . Bunch of folks jumped on that & have yet to get within sniffin’ distance of Peppy LaPue’s tailpipe . Dave also hyped it for some time . Last pk of his 89 NL popped recently all were males . Now with some pks being mislabeled …makes one wonder . If genetics are " luck of the draw " that aint good . Like Hazeman’s gear while I’ve never had intersex issues , I’ve seen what you get aint what you think . Like his Chocolate Thai repro of Drawoh’s work . Some Indica looking shit . Find out he" didn’t release it pure out of respect for Drawoh " .


Hazeman gear is full of red flags. How do you release f2s of clone onlys when no males exist?!


100$ for most packs for untested gear is unacceptable.

I really thought this breeder was better then this as he’s been around awhile.


me as well thats why i was growing it out. but i shouldnt pay 100$ to be a tester!!!


Objectively, there are more $60 packs than $100.

I thought the $100 list was worked lines, beyond f1, and the $60 list was more or less a tester/lower end plant list. It’s worrisome if that isn’t the case.

This whole situation sucks, but I’m optimistic Dave will make things right. He’s done right by me, even when I wasn’t buying direct.


Yes he is resending a new pack of my choice. But being out 2 months, and call it 40$ in supplies and 2 seeds(1m 1f). I mean I’m not a tester, I would have ran my own creations!!


D38, Skunk Qabbage on right (x3) and B&W on the left (x3). 4x4 tent. Rockwool dtw, Megacrop at a very high EC :slightly_smiling_face: For the most part, they are taking it like champs.


NL 5/1 x Super Skunk had plenty of frost, but no amber at Day 57

I can give it until the weekend, but will then need to chop due to an upcoming out of town trip.


Your bud always looks so damn good dude. Respect.


907 Blue Genes. Interesting 3-bladed leaves and she sure got down to flowering early. Southern NM. Swear she smelled just like fresh blueberries the other night :sunglasses:


Are you running clones or seed plants
If seed plant might want to clone so they get acclimated to your climate.


I started 2 seeds and cloned the one “female”. Both clones threw sacks.


Well don’t know about you , but while I like Dave I aint buying his gear . Prices too much for dubious genetics with intersex issues . Add to it that more than one has gotten mislabeled packs . At a C-note a pk one expects better . Especially on an old established line , christ on a crutch NL1 is practically an IBL . Shit should look / grow like clones out the pack .


More for me :wink:


Trimmed that NL5/1 x Super Skunk. It produced more than I expected (over 8oz).