AK bean brains catalog

sorry to start stuff. i get kinda silly and dont appreciate that those comments can detract from a otherwise great thread.

here is a good one, out of his catalogue, what are the best representations of oldschool strains? I want to grow out some 80s style weed to show my father in law.

maybe his blue berry? I just sent him a message on ig asking about what he would suggest and if he has selections not up on the site yet


His Blueberry lines are stellar, worth a go for sure :+1:


My next project is going to include his “Ike’s Afghani” which is an old emerald triangle pure afghani from the 80’s with loud pineapple punch terps. I had a friend who grew it and said it was killer old vintage style fruity fun loving afghan buds. Excited to see how it goes myself. Love the feel good highs on the old fruity afghans :yum:

I’ve heard great stuff about his blueberry as well.


I just germ’d two of the Ike’s for some smaller outdoor plants. Not above ground yet, both both seeds had tails in 24 hrs.

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Oh! Excited to see how those grow for ya. Let us know how they do. Out of likes but :heart:


Finally got a Clusterfuck female (1/7 overall).
The male Cluster I collected pollen from had tight flowers with lots of purpling and a good rank smell.

Both Ike’s are above ground now, just a few days old.


What’s the background on the 68 Santa Cruz Haze that AK BB uses in some of his strains like the 68 Santa Cruz x SCCC M48 F2?

Thought I read somewhere that the accidental cross that created the stock from which the Haze phenos were hunted happened in 1969 but that was a long time ago and maybe it really was 1968…

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BB x NL first week of flower, this is a male I do believe but he’s just forming his parts.

Not the best choice of strains for my first grow back in 5 years lol, these plants were super picky as far as nutes, and watering amount. I didnt remember how Blueberry could be a finicky strain until a couple weeks into veg lol, but i need bud and dont have access so had to roll with it.

Stem rub is super dank, classic NL smells, but yeah, good thing they were freebies. I might try and cut clones tonight or tmrw, they wanted to branch out and have multiple tops for sure, would be a good plant for SCROG.

Edit* white spots are residue from spraying at lights on, another rookie mistake :sweat_smile:


NL5/NL1 x 89 NL


That plant looks absolutely stellar! :star_struck:
I’m jealous of your 11 pronged leaves. Must be doing something right. I can only get 7 or 9 at best. Great job so far!


Thanks, you’re much kinder than the voice in my head always freaking out haha hope you have a great day :peace_symbol:


That thing has an old kind of look to it. Great job so far :clap:


Was just sampling some The One/chocolope from AK Bean.
Yes sir. Really nice, clear energetic high. No paranoia or anxiety. Put me in a wonderful headspace zoned in weed whacking my backyard. My folks both love it also. My mom called the other day to say my dad had wake and baked it and had been cleaning and organizing all day😆 Recommend it.
My favorite so far has an unusual terp profile spicy, bright electric haze is all I can come up with to describe it.
Gotta go check my fridge and make sure I have a backup pack or 2 so I can F2 them.


Does anyone have experience growing out AK BB’s Golden Showers f3? It sounds killer. Really into expending my weed palette and this seems like it would do the trick.

And though I’ll admit I’ve never experienced the terp first hand in weed I do know a bit about wine and have experienced a “cat piss” aroma in some Sauvignon Blancs from France and New Zealand. Would love to smell this translated into cannabis!


NL5/NL1 x 89 NL


Before lights on BB x NL freebies. They slow AF to show their parts.


this plant looks like a military guy in a ghillie suit, but friendlier. much friendlier.


Does anyone know where his Durban can be found?


I got the AKBB fever, and there is no cure except more dank strains.


Try emailing him directly. dankortowne@gmail.com