An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

I think Barry used 27Ga, but would work. there are different sizes, larger numbers are smaller diameter needle.

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Thanks for the explanation. I never knew what those sizes meant :call_me_hand:

Thatā€™s good they have the luer lock, thats what annoyed me with my latest syringes.
And since its locked in, do you prefer the finer needles? I can imagine I would

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I use the 18Ga ones, the same as the ones that come with spore syringes. I made a big olā€™ hole in mine and lost a branch, but still worked. Should definitely use a smaller needle than I did. :rofl: Luer lock is all iā€™ve tried and theyre pretty neat and sturdy.


Sorry for the dumb question I can buy crystal silver nitrate what your ratio ?

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Itā€™s just straight silver nitrate with the injection, so you should just be able to get laboratory grade, you can also use sts to inject, just that mixing sts is another step that doesnā€™t seem necessary.


Iā€™ll test it today. I want the whole plant to become male. Will just one application on the main branch work? Or will I have to apply it to all branches?

Go to allegromedical theyā€™re usually pretty cheap.


Just the main stem is usually adequate.

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So then are you guys using the silver nitrate mix and diluting it down a touch more? Also where are you getting your silver nitrate?


Do you think this method would work if you have sliver nitrate already mixed at double strength for making STS? I bought a kit with enough powder for making the seperate stock Solutions, the stock solutions are exactly Double the strength of the normal stock solutions and i simply dilute them further when I mix the STS up and then the second dilution in the spray bottle.

Its 1.60 grams of pure Ag-N-O3 mixed in 500ml of Distilled water. thoughts?

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Wow it helped reveg. I have a stubborn ARCtic Cookies thatā€™s kinda sad looking Iā€™m trying to reveg. Itā€™s been 6 weeks and nothing. Where did you inject that one. Did you inject it in multiple places or just the main stem? Thanks man Iā€™d love to get this thing back.


I Can answer this, or at least I THINK I have the answer, If I remember HS Biology correctly, mind you that was 1993, so I could be misremembering, but I do believe a plants circutory system is a one way path, from the root to the tip, and any excess is transpired out the leaves, it doesnt go up and back down or in a circular motion like a humans does, so since it only moves one way it goes up from the injection site.


The problem with this method, tho it does work, is that if its stress induced pollen sacks, its a Herm trait that you are passing on to the seeds. If you us CS or STS its a plant that normally would not herm being FORCED to herm. So it doesnt pass on the herm trait because the plant would not normally herm. Look at it as cloning, you are creating either clone seeds with selfing or Female Seeds with crossing.


Your issue was very likely the tap water, you must mix Silver nitrate with Distilled water, same with Sodium thiosulfate, otherwise you get chemical interactions with the minerals in the water and render it useless.


@Ace71975 is there a dilution ratio or just as long as itā€™s mixed with distilled water as you said regardless of ratio

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There is a dilution ratio, dont remember it off hand, but it HAS to be distilled water regardless of ratio, any minerals in the water causes problems.


I did the math awhile ago


Thank you :slight_smile:

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Np man. I cant over stress the imporatance of Distilled water when mixing STS or any other chemical like this.


What the fuck??

An ingenious idea.

I fucking hate needles but damn this makes too much sense not to try lol.

So is this more effective than spraying from everyones experience?

Or should i try spray first injection second.