An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

so, are you injecting 20ml or 200ml of STS in the plant?


If I read the OP correctly, its not STS that you inject but Straight Silver Nitrate. Dosage im also a bit confused on, as well as how you actually push the liquid into the stem, I have been tryin and had to go up to a 22g needle just to get it in the stem but doesnt really let me push the liquid in like you would giving a shot. I think I got SOME in but I was only aiming to inject 1ml.


I managed to do this reversal, the pollen sacs are still growing.
As Iā€™m a bit slow, I like to simplify things, the recipe is:

100 mg silver nitrate (0.1 g) ā€œcan increase up to 200mg if neededā€

10ml distilled water


Inject 0.2ml of this solution into the stem you want to reverse ā€œyou can inject up to 0.3mlā€

Wait 1 week, if it doesnā€™t work, repeat again increasing the amount of silver nitrate.


Good brother, it definitely worked this time!


I am injecting with Silver Nitrate AND spraying with STS every 3 days, I want this damn auto to reverse, I am sick of Failing lol


Yall Does this look like I have balls forming??? I honestly cant tell for sure, but It kinda looks like it to me, but this is literally only my second grow so I really hope someone can tell me that yes My girl finally has a set of Balls!

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Couple more shots, Does this look like the reverse is taking?? For the love of all things Holy please say yes, I only have 2 of these seeds and I NEED to self this plant soo bad. I mean dont lie and tell me it is if its not but i really really hope it is.

maybe :face_with_monocle:


Well I sure hope so! I am gonna keep shooting her up like she is a Junkie every 3 days and spraying her down every three days. I really really really really want more seeds from this girl for breeding she smells AMAZING already. Stem rub is Fruity and sweet. Tropicana Poison, I got two seeds from a trade on here or a gift cant remember, but i soooo want more.


A bit hard to say from that, she sure wants to flower. Keep at it and virtually everything will reverse eventually. People have injected both straight silver nitrate; which I have done a number of times, some people inject sts, and that seems to also work most of the time.


I am doing both Spraying with STS and Injecting Silver Nitrate, I REALLY want this one to reverse lol. I started spraying RIGHT when I saw the very first white pistils showing, before you could even really see the flower starting. So Fingers crossed the combo works, I have had HORRIBLE luck reversing autos, wasted 2 plants so far, im hoping this isnt the third.


I think I may have over did the injections, the plant is wilted like mad at the top of the main stalk. I am hoping it recovers and doesnt die lol. But at least i know the injection did SOMETHING. We shall see if it recovers.


Thank you for posting this. I bought Chrysal from the Pestrong site @TeddyNuggets mentioned. Took a couple weeks but got it in the fridge and will be using it on the summer grow and will post pics.


Howā€™s she doing @Ace71975 ?


Dead, my fault tho, I didnt stop with one injection, i did 3 and the plant couldnt handle it.


It happens


Iā€™m suddenly very glad to have a surplus of needles and syringes due to how I have to take my meds. This is fascinating thanks so much for sharing. Give myself a shot give my plant a shot XD

  • Drill a 2mm diameter in the trunk, to the phloem (not deeper), on a ā€œnode cornerā€.
  • Impregnate a tiny patch of cotton and try to push it inside a bit to slower the cicatrization (like a bullet shot care).
  • Wrap tightly the cotton with stuff (tape, kitchen ā€œplasticā€ā€¦), plant will keep it moist the necessary time. When itā€™s dry you can remove. Itā€™s a bit more maintenance but you avoid the ā€œdamned tool i will not nameā€ this way.
  • Depend on lines, and specimens, but drill two patchs at the first node and the 5th. Safe way.
  • Add a bit of thiosulfate, even minimalist ā€¦ still ā€¦ itā€™s not a gadget in the sts treatment. It have been formulated this way for a good reason : to balance the toxicity of the process. It real ease to find accurately the ā€œsweet spotā€ doses for each case.

The bet now is to know in how many time this trick for tall sativas will be ā€œinventedā€ again ^^


Reminds me ofā€¦.

I like the sound of your implant method, might also be easier and work better for those plants that are really woody.


For me itā€™s more very bad surgery memories ^^