Alwaysnoob's stealth indoor grow in the middle of nowhere

Good morning brother @MoBilly and crew :pray::pray::pray:

If i ever look taller than usual do know that it is because I’m sitting on the shoulders of people like you and millions of others who decided to try out new things and shared that knowledge with the rest of the world for us to benefit…

For that I’ll always be thankful for this community…
What you all had taught me so far is generational knowledge which otherwise might not have come to my attention without this crew …
I have so far succeeded in teaching few things about agriculture to my kids :crossed_fingers:
Hopefully one day they’ll come to appreciate it…


I would not be the least bit surprised if that were the case. In fact, I’ll bet they will end up wishing they had taken notes.

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Looking good. I am by no means an expert just learning like you. Love the fish inputs. This method can break down meats too. The basic ingredients are kitchen scraps or whatever you are going to break down, leaf mold, a pinch of sea salt and water. I did add a small amount of black strap molasses but sugars are not needed as you want those microbes to eat the matter in the bucket first. Tho it shouldn’t be a problem. I could be wrong on this.
My first bucket is still full as I’ve added water and more organic matter. Labs is also something I’v started adding to my buckets along with any imo I come across.
I use about half a cup to a gallon of water.

The expert is @BeagleZ .
He may have some input… :grin:


Thank you so much for your input brother…

In hindsight, i frequent his corner thread, didn’t realise he have this going…


Surprisingly that rotten smell before adding sugars has been converted into sweety one overnight… :scream:


Stop on by brother! I’ve been seriously MIA lately but lookin to change that here soon

Hope alls well with ya!


Things are positive brother…
I hope thats the case with you too :crossed_fingers:
See you in your corner soon brother, I’ll take a quick detour through the knf thread first :wink:

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What the fish :scream::scream::scream:

Let me rephrase that, where’s the fish LoL :sweat_smile:

What you are seeing is live result of the experiment we conducted not less than 24 hours ago :scream:
Looks can be deceiving, so I’ve decanted 200 ml and mixed with plain water and watered some plants in my garden …

Thing to note is, if you are going to cover it with a cloth to prevent gnats and insects, its better to put the cap and then the cloth …
There’ll be a mess otherwise :sweat_smile:

We’ll take two contestants, because they both stand on a raised bed and have minimal chance of interference from rest of the garden…

I had watered it thoroughly with plain water first and then covered the whole surface with our JADAM fertilizer mix by spraying using 1 litre cup and hand (:see_no_evil:).

Ladies and gentlemen, i present you …

The Orange

The Sweet Lemon

Have a great day you beautiful homo sapien🤘
Love ya :heavy_heart_exclamation:


For quick comparison…
Here are both within 24 hours…

At around 2.00 PM ,01/04/2024

Around 11:50 AM, 02/04/2024


Soup’s turbocharged with the extra oxygen and sugar cane juice ect. …microbes are devouring faster than the rate of decay.


Time to plant some extra trees, to keep up with the production rate lol 🥹

I have missed my chance to measure before and after EC…
If anybody’s starting new, I’m interested to learn that variable please :pray::crossed_fingers::metal:

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I ran out of bottles and still have lot to trim…

Food grade polypropylene to the rescue, this is the stuff they make grove bags with :wink:


Oooh oranges and lemons. Yum!! That fish soup looks pretty tasty too. :yum:

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Thanks for the kind words brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:

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Labs should be in everyone’s refrigerator for sure!! The uses are endless. My daughter even asked if she could wash her hair with it for a while a couple years ago. I guess it makes your hair really soft and healthy looking.


I spy some ribbon fish, always hated catching those. The foreigners at the pier always were willing to take them off your hands.

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Rice water is ready brother…

Waiting for fresh milk from cows teets :see_no_evil:
Should be here today :wink::yum:

It was available for cheap that day, 6 fish(close to 4 kilos) for 2½ bucks :sunglasses::smiling_face:

Thank you for visiting brothers😉
Have an uplifting day tomorrow :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Good night people…


Life is slowly starting to pivot my way…

If i had to do it all over again, i wouldn’t wanna change a damn thing…
Love y’all :heart::heart::heart: 🫂🫂🫂


Fresh milk?? Wtf ? That is awesome!

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