Alani Skunk by TechnicalCultivatorsGenetics

Wow i shopped at essense vegas too in the beginning. Wish i kept some bagseed i could have found one that made me a breeder.
Actually my biggest regret was not keeping that silver mountain bag seedling that grew slow n i chucked.
I guess i have to try my luck with breeder cut clones and seeds for now.
Alani sounds delicious like it’s parent. Hope you enjoy


After all these years, I’ve never been lucky enough to find a seed in some straight up fire.


The first batch is hung to dry. The outside temps are in my favor at 40° and 61% RH. Just gonna throw the window open and let nature do its thing. The whole week looks pretty favorable for leaving the window open.



Hung another handful of plants up with the couple pictured the next day. Plants still pumping out that chlorophyll stank. Plants have been hangin for the past 6 days. Branches are getting close to being snappy but not quite there yet. When you swim past the chlorophyll smell the plants are giving off orange and that sharp weed smell. That’s nice. Not super loud but we’ll see what happens when it gets bagged for cure.

So far so good y’all. Hopefully they will come down in another 2 days.

Two more weeeks


Here’s a super late update.

Your boy made some weed!

It’s all around orange and it’s fire!


Well guys. All the Alani Skunk/Glue crosses I was growing got the chop about a week early today.

The power strip that all of my pump timers were plugged into got a spritz of water on it several days ago and tripped itself. I went into the room the day before last and all of my plants looked like Walkers.

Here’s a reenactment of my power strip putting in work on my plants.



Luckily I was only about a week from chop anyway. We’ll see how it turns out.


Sorry to hear that… but if only one week earlier… earlier walkers.

Is a pain all that electrical faults. Some weeks ago, I was without electricity for two days, plants were vegetting, hope it didn’t stress much. I told to myself a sun eclipse for the plants. :sweat_smile:


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Hahaha. My Uncle and I were talking about something similar earlier today. He said all his problems come from storms blowing his plants over. I said that same storm would knock my power out. We both lose.