Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Sympathy like! Looks like you have everything dialed @alwaysnoob . Have you sat in your flower room with light off, to detect light leaks? Is it only one varity that is acting up? Sorry for all the questions, just trying to help flush out the cause for you.


Thank you for the kind words brother…

Would you believe I literally sleep inside that room with a simple partition LoL :rofl:

It is the only one brother and that too within its reason i believe…

For me, plants throwing couple of sacs here and there at this stage is a completely natural process, (especially if it’s a Sativa, coz they grow in perfect whether for pollen to dry and spread whereas the indica growing whether may not support it).

This Orange is a wild beast from the 90’s, so I was mentally prepared for it actually :smiling_face:

Were it started throwing balls at the beginning of the flowering stage or veg stage, i would have been worried, now I’m just happy to witness the plant at its natural stage :smiling_face:

No worries brother, I know you are only trying to help…

I should have paid more attention to the clone coz I did find couple of sacs like these on that at this stage too but i couldn’t take any decision depending on that because of the light pollution on my terrace…

They are almost close to harvest stage, 3 more weeks or so…

Bummer i couldn’t/wouldn’t sling the beans from this room this harvest :pensive:


Bought some more trees and plants yesterday…
I’ll add pics once they’ve been potted.

New additions are Abiu, Mangosteen, Rambutan, White Novel, Israel apricot, Apple, Orange, some Chrysanthemum and roses…

Roses and Chrysanthemum are going into Airpots :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Unfortunately the couple of low chill variety apples that I wanted to purchase, the seller says he’ll only sell it in October ( I couldn’t tell him that I have an indoor setup and I can grow in any season lol🤣), now that’s a 6 month I can’t wait to pass soon enough…

Even though I promise myself to stop and this is it after every purchases, i still end up buying more plants…
There are still loads of trees and plants that i plan on adding to the garden as I go by…


Good morning ladies and gentlemen…
Flipped on January 9,2024.

54 th day ( 8th week) of flowering…
We’re getting there…

I never would have imagine, even in my wildest dreams that I would be growing flowers these beautiful someday 🥹🥹🥹

Girls are so frosty and colourful :star_struck:
All 3 girls definitely outperformed my expectations :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Thanks a lot for the opportunity, brothers @Mithridate @buckaroobonsai :pray::pray::pray:


That’s a big ass pile of bud you’ve got there man! Great job! :sunglasses:


Thanks brother, that means a lot :relaxed:


Congrats @alwaysnoob ! You must be excited for your upcoming harvest, awesome job man! This doesn’t look like the work of a “noob”! More the work of a pro!:grin::v:


Impressive grow :astonished::exploding_head::fire::boom:


Thank you for the kind words brotherman…


Thank you for the kind words Brother @Ras-T :blush:


I’m jealous


Super duper happy for you!!! Just a pleasure to look at all that nuggage :wink:


Thanks brother @Cartwright :blush:


Such a joy seeing those flowers man.
Hope you enjoy the fruits of your labor well with total contentment. :fire::green_heart::slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Tractor :tractor::tractor:
What’s that?
I only use these :blush::wink:

Day by day I am realising how oblivious have I been to these free resources around me all these years :pensive:

Ps: those are livestock, not pets so don’t name them LoL :rofl:


Good morning brotha :coffee:

Love that Sea of Greeeeeeen :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Nice dinosaurs! They are great for tilling and fertilizing at the same time.

Dont beat yourself up, Be stoked!

Hope your having a great week so far!


Sometimes even the livestock gets named :sweat_smile:
Impressive grow brother !


Good morning brother @InTheWoods

Thank you for the kind words bro :smiling_face:


So far so good Brother, hope it’s the same or even better for you :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Thanks brother @Rabeats2093 :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Ps: Out of :heart: for some time :pensive:


Garden looks amazing.

Thank you for the clemency and understanding for the impromptu seeding.

I swear I try my best to make it widely known some of the lines I share can hermie, to keep a close eye on them… but still I feel bad about the outcome… I know it smokes great and all but I feel like I’m setting people up for taking risks and have to slow down on the gifting double edge lines.

It’s no fault of.your own, just… looking back… damaging someone’s run is diametrically opposite to what I set myself to do…


You did no such thing brotherman…

As a matter of fact, its the exact opposite…

Do you remember my last biggest photoperiod grow from the past, which yielded more than 1000 grams with only 4 plants, well 3 of those plants are from a single seed that you had sent along with these Oranges :smiling_face:

I still have the pic of the bottle this orange was stored from your thread :sweat_smile:

Not many people in my country can claim they had smoked America’s 90s weed, I came close to it :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

And I have only you and OG to thank for it :pray: