Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Thanks brother :relaxed: :metal:



One thing to note between two sour Pop is that the hash in the second one is more on the melty side …


Other than couple of immature beans, there’s are no seeds…
I was anticipating lot of seeds …

I don’t know what but i must have done something wrong :pensive:


I have read your grow journey and I love the progress. I got same issue as you sir. High temp, high humidity, growing is illegal, medium mix, sativa brick weed mostly early harvest. I guess I’m late. Asking permission to come aboard Sir.:hugs:


Welcome aboard brother 🫂
It’s a Pleasure to meet another stealth grower anytime 🥹 :handshake: :green_heart:


Wow time has flown by since I checked in with you. Looks amazing brother! You’re doing a fantastic job.
Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Thanks brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

If anybody’s interested in my orchard, its coming along fine too…

Apple started to grow

Starfruit aka carambola is flowering…

Some melons are flowering, eggplant and Tomato fruiting…
Planted Orange and sweet lemon on a raised bed outdoors…

Cleared and fertilized one patch at front of the house…

Everything except sapodilla and one water apple shows signs of new growth…

What am I smoking :wink:

That along with scissor hash :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Life’s good, i dearly wish the same if not better for my friends and family :metal:

Have a great day folks :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Right on @alwaysnoob !! I also find life is better when the garden is full and diverse and the jars are topped up!! Have a good weekend, my friend!!

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Thanks brother :blush: @Budderton
Have a great weekend too bro 🫂

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:astonished::exploding_head: Amazing haul from those plants!!!
Impressive work

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Thanks brother :blush:

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Onto to the next experiment :metal:
Just for sample of whats in there,
White mould from cow dung, traces of chicken shit, some home grown (unwashed) bananas and extra peels, onion peels, a piece of red wasp nest ( don’t know why tf i added there, just had it laying around lol), 3 small size water apples with :bat: damage, coconut water, rice wash water, Anchovy head and guts etc.,

All aerated with 25 watt airpump…

I plan to add different varieties of fish guts as go along, depends on what I’m cooking next week LoL…


What are you doing here?

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I am trying to concoct a jadam fertilizer brother @Ras-T :wink:
Trying to get my hands on free fertilizer just like @Kasper0909 and few others out there…

Some people ferment with sugar, some with white mould found under big trees in their area…

If I’m right, the aerobic bacteria which usually breaks down compost would develop in vast numbers inside that bucket and break down the organic matter in no time leaving me with liquid gold…

Also if i grow marijuana in this successfully, i can suggest this method to new growers in my country whom are on the fence about growing but hesitate due to fertilizer cost😉


It’s about time we stop sacrificing our Youth to hard drugs just coz we can’t grow a freaking plant :triumph:


Allright it’s cool great IDEA


I have made two bottles of bio enzymes ( one from my kitchen waste and another only from bananas and both turned out beyond my expectations. I used the banana one on one of the two scarlet grapes F2 autos I’m growing ( which I drowned bottom feeding in coco) and she started shooting and branching like crazy. My next experiment will be finishing a plant only fed by my homemade bioenzymes. Very interested in your Jadam results…I switched to coco + soil +perlite and never have to ph ec ppm vpd ect…:v:&:green_heart:!

Don’t mind my diy setup …it works for my sleath and space considerations :slightly_smiling_face:


Right there with you on the cocoa soil and perlite. I us a couple spoonfuls of Dr. Earth every month or two but other than that it is jlf, labs, and sugar ferments at this point.
I never knew how fun it was to hunt/ cultivate microbes/ molds/ fungi.
If I found some good mycelium out by the river I’d stick it in my pocket. :rofl:

Labs is very important. Seems that is a good starting point, was for me anyways. That was the gateway for me. Very easy to do.


My next project is making lacto from buttermilk and learning how to use it.
How do you make your lacto and what is the proper way to use it for ganja…??


Never heard of jadam fert. Sound interesting . Same process I did with my veg and blooming ferts.

I add small amount of those white mold found under big trees or near the roots in my soil mix. Free myco.

Can’t wait on your next grow brother.