Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Fresh milk?? Wtf ? That is awesome!

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Awesome! Same here I think :thinking: hope …. Here’s hoping 2024 is epic for us both bro, truly :facepunch:t2:
Much love and respect


Until you are trying to go somewhere but there are cows blocking the road :sweat_smile:
Ask me how i know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

This year is where we make our mark, brother :facepunch: :metal::fist:


I don’t know why my memory is so bad, things are starting to pop from my subconscious as i go along…

Turns out, i wasn’t doing my experiment blindly…

I used to work on a Sewage treatment plant in the past, there we used almost same process to break down organic matter and seperate…

When i went to add in coconut water today, something seemed familiar, then that memory hit me like a bag of brick lol :sweat_smile:

I will make couple of important points before i jump into the process of how we used to recycle sewage water and make manure from human shit and other bodily fluids & organic matters lol…

I would like to call my bubbling JADAM Bucket mini- Linear Biological Reactor. (LBR for short, you’ll see why in a moment)

Buckle up people, its gonna be a long ride…

Pictures the transformation included

TLDR: I did agriculture using human shit in the desert on peak summer and forgot about it :see_no_evil:

I had already typed out long ass story and the browser deleted it and logged me out, so I’m gonna share it in the next couple of posts.

First one the process of extracting water and manure via Sewage Treatment Plant and next what i did with that manure…

I was never much of a sharer, so go easy on me please :pray:

I am developing this weird habit of appreciating things and thanking people whenever possible…

That was the second time this week I did that to people who made positive influence in my life …

My apologies if shit seems weird, i have years of therapy to catch up on (with no therapist :sweat_smile:) and i am on a clock :sunglasses:
I’m figuring things out as i go along, feels even weirder from my perspective…


So the sewage water is filtered at the intake for any larger debris and plastics, we measured EC and conductivity…

It was supposed to be under certain limit, but it was certainly never the case…

Then that sewage water would be pumped to pre aeration tank where it was agitated before transferring to SBR aka Sequential Biological Reactor where they cycled between aerobic and anaerobic cycles for 8 hours, we had 3 SBR’s…

Then the water is decanted to an equalising tank and ran through sand and uv filter before being used to water the plants and the sludge is dried with polymer and used as manure…

We had other systems in place also, like a laboratory to measure the bacteria and stuff…

That was the only manure i used out there, but water used was potable water though…

Now lemme dig some pics for you…


Options trading scares the shit outta me lol

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Me too brother, thats why i only use it to learn lol…
When you’ve learned something in difficult mode, learning the rest is easy lol …


I’ve caught a couple L’s luckily I’ve caught more W’s. Only stocks tho lol I have a Roth IRA that I play with but my 401k is where most of my money is at

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Two patches of land, started baren…



I don’t remember what, but i started these in the kitchen lol

Sugarcane harvest was nice …

This is the latest picture of the garden before moved back to my country…

Whatever pics i share after this are the ones i received from my friends who kept the garden going and growing :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

Hope this brings some joy to you :pray::pray::pray:


Fkng hell, i didn’t even knew i had these pics in my mobile until i went looking for it…

That mango is from my wife’s house which someone(:wink:) carried as a fruit and planted there…
(I can see Aussies gasping in the back lol :rofl: )

It’d be cool to know the current status, but my buddies have moved out so long before, i hope someone is maintaining them…

Good things are all around us, we just have to start paying attention :green_heart:

Love y’all :heart:🫂


You can chase a farmer out of his land, but you can’t chase farming out of a farmer :sunglasses::muscle:


That is absolutely friggen amazing! Looks like you reconditioned sand to grow in!


Awesome Bro :pray: :fire::seedling::ear_of_rice:
how to bring life in the desert


That’s awesome! Love that you turned a desert into an oasis essentially! Very cool


Thank you for the kind words brothers…

You make the world, a tad bit better place to live 🫂


I’ve only spoken with you handful of times, but when i think of agriculture and desert, you come to my mind brother @AzSeaindooin420

Hope you are doing well…
I would like your feedback on the desert, brother…


It was a bad idea to visit my mom…
But she does have some beautiful plants :green_heart:

Would’ve been awesome had i just kept it together till i scored some red Hibiscus cannabinus seeds :pensive:


Adding in some Seawater from mineral rich shore…


Guys did i ever tell you about the time i used to make coconut wine :grin:

Or that fruit wine :grin:

Yeah, i was an alcohol junkie once , now i only use it to wipe down my tools or water my plants LoL :rofl:


Adding in some blood meal/blood to my LBR, well its a fresh blood from a goat call it whatever you want lol