Alani Skunk by TechnicalCultivatorsGenetics

Finna change out this reservoir again. Again. I really just need to get a long section of hose to pump this shit straight into the bath tub. Then I just need to get a pump special for the bath tub to fill this 60 gallon tank back up. Day late and a dollar short. I’ll go to Lowe’s tomorrow to get some tube. Maybe I can wait one more day to do this thing.

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These ladies are getting extra tall. I had to jerk the lights up last week and they steady just keep growing up into them. Hopefully this is their last jump.

You can see my trusty 4 ft T-square leaning up against the wall. These ladies are every bit of 5 feet with the pot.


Also got a little time to do some maintenance under the hood since I’m not swapping out the res tonight.

What a mess


And maybe the last canopy shot without a ladder.

Day 23 of flower


Those are some tree trunks!


I knooow. They only got a 5 week veg too. My nose is still jacked up a little from COVID but I can definitely tell the room is filling up with the stink of oranges.


Just LOVE that orange stank!


So also to clear anything up, I was shootin the breeze with the breeder sometime last week. I asked him what the deal was with the name of the cultivar and how he decided on skunk. He told me that he sent samples off to phylos for testing. The results came back with the highest percentage of genetics being skunk. So that’s what he went with.

And there you have it. Mystery solved.

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Bing bong


As my little grow adventure progresses, I found myself keeping the runts and mutants as I had room to let them do what ever they were gonna do. I’ve always been pretty strict about getting rid of the runts and weirdos early on. On this current grow, I let Quasimodo do her thing. She grew all kind of weird and even at 3 ft tall now, you can still see a noticable difference in which branches decided to take dominance. All that being said, she is fruiting just as well as the other plants and is actually kicking off more pungent smells as well.

Have I had it wrong the whole time? Does early developmental stress create conditions for plants to finish stronger?


Glad to hear that…

I’m also interested to know the answer too, hope more experienced growers chime in …

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Day 35 of flower.

I always end up with some weird deficiency when it’s time to change the res. So I did that again today. Knocked the pH down to 5.8 and we’re Rollin.

Things are starting to frost over nicely.

Love it when the fans frost over.


On the potcast, with Bob Hemphill, he says that he believes the best stuff genetically is in the runts.


I feel like I should be listening to the potcast. It seems to be a steady reference point for people.


I have listened to every episode multiple times and feel like there is still a lot I have missed. Long form conversations, with the best minds in the cannabis scene, hosted by Heavy Daze, who actually lets people talk


Awesome man. I just pulled it up on Spotify. Looks like a great resource. I don’t know why I bullshit around on checking things out that would probably benefit anyone :sweat_smile:


Check this out. Upon closer inspection 3 of these plants are sprouting buds out of the fan leaves. Never seen this happen before let alone having several plants do this at the same time.


Breed that shit at all cost LoL…
See if it passes the trait :wink:

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I was talking to another person on IG that just wrapped up the same strain and he had these little fan leaf buds as well.


This is crazy. These plants drank their way through 30 gallons in the past 4 days. Im fixin to remove some leaves and keep the fans off them.