An easier method for reversing using straight silver nitrate

@Cactus Unfortunately, the stems are too small for an 18 gauge.
It’s been a week since I injected the stems to the Silver Nitrate solution.


Yeah these clones are on the smaller side so 30 ga would work obviously. I will give this a go but I will use it on a bigger female that I just sexed and give it a try. I hope it works for you and will be watching your progress. I still wonder if the method will work for a male injected with some florel? That would make it too easy wouldn’t it :+1:!


@Cactus What do you reckon the dilution ratio would be for Florel?

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Florel comes usually in 3.9% and application is 750 ppm foliar so I would try 750 ppm.

39000/750. = 52 so roughly whatever amount of 3.9% is dividing volume by 52 to get final volume. I would take 1 ml 3.9% and say add 51 ml of RO to it so volume 52 ml total. I would shoot for 50 to be close enough.

Just a ballpark but would have to give it a try. Use the 20 amount @slain

I wonder if maybe trying a concentration at least half that would be effective? Just thinking these are very high concentrations. Maybe doing a series of different strengths would get it dialed in?


So was it a one and done spray,or did you have to spray it multiple times after that?


Active Ingredient: Silver Nitrate
Alesco is a unique post-harvest product to protect ethylene sensitive crops during shipping and retail display. Ethylene damage can be caused by transportation stress, dark storage, temperature fluctuations and external sources such as forklifts. This product is applied as a foliar spray to blooming plants that cover most of the growing area, ideally 1-2 days before shipping.

One and done.


I have some Florel that I experimented with in the past, with poor results. I’m currently growing out F2 Oaxaca autos and have three makes and one female. I might try experimenting with injecting Florel in the males when I’m finished with them.


Nice, Thanks for the info.

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