Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Well I bit the bullet and switched to master blend equivalent…
My ppm readings are as follows.,

My well water is 443 ppm,
I had mixed for 2 gallon (7.6 litres) and i will share the info as it is…
I mixed 5 grams of master blend, 2.5 grams of Epsom salt and 5 grams of Calcium nitrate…

After mixing in master blend 784 (i.e. 341)
After mixing in Epsom salt. 869 (i.e. 85 ppm, total fertilizers ppm 426)
After mixing in Calcium nitrate 1115 (i.e. 246 ppm, total fertilizers final ppm 672)

I’m the kind of guy who loves to blast the plants with 1200 to 1400 ppm, that’s what they were getting with flora trio…

Now i run into this …

Which variable should i focus on increasing now?


Magnesium, me thinks.:grin::v:


Makes sense, my calmag ppm per gallon was 60 something…
The Epsom salt ppm is only 85 per 2 gallon…
I had doubled the master blend and calcium nitrate without changing Epsom salt and watered it right after i made this post, right before lights off that is .

I shall increase the magnesium sulphate next watering.
Thanks brother…


Lovely plants Always!!
I just finished off my first order Master Blend tomato food purchase.
It is of the cheapest food sources I’ve used in many many years. Well balanced, growth rates are very good, at such low PPM’s, IMHO. Bud finish perfectly, abundant, delicious, colorful, stinky, oily.
I found when I use Morbloom, it PH’d the solution to perfection, so I use the same mix in hydro trays.
I never would have believed I could run such small amounts of food, and get such delicious buds, and get such copious amounts of bud, at harvest, also!!
In my early years of hydro, 1200-1600 PPM’s, was normal, but I was running 3600 watts of HPS/MH HID’s.
With Morbloom, the total PPM’s was 750-800 ppm’s, that 4 TBLS’s will = 4.9 - 5.0 PH, so as I dump into a running but low reservoir, usually measures in the 7.5 - 8.5 PH, the 4.9 - 5.0 blends into a beautiful 5.8 - 6.5 ph.
I have 2 more vendors of salts, I’m going to work, just to satisfy the tinker fool side of me.
Don’t skimp on the Epsom, the trinity needs to be complete, LOL!


Increased Epsom salt by several folds last feeding…
Per (corrected )1gallon values…
Master blend. - 5g
Epsom salt. - 5g
Calcium nitrate - 5g

Ppm was around 1700 ish (around 1250 of them are from fertilizers and remaining are from the tap water)…


Definitely liking what your giving them pictures don’t lie!

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I’m terribly sorry for the clerical error i made on this (corrected now)…
It was per gallon value …
I mixed 10g of everything in 2 gallon of my tap water…


I’m so high on life and Edible (cannaGhee) right now,…
So prepare for a long post…

Disclaimer: The following post is not intended to target any individual or group of audiences, that’s just writer trying to get in touch with his non existent funny side…

I still have bottom half of two Widow Maker drying and I am pretty sure I smoked close to 50 g already, despite that i still have this in curing.

These are 1 litre bottles, total 6 nos.

The final value would be close to 320 grams (11.28 ounces), i can never give you the accurate values in any of my harvests, it’ll be ± 100g which would be used swiftly for quality testing purposes by yours truly… :person_in_lotus_position:

So all in all a good harvest from 5 autos under 450 watts of light…

Now, onto the living ones…

Knee breaking hard work today preparing, transplanting everything (fortunately, this time I have enough Ganja to cope with it😎)…
Overall picture before transplanting…

Couple of sour bubble clones, which was transplanted couple of days back…

My cloning method:-
I take the first cutting, dip it in water, make 45° cut at an internode, scrape upto the next internode, and stick it into aloe (where it gets the trim later) then i move onto the next cut…
Finally, i trim them one by one before i stick them in quarter of 200ml cup filled with coco+perlite and cover them with another just like this…

Disclaimer: clones shown in the picture are for representation purpose only, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the survived clone shown above…

The Durban sunrise autos in soil started flowering

Even though I had read in so many places that soil bounds the roots and reduces the plant size, i finally got to witness that myself, I’ve never had this problem in coco…

Normally when roots are filled on coco like it did soil, the plant would be well above 1 feet and i can still be lazy and delay the transplant even further without losing any gains, just had to increase the watering frequency…

In soil it’s totally different story, so i flushed the shiz out of the soil until the ppm was well within the range of 50 ppm of what was going in… (i am using tap water with approximately 450 ppm)…
I used H2O2 to kill of any remaining microbial activity down there…

Sorry “soil”, you work for me now. From now on you give the plants whatever i tell you, whenever and whichever ppm i see fit at that time.
No middle man microbial bs, right😠
I own you now :poodle:

Until i learn to build my own soil, i won’t be growing organic again, sorry guys…z

Super lemon haze before transplant…

These plants were transplanted way before

The black pheno is Durban sunrise and the other are Blueberry Gambian and Gambian haze, which is which? I can only tell after the Hazy bud forms in one…

Overall shot after transplant…

5 of the Durban sunrise autos (coco) got the new home and donated it’s old home to Super Lemon Haze plants…

There are so many seeds i wanna start right now but so little resources…

I don’t think I ever mentioned carbon filter this previous run that’s because I never used one. I was fortunate enough to end up with minimal odour last time…
But guessing from Durban Sunrise and also me wanting to flower the sour bubble soon, i don’t think I will get away with work that easy this time…

Deep breaths buddy, take deep breaths :person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position:
You can be lazy and achieve a lot…
I’ll tell you one thing, Nothing stops the man who’s determined to smoke high quality weed


Looks like they didn’t even flinch :person_in_lotus_position:

There’s some melanin action starting to happen in another one of Durban Sunrise too …


Looking good in here


Thanks brother…


Sorry Brothers and sisters of og…
Been going through some stuff, so i couldn’t update often like before …

Nothing much going on…
Autos are flowering and I dropped the carbon filter on sour bubble and it broke half of the plant clean…
Topped Super Lemon Haze yesterday and put the cuttings under 12/12…
But there’s already 2 males that’s showing sex under 18/6…
Thanks for looking…

Also, i noticed that the carbon filter restricts much air and makes the room more hotter than before…
Time to splurge for an AC…


Hey @alwaysnoob , I fear I have given you some wrong advice. The signs of too little mag and too much mag can be similar. Now I see those 4 plants after increasing mag, I can say it looks very much the latter. Are you feeding all those plants the same amount of magnesium?


Might want to consider a bigger extraction fan if it can’t keep ahead of the heat ! Definitely cheaper than ac .


The flowering plants receive 7.5 grams of Epsom salt per gallon and the veg receives 10 g as of now…
I’m starting to see dark spots on some leaves in the flowering plant…
I was gonna increase the Epsom salt next feed, should I do the opposite?
How much ppm of the Epsom salt should i aim for?

My current values are as follows…

Master blend : Epsom salt: CalNit

Flowering ppm
Total =1335

Total =1335


I live just couple of miles from the shore bro, it’s always hot as heck here…
Even before hooking up the filter, the temps were in the range of 29- 33°C…
The carbon filter is a home made one, if not for the wife’s nagging i would have taken my sweet time and designed a more efficient one…


Sounds like air will be the answer then she’s been a hot summer this year.


I’d try halfing the mag on bolth and then see how that effects them for the next week. They will be fine and grow out of it, once you get the mag dialed, I think. Here’s one of mine that I over magged and then adjusted and it got normal again.:grin::peace_symbol:


Harvested and washed these 2 plants today (small one in the middle is the 2nd plant :sweat_smile:)…
Probably Gambian haze or blueberry gambian…
In a couple days blueberry gambian will be down and in a couple of weeks I’ll start harvesting Durban sunrise…
I’m always here on OG for at least couple of hours a day, reading and learning, just not updating my own thread …
Any of my brothers and sisters, feel free to holler at me anytime if you need something or simply just wanna talk…
I’m always not less than a feet away :person_in_lotus_position::person_in_lotus_position:


Your in for a treat. They bud more like a photo. Nice and tight but big buds. I was excited about the purple pheno but if I’m honest the green was more my thing. I found the purple had me jittery while the green one puts me to sleep. :v: