AK bean brains catalog

Thanks. Im not very observant. Mama always called me sweet, but never smart :crazy_face:



Dave told me his 3 most potent strains were.
Tk/NL5 x Haze-Haze Pheno
Chocolate Thai
CGPR x a5nl5hz


Lol no worries trust me I can miss the elephant in the room but we all got each otherā€™s backs here on OG and smart to ask :beers: highly recommend you hit him up really fun genetics


Lemon Star F2 Spear


Beauty!! Can only imagine the dank smells thank you for postingšŸ»


hey guys Iā€™m looking at picking up a few packs and i cant decide because names donā€™t really mean much to me unless i have had it before Iā€™m looking for something thatā€™s super strong smelling funky goodnessā€¦
Iā€™m thinking TKNL5 Haze/NL1 (Big Fuck) maybe americanna bx any recommendations what they smell like if you have recommendations


Those should both be killers. Anything with the americana is dank.


Lemon Star F2


I have heard his skunkcabbage is supposed to be loud on the funk front.

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anyone know if his tknl5haze the one that gets people to green out is available from him i dont see it on the list but i could have missed it. because ya boy wants to green out


JBC seeds is my usual supplier for AKBB gear. I just checked and they donā€™t have as many listed as I usually see, but they do have one cross:

I havenā€™t tried to order directly from AKBB but I know others haveā€¦


Consumption, which is the selected, worked tknl5haze


I didnā€™t find it to be anything like the psychedelic rollercoaster he described, but itā€™s good hybrid herb and frosty. If youā€™re looking to green out, Vietnamese Black and some Malawi phenos from Ace will change your plans for the day.


LoL i was gonna do the malawi from ace but i pussied out. I struggle with anxiety and the wrong strain can put me in a very uncomfortable place, usually under my bed until the UPS man gets back in his truck and leaves


Ha ha ha, brother you made the right call then! The Malawi Killer pheno is a whole different type of herb than what most people are used to or can handle. Vietnamese Black is the same unbelievable level of high, but with a more jolly, drunk kind of effect. With my tolerance and chemistry, itā€™s not very psychedelic per se, but plenty of my friends and people on here definitely find it trippy.

The right Oaxacan will have slight visuals like trails, shadows with a happy and comfortable high, which might be up your alley. The TKNLHaze is a resinous Afghani leaning hybrid in my limited experience with it, with a C5 hybrid effect.


What is the height and flower time on the Malawi and the oxacan? Iā€™m sold on these 2, but I donā€™t want to go in blind.

Also, where can I find the Vietnamese black? I checked north atlantic seedco and they have alot of ace work, but no VB

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Hey whatā€™s up, I just wanted to let people know that the gg4 x black domina hermed pretty bad. It is the only one that has done so out of many akbb grows. My favorite still is the candyland x black domina. Peace sdd


anyone try pressing any of ak bean strains. if so how were the returns? if not ill be experimenting in 4 months or so

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I havenā€™t pressed any but he has some stuff that I think would be great pressed. The cgprXa5nl5hz makes keef by the ton. Americana and any of itā€™s crosses are terpy and sticky as hell. Last crop I ran my buddy was begging me to press the americanax nl1. I was going to but just didnā€™t have the time. The 907 bluegenes has some super sweet bb terps that would be amazing quality if not quantity. Ran a couple of the cgpr x romulan and they has super sweet lemon lime sprite terps. All in all I think his work is overlooked by people looking for the next hyped strain. My friend is in his early 30s and never had tried the nl5hz or other old strains. They were a real eye opener for him after just smoking ice cream cake berry oreo butter batter or whatever the fuck he smokes. :laughing:


Black Domina IBX, what a beast sheā€™s turning into. Need to add another metal mesh layer soon. Got some pollen from a nice looking male.

Sadly, I did not have luck with Beatrix Choice. 10 seeds popped in paper towel, but only 1 made it above ground. I sex tested itā€”female!ā€” but it never seemed to get going, and eventually slowly died at only 2ā€ tall. Iā€™d try again this year, as the tube was packed with seeds, but the season is too far gone to start something now. Oh well.
