Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

When we make rice, I put a cup a water in the 2 cups of rice and swish it around. Take the 1 cup of cloudy water out of the rice and stick it in a jar with a paper towel fastened (see pic)to the top. Let sit till you just smell a little sweet Sour. Could take a few days or a week depending on how warm it is. Then just dump milk in. (The proper ratio is supposedly 1 part rice wash water to 10 parts milk but I’ve done everything in between. Even 1 cup rice wash water to 2 cups milk. )
Doesn’t take long from this point just a couple days and it will separate a yellow/clear liquid from a cottage cheese like substance. The yellow/ clear liquid is the Labs.

This can be used on everything. For Gardening you can’t really go overboard except in foliar spraying. For watering in about 1tbsp per gallon is plenty, for foliar less than 1/2 tbsp per gallon but start out less.

I would search benefits of labs in the garden cuz I could go on all day.

Also make sure you feed the cheese to your pets. It’s like yogurt x1000


Your setup looks awesome brother…
Looks like noob growers like me could learn a lot from you bro @globalhead

birds of a feather flock together lol :smiling_face:

Thanks for the kind words man, be sure to tag me if you start your own grow journal, we all would love to see …

@Kasper0909 , i started LABS 2 times and didn’t finish it both time, third times a charm lol…

Most of the families in my country washes rice at least once a day, milk is also an integral part of our household, hope people like me would pick up these things and popularise in our local neighborhood…

We are overgrowing the world :earth_africa:


Finished other Sour Pop today…

We’ve got 420 grams ladies and gentlemen 🥹

Im not an animal, I’ll split them into couple of more bottles now lol :sweat_smile:

Excited for orange’s final number :blush:

Have a great day people :relaxed:
Love you 🫂


If everyone posted only their successes, nobody would learn from their failures


Amen to that brother @GrowTheAtlas

Learning from other people’s mistakes has proven to decrease the chances of us repeating the same ones time and time again :fire::fire::fire:


Hey @alwaysnoob ! Happy Easter! I’ve been remiss in checking in here. My bad. I hope you are doing well.

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Happy Easter to you too brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Things are good at this this end bro, hope spring brings joy and prosperity to you and your loved ones as well :pray:

we meet at least once a day on any of our friend’s thread, so no worries there LoL :laughing:

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Since I’ve never seen or tasted maple syrup in my life, i decided to add palm sugar instead…

I’ve always had trust issues, so decided to add some sweet toddy from palm tree too :sweat_smile:

Then some fish head and guts to the mix, chopped to increase surface area …

I was still not convinced regarding the sugar content…
So i added some sugarcane juice to the mix too :see_no_evil:

Then i moved it outdoors and made it fire on all pistons (sort of lol)…

Now all i need is some decent dose of LITFA😂

Have a great day people…
I love you too :people_hugging:


:nauseated_face: bet the plants love it :heart_eyes:
You just put kitchen scraps in water and let sit?


I’m used to do this when i grew outdoor
That stuff IS Magic


That and some people add white mould found under largest tree from their neighborhood , some add just sugar and let it ferment…

I have added both and additionally, air bubbler for Oxygen…
This is my first time testing this, if all goes well, i plan to use this in my orchards by keep adding organic wastes in and decanting time to time …

Solar panel might also be included in the scope, but that’s just over engineering at that point :sweat_smile:

Nice, glad i figured this stuff out right when i planted my orchards :fire: :heart:


I’m sure you will crush the orchards as well as the new brew!!


Thanks a lot for the word of encouragement brother :pray:
Means a lot :relaxed::blush:

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This whole witches brew nutrient thing has peaked my interest. So I just throw organic, non mammal (besides egg shells) table scraps into a bucket with whatever else I have and let it sit for a while??? I’m all for free nutrients…


Basically that with teeny tiny added step of white mould found in the soil under the tree or maple syrup or any other sulpher free sugar …

Sugar or mould, your choice…
I’ve seen different people use either one of them successfully…
Good luck brother @GrowTheAtlas:green_heart:, you got this :handshake:

Ps: i am now intrigued to test this without adding anything, mould should form normally in my tropical climate. …


There’s plenty of white mycelium under the trees in my back yard. I wonder if I could use that and sulfur free black strap molasses. Does it need to be aerobic or anaerobic?

Edit: also what’s the dose per gallon? And how long does it last? Can you keep a little bit in the bottom of the bucket to use like a sourdough starter? I have so many questions lol


Great soup brother…hope it don’t stink too much :slightly_smiling_face:

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This is awesome. I guess I now know what is in the blood and bone fertilisers and why they smell like they do. I read the first 250 posts until the tall outdoor girl got culled, then I skipped to the end. Wow, what a journey. I’m buckled in for the ride now.


Good morning @alwaysnoob and crew!


You can absolutely use that brother, looks like you have everything you need…

I took my inspiration from here…

He has been using anaerobic process with great success so far…

Since this is my first time, I’m not gonna pretend i know everything and give you misinformation :sweat_smile:

I will share what i have researched and read so far with you, please take it with the pinch if salt…

What i am going to share is a lazy method similar to Korean Natural Farming.

If you want more refined / accurate process, or simply want to know the mechanics behind it, please give that a read.

Dosage , go with what the plant says brother, 1:10 might be a good ratio to start and you can keep fine tuning it from there…

You can also mix 1:10, add some molasses to feed the micro organisms and aerate at that point it for 24 hours before feeding the plants…

I haven’t seen people siphon and store from this method, you can keep it like sourdough starter but adding micro organisms (white mould) from time to time might make the process more efficient.
Maybe stir it once or twice a day…

Feel free to ask your questions anytime brother, if i don’t know the answer, somebody who frequents my thread might…

I will tag some people whom i think are experts on this subject in this post itself…

Brothers @Kasper0909 , @ReikoX , @repins12

I would appreciate your inputs on this little experiment we’re conducting :pray:

Oh, It is starting to :laughing:
Why’d you think i decided to move it out all if a sudden :mask:

Welcome brother @Igor
Thank you for sparing your time to read my journal bro🙏

I never had any success with the seeds from my region :sweat_smile:

TLDR for what you might have missed ;

After that i grew out 5 autos successfully (2 Blueberry fogdog and 3 Widow maker) and it helped me understand the plant biology better…

With that knowledge and support from our lovely OG crew, i grew out lot of beautiful autos and some photos…

Humble brag :grin: (I’m not always this shameless lol :see_no_evil:)

So glad to have you onboard with us brother…