Alani Skunk by TechnicalCultivatorsGenetics

It’s official. Standing room only.

3 days til we start new beans and 5 days until these move to the flower room.


Finally got the ladies out of their cramped shack last night so they can finally stretch out.

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Also I was messing with the plants about a week ago and broke off one of the main branches. On a whim I filled up the cloner with tap water and put the broken branch in a puck and forgot about it. My wife asked me how long before we should see roots on it and I told her probably in 10 days. She started asking more questions that, I feel like, she already knew the answer to. One being how much of the cutting is still hanging in the water. I go to check it and see that it isn’t in any kind of water at all, due to evaporation. I pull it out and am surprised to see roots forming.

This strain goes into the EASY cloning category.


Those weird plants are saying: Use it or lose it mister. Breeders ignored those communications until they lost it. And have lied about having it for how many decades now. I’m going to have to legally force these fraudulent ops to put skunk in quotations when legalization lands, aren’t I?

“Alani Skunk taste is even more prevalent when it is made into concentrates.” So concentrated weed is… concentrated? That marketing sounds like every other seed pimp lol. Please tell me they offer zero NPK recommendations and claim high yield mold resistance and 8 week bloom hahaha.

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You can’t figure this out yourself?

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I feel like I just got Boroned™

I’ll tell you what; I’m running a handful of their crosses now specifically to see what’s up. If at the end my results don’t meet your specifications, we can sit down together and draft up a strongly worded letter to the president of truth and fairness of cannabis labeling Inc.


Exclamation point!



Well, I made a similar critique somewhere on here :joy:

As for RKS, after growing a few of the more promising commercial skunks I came to the conclusion that nowadays it’s all clever wording… like sunny delight “MADE WITH REAL FRUITS” then in small print “may contain up to 5% of fruit, it’s all garbage folks”



I had a paper route in the 5th grade that gave away sunny D as a sample once. I will never drink sunny D again.


Bad news guys. I’m pregnant!


I don’t know whats going on anymore. Super wore out.

Anywho here’s a new progress shot. Still bushin out and stretching a bit.


Also, here’s a lil root porn from my clone that I subsequently killed.

… Maybe not. I keep getting this error that pops up telling me that my images are not a valid file type.

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While the behind the scenes crew is figuring things out let’s play a game called




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Sigourney weaver? Busta rhymes? Lol


Lol sigourney weaver is a good guess. She’s got one of those right lipped mouths doesn’t she.

The game is still on folks.

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Looks like dried blood in the corners…it’s gotta be a clue…

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Hint number one:

This person assuredly gives the driest head on earth.

Bonus picture

Hey look at that @toastyjakes pictures are rockin again


Hint number two:

She was in a baseball movie