Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Hey brother @webeblzr and brother @Floyd, remember the other day we were talking about starting seedlings in the soil?,

Well 6 Super Lemon Haze regular photos and 2 of the Durban Sunrise Fem Autos from @Hydro921 sends it’s regards along with a very happy stoner :grin:

I already have 6 Durban Sunrise started and going on coco with some of my own BlueberryGambian crosses with a couple of GambianHaze by @Alaskagrown here …

Something tells me I’ll be smoking Durban Sunrise for a long time :sunglasses:

PS: Don’t mind the dirty floor, I’m just glad i haven’t cracked down the concrete underneath and fill it with living soil already LoL


Will you be transplanting to coco?
I have some Durbin Sunrise from @Hydro921 going outside. They are getting quite smelly.
Also have the SLH seeds in the fridge.


I’ll transplant most of them to coco, I wish to try at least couple of them in organic…


That’s awesome brother.
I hope they do well for you.
We loved them both


Another one bites the dust…

Ripe at the right time for me to practice my trim job…

Also i have this from the previous harvest to keep me company while i trim this round…

Both Gambian Autos, grown outdoor…


Even though grown in the tropics without AC also on the summer, the BlueBerry FogDog has put out some nice colours…
Now I’m pissed that i had a germination accident and all out on BBFD beans, Should have F2’ed this beauty…
The buds look kind of on the Fluffy side, maybe because of the heat?

PS: only harvested the top cola…
What is going on with the website? I was locked out for a day, then Its loading only on Firefox?


A security certificate has expired. They got it reestablished I guess.


Hey Alwaysnoob, I love the wee cups, to sprout in, myself. Many folks, are do not care to up pot, if that works great!!
The crops are looking delicious also.
That Gambian sounds crazy cool also!!
I’m resetting, or reloading again currently.
Really been dragging my feet this past 2 weeks, however, doing some dog sitting, for the past 2 weeks.
I do have some Hyp3rids items ready to start the flower process. I’ve cleaned the reservoirs, trays, tubs, and almost ready to fly.
Great work!! Best to ya!!

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Thanks for the words of encouragement brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


They look pretty good from where I’m sitting. They definitely got big.

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Harvested the top colas on all the remaining 4 plants…

Lost a little bit to bud rot. Compared to the rest of the haul, it’s negligible…

I might be a total noob, but that looks like some good numbers to me even for wet weighing…

Top cola from one of the widow Maker …

Drying tent …

Disclaimer: All my measuring units are in metric Grams…

What am I smoking today?

This BBFD along with some Gambian…
Life’s good :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

@repins12 Thanks a lot for the opportunity, brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


It was the Light
This plant was always kept on the edge and received the least amount of light.
Has anyone successfully re-vegged an autoflower?
Asking for a friend LoL :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Don’t believe it’s possible.

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I have seen a couple people successfully reveg an auto. Not so sure that was the norm though.
I’m with @ShiskaberrySavior, seems like a pretty tough task.


Its not really in the plant’s genes to re-veg. Any that do, likely didn’t have strong ruderallis genes, but had just enough to make em auto flower.

The genetic blueprint for true autoflowering is a time-line based approach to triggers. i.e. 4 weeks show preflowers, 6 weeks start flowering, 15 weeks seneiscence sets in (plant starts to die). Those triggers are coded as “time from germ”, “time till roots hit bottom” etc.

Photoperiod plants, which typically can be revegged, are doing so based on environmental triggers, not internal ones. i.e. sprout in veg at 18/6, goes to flower under 12/12, will reveg under 18/6 (assuming theres enough to reveg).

So, there’s no trigger to tell an auto to reveg, or to go to a vegetative state. Keeping an auto indefinitely might keep a plant budding for a while, but its gonna run out of steam, and stop replacing buds and have minimal to no new growth eventually. Theres no trigger to say “stop flowering, its veg time!” like you would have by switching a 12/12 photo back to 18/6…


Phew !!
Finally finished harvesting last of the plants…

Harvested some and trimmed some yesterday.(I harvested my autos in two parts, top colas first and remaining later)…
My temperature and humidity is high as usual, so I’m treading on thin ice here :sweat_smile:
Conditions are as follows, exhaust running 24/7 and circulation fan running for only 10 minutes on 16 intervals (maximum permissible limit on the timer )…

Did some long overdue transplantation today, this is what I have going o right now…

They are Couple of Gambian Haze, couple of my own cross of Blueberry Gambian, loads of Durban sunrise. Seriously, i don’t even count anymore lol and some of super lemon haze and one huge sour bubble…

Two of the cuttings of sour bubble rooted. So as soon as the current harvest dries up, sour bubble will be up potted and flipped…
If there’s a bud it gets 1:2:3 part of flora, or else it’ll get 3:2:1, at least for now…
I’ll change to master blend equivalent of my country’s nute (NPK 4:18:38) along with Calcium nitrate and Epsom salt soon. I’m tempted by its simplicity and my friend who has been using it for a long time, swears its pH balanced…

And I bought myself a TDS meter this week, it has made my life so much easy. I used to do the washing and flushing coco multiple times blindly hoping it does the job. Now i can just measure the ppm and do it more efficiently :muscle::weight_lifting_man:

I don’t think I’ll be able to run organics this time. Wife accidentally watered them with synthetics one time and they have been receiving the same ever since. They were kind of slow anyway. I blame the potting mix. I was expecting to receive spagnum peat with amendments, but i received earth soil with some animal poop and some perlite :roll_eyes:

I’ll buy the ingredients seperately in the future and mix my own soil (No promises though)…


Damn right, @alwaysnoob ! You’ve got the touch!
It’s so gratifying to see you stacking jars! Keep it up man! Positive vibes! :grin::peace_symbol:


Thanks a lot brother @Budderton
Wife’s been giving me side eyes coz I’m the guy who once were ready to smoke the leaves inorder to just get high, now you can’t throw a rock into our bedroom without hitting a weed jar LoL…
I’m happy and relaxed :person_in_lotus_position::sunglasses:


Yo brother @Hydro921
Guess who’s throwing some pretty beautiful colours…


That makes me happy

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