Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

The domes have been lifted for these 3 gals…

For these 2, the dome stays on for now…

In that one can’t wait to give me buds, it loves me so much that it started throwing Pistills now itself LoL.
All 5 are blackstrap autos from @hollyho .

The plant knows to keep things interesting eh😜

This mysterious (well, not to me) photoperiod is from one of the growers i respect and is also there with the autos, will be named if it survives…
It was late to pop tails and the tail was so tiny (not even ¼ inch) when potted. I was afraid it’ll rot or something so i potted it immediately after i seen the tail…

Don’t get me wrong guys, i know you appreciate the feedback and all, but i just can’t be the one to bear the bad news especially after you guys put in lot of efforts to send the seeds all the way over here…


Sour bubble making a comeback :arrow_up: and her clones

Just waiting for this SLH to grow a little more before i can flip…
As of now this :arrow_down: is the only one SLH female left, the other turned out to be male…
I’m employing super cropping wherever possible to make an even canopy…

So, 5 started, 1 died, 3 males…
I’ll try to take couple of more clones of sour bubble and this SLH before flipping…

Flowering, couple of the plants look ready…

Just waiting for few more Amber heads(:smiling_imp:):wink:


Chopped, washed and hung these to dry…


I’ve been having such a hard time with seedlings, the first 15 days puts too much pressure on me…
Only 2 left of blackstrap Autos and I’m gonna give it my 100%…

Luckily, i have couple of lipsmackers popping up to lift my spirits…


Sour Bubble and super lemon haze are growing at an unexpected pace…
I have ordered the tarpaulin, will get it next week…
I shall make a new tent and flip them soon…


Got root :sunglasses:
Now i just put them in coco for hardening right?
Should I wait for more roots to grow?


Hey @alwaysnoob . I’ve planted many cuts with roots that size, when I used a bubble cloner, and they did fine. Some growers prefer to plant at the stage you are at now, as opposed to letting the roots grow longer in the water. The idea being a big root system developed in water may not transition to soil/coco so well.:grin::peace_symbol:


Got it brother, she’ll be hitting the coco soon then… :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Also, i need to cover my puny cloner with duct tape all around, i think light is leaking into the reservoir…


Long post… (Been writing since last night)
TLDR: Things are looking up

Did some canopy management today…
They will be flipped this week, no matter what…

Where do I even begin with this🙈
I didn’t remove much, since most of the leaves are new. She might be going vertical,

I missed the before images on this.
This one was done first then i suddenly remembered our guys sure will before and after pictures LoL

Super lemon haze

Why the sudden urge to flip them in a hurry?:wink:
Coz we got roots :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

So, the bubble cloner works😎
Don’t mind the one that didn’t root, it’s the topped main stalk of SLH and been in water so long before the cloner, 7 weeks or so. I’ve cut it back and put it back today, if it rooted it’s gonna be some nice monster cropping coz the cut was in 12/12 for sexing back then…
The clone which i planted has since caught on and spreading its roots…

Blackstrap Autos followed by Lipsmacker photos and sour bubble clone…

Last of Durban sunrise this round…

They sure are pleasure to grow and pretty to look at :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Overall garden

Well after this pic I’ve transplanted (technically, planted) the two rooted clones…

My power bill has surpassed the price of the AC in just under 1 month, if i am to continue growing i gotta find another source of income soon…

Also, I’ll be looking into psychedelic mushrooms soon, gotta use every inch of the room, that has Air Conditioning :sunglasses:


That is the last of the Durban sunrise for this round…
I definitely want to circle back in the future and grow it again…


Phew :sweat_smile:
I blinked for a second and the plants have grown this big…

Mother Sour Bubble

Her clones…

A 6’2" tall well built man’s hand for scale for the leaves…

Super Lemon Haze

I feel like i missed my window to flip them, i guess I’m up potting them now,:wink:

I don’t have to worry about headspace or canopy space, but i currently don’t have that many lights…
My total wattage amounts only to 490 watts…

Blackstrap autos under training…


1&2 are Lipsmacker fems
3 is sour bubble clone for next round
4&5 are SLH clones
The rest are Grand Daddy Purple regulars…

And now for some bud porn…

(Click to enlarge the images)

The possibility of me.running out of flowers are slim to none😎

I humbly thank you brothers and sisters, you made these posible…


Your gonna run out of space to store your flower soon @alwaysnoob ! It’s getting to the point where you have so much herb, you forget about some of the herb you have.:rofl: Outstanding!!:+1::v:


Yup forget where you hide is my problem.


Thank you for the kind words brothers…

Made some edible last week, which lasted 1 day lmao…
I’m new to baking, go easy on me lol…

I’ll be trying tincture this week. :sunglasses:


Just stumbled across this grow, great stuff and good job man!


Thanks brother…


Great to see you getting your grow room and process down and these OG genetics successfully spreading around the world! Looks like you’ll be smoking good for a while now.


Thanks for the kind words brother…
One of the biggest challenge newbie growers face in my country is genetics.
It takes anywhere between 4 to 6 months to flower our landraces (coz we have perfect 12/12 daylight for most of the year) OG’ers did me a solid on that :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Up potted SLH and Sour Bubble from 2 gallon to 6 gallon pots…
Broke another branch from the mother while working😭


Nice healthy looking plants , big buds in your future.


Thanks brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart: