Alani Skunk by TechnicalCultivatorsGenetics

Rosie O’Donnell

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So close. They could almost be twins.

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i fixed it @Indicana_Jones


Ding ding ding ding

We have a Weiner!

I can’t find the original picture but here’s a runner up picture

Let’s here it for @Ris

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iphone? or mac using photos?

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Android. It’s been doing fine since I joined then all of a sudden it wanted to act funny. Not sure if maybe I did something in the advanced settings on a couple of pictures. I do fat finger my phone a lot. But I snapped a few new pics this evening and it all seems to have worked itself out.

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Swapped the reservoir today!

I’m going to have to check the room for light leaks. I’m 2 weeks into flowering and have only found 1 pre flower. These plants are getting monstrous. They need to shit or get off the pot.

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Hey @Indicana_Jones , do any of your extension cords or devices have a little LED light in them that remains on during lights out?


Hey @Budderton I’m usually not a firm believer in light leaks. There are however two timers that have a green light on them and I also pressed all of the Velcro down extra tight on my tent windows. I also resealed my windows with panda film. When I shut myself in the room, one of the windows was leaking enough light for my eyes to adjust and still be able to make things out in the room ie lights hanging from the ceiling and outlines of plants. I’m headed out to get some duct tape to really seal those edges up. The other window that doesn’t pose a problem, I ended up using double sided tape and it made for a much better seal apparently.

On my last grow I had light leaks coming in from the same window. It was a little different, though. It was like diffused light that was shining through like 5 layers of masking tape. These plants are going to be absolutely retarded once they start to flower.


Yeah,. With the old pre-2000 gear, I use to be in and out of the flower room during lights out, and have lots of light leaks. It didn’t seem to bother them. I think we’ve selected towards plants that are less wild but have a narrower “happy” range.
I talked with a guy that brought green lights into his flower rooms to try and work in the dark period and end up with a bunch of inter sex problems in clones the had not had a problem with prior to the green lights. He was not happy.
I had a cycle delayed because of an unnoticed LED in the end of an extension cord. Once I taped it up, flowering progressed as usual, so hold out hope!
The old timers use to say it shouldn’t be brighter than a clear night, with a full moon, in your flower room, during the dark cycle. :grin::v::canada:


I’m open to all possibilities at this point. I really hope stress hasn’t been done to these things to make them go intersex. Haha. What a let down that would be.

What are your thoughts on incandescent light sources.

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I was a 1000 watt HPS guy for years. I dropped all that in 2017 and jumped into LED. A bit of a leaning curve, and I’m still learning, but I’ll never go back to incandescents. The quality of the flowers coming from under the LEDs are what sold me. Not to mention being able to flower through the summer months, without having to add AC.


Oh yeah. I made the switch from hid lighting myself. I was talking about for use in after hour lighting. Just like a regular 40 watt incandescent. I remember my first go at indoor growing when I was 15. Tried to grow a plant with a regular ass lightbulb in my closet. Didn’t work at all. Was curious if something even lower power like a little 15-20 watt might be better without triggering any kind of horseshit.


I keep the flower room as dark as I can during lights out, if that’s what you mean. No light at all. You can’t see your hand on front of your face kind of dark.


I’m definitely not there :grimacing:

I need to get that duct tape and seal those windows up.

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@Budderton yeah bro. I had quite a few light issues and most of them were coming from the tent in my room. I eliminated 3 major light leaks coming from the tent in the room and sealed up the window with layers of duct tape so now only a out 10% of the original light is coming in from the borders of the panda film. Hope that kicks these babies into high gear now.


Right on @Indicana_Jones . Sounds like your getting on top of things mow. Best of luck with the rest of your flowering cycle .:crossed_fingers::grin:


Jesus tits. Look at these things go.

Day 15 Flower

Plants + pot are right at about 4 feet tall. Slow your roll.


considering this breeder and strain – keep the show comming !!