Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Thanks brother @Emeraldgreen
I think being in the middle of May played a major role in that, I’ve grown autos successfully outdoors after that…

But I’m still gonna take your advice and wrap those containers anyway, better safe than sorry LoL…


Hey alwaysnoob, I totally get the need for bud, over the want for some bud. If it was mine, I would foliar as you did, then I would also read up on giving my buds a bath before the drying process starts.
I have only perused those threads here and there, as my area to work, is usually pretty well stable. But since I went to Panda covered walls, I have changed that, a bit, my humidity is up, and now had to foliar spray for my first time recently. So, I’m out seeking the info myself, just in case I need it.
I’m going to set buckets of salt/ice melt salt in each area, to see how much they really do, to drop humidity.


Thanks brother @webeblzr
I had washed my previous harvests before drying, i will do the same with these…
Humidity has been all time high this time of the year for me, if there was no dehumidifier i would have been truly miserable LoL…


So did the backstrap have wonky leafs from the start I have some going and was just wondering your experince

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You mean the blackstrap?
They all were neglected due to big plants hogging their light and my time…
They were fine after up potting and fresh batch of fertilizers and right now one is close to finish and the other one wants to be a monster and probably half way through flowering LoL…

Thanks for stopping by, have a nice day brother @Rabeats2093


Time for an update…
Overall indoor 12/12 plants…

3 Sour Bubbles (All from the same plant)…

Super Lemon Haze

Blackstrap Auto under 12/12…

I have added one more fan for air circulation and a light under the plants to keep the mildew in check, so far so good…

Now for the veg tent (16/8)…

They are, 1 blackstrap (Almost ready for the Axe), 2 Durban Poison (sex unknown), at least 1 clone of lipsmacker and 1 clone of either sour bubble/ super lemon haze…

The outdoor plants (sorry guys, it’s night time for me)…

2 super lemon haze and a Sour Bubble

Like I said LoL :sunglasses:

2 Lipsmackers…

Thank you for visiting, have a great day brothers and sisters :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


That, my friend, is a spectacular grow!


Thanks brother :relaxed::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Agreed! Top notch grow, not-so-noob!:grin::clap::clap:
Seriously @alwaysnoob , you’ve got it going great!:v::canada:


Thanks brother @Budderton
I learnt a lot from this grow. One of them being, making the plant accessible on all sides…

I mean look at this top view of the SLH, the buds sites on the back aren’t getting enough TLC from me LoL…


The Co-Op seeds have arrived safely…
I’m so thankful for the people who put their time and efforts :pray::pray::pray:

I hope i can repay the favour one day :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


I can only imagine the great things you’ll do with all those beans, @alwaysnoob ! Right on man!:+1::canada:


I’m always astounded at what I see you doing! Great job with everything. I get the feeling you might take over more rooms!


What he said! Lol :smiley: :+1:


Thank you for your kind words brothers @Budderton @Emeraldgreen @Floyd:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Remember the GDP cuts which i put in the cups 23 days before for sexing?

Yep, the same which said i would throw them out soon 8 day before?

Yeah, this kind of happened with one of them :see_no_evil:
(Sex: stil unknown)
Well i guess I’m growing this now😅
Hope this is one of the lost ones…


After more than a month of dry spell, guess who’s getting chopped today😎

(Obligatory: sorry for the picture dump, i just love this plant so much)

Yep, Blackstrap Auto from our dearly beloved @hollyho , hope you are doing okay sister…

And also, i am never Not training the Autos again…

She was started on October 10, so it would put her in approx 89 days today (right😅?)…



Lipsmackers on terrace bathing in morning sunlight…


Wel, that didn’t take long, only 15 days (colder temps)…
Not bad for a 3$ cloner eh :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: